Thursday 1 February 2024

Total Solar Eclipse

Thank you Pastor Jimmy Evans for sharing these very interesting topics, which are so relevant for our time, as we are literally seeing these events unfold right before our eyes!

I would like to comment on the one subject you mentioned, on the total solar eclipse, that will be seen across the USA, on the 8 April 2024. I agree that this is a very significant astral sign, an omen and warning of a very serious catastrophic event! The last one that happened on 21 August 2017, on the same day the Mexican volcano erupted, and just four days later, Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston coastal regions.

There are two interesting points to note about this one coming:-

1/ This one is not warning of another hurricane as it is not in the right season for hurricanes.

2/ it is happening just before Passover, which starts on 22 April 2024 (see blog Passover – Pesach)

In the first Passover, in the Exodus from Egypt, a judgment came upon the world system, afflicting the greatest superpower of that time. Notice the Israelites were safe in Goshen, and none of the plagues affected them. This judgment that is coming is NOT for God’s children, we will be kept “safe” in the “Ark of Salvation”. But it is for the world system which is steeped in idolatry and wickedness! Those that have put all their trust in wealth, possessions, position and power, will be horribly devastated when all their treasures, that they have heaped up for themselves, will literally be washed away (Job 27:19-20).

I have heard Pastor Perry Stone give at least two warnings about Roe vs Wade, that should it be reversed by the States, allowing abortion again, it will activate a severe judgment of tsunamis, hitting America from coast to coast! He has had many vivid visions/dreams about tsunamis (the last one as recent as 9 November 2023) hitting on the west coast, the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico, for over ten years now. The point to note here is that one of the judgments coming is profuse flooding, as in the days of Noah, but of course not as extensive.

So, is this total solar eclipse across the whole of the United States, a warning of coming tsunamis?

Another crucial point, which I wrote about recently (see Israeli War – Dividing the Land), is about the USA betraying Israel, by the dividing of their land, and forcing them to give up territory, which will be, in my opinion, the tipping point (the last straw), when the cup of wrath is full! Poking your finger in the “apple of God’s eye,” so to speak! That is the same as poking the bear haha!

Yes, when this happens, the war between Israel and Hamas will stop, and the world will say, “All is well and secure, and, There is peace and safety, then in a moment unforeseen (by surprise, suddenly, unexpectantly, and even within ONE HOUR) destruction will come upon them as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child…” (I Thess. 5:3). I believe that all three of these things will converge around about the same time, or in fairly close proximity:-

1/ the total eclipse across the USA.

2/ the reversing of Roe vs Wade, by the States, making it legal for abortions again.

3/ USA betraying Israel, by dividing their land (the tipping point when the cup of wrath is full).

All of which will culminate in an extremely severe and serious judgment upon America, the superpower of our time, bringing her to naught, and casting her down to her very foundations (Hab. 3:13; Matt. 19:30)! It will be the very reason she is not mentioned in end time prophecies.

This is not something I say flippantly or rashly, but rather with deep lament, regret, sorrow, dread and terror. If only things could be different, if only people would repent and turn from their wickedness, maybe God would give a reprieve and change His mind? But there is something I say in my book Asteroid Impact, which I honestly believe to be true… “Having said that, this part of human history has already been written and is set and cannot be changed. The prophecies of the book of Revelation will be fulfilled to the very last detail. But the end is not a dismal one for those who know and are in Jesus Christ, as we already know the outcome…” P145. As I believe this severe judgment is the start of the six seals, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, in Revelation chapter 6…

I first started to study the Destruction of Babylon (USA) in 2009, after seeing a program called the “Ancient Secrets of the Bible,” and found it so terrifying that I left it for several years, not really understanding what it all meant at the time… “So, I have been closely watching the progress of this over the years and from 2009 was led to do a study about the “Destruction of Babylon” (U.S.A.). It was so terrifying and daunting, but somehow, I knew it was of paramount importance. Only having a dim picture and understanding of it then, which became clearer as time progressed, and the more so the closer we get to it. It has consequently become the nucleus and focal point of this whole exposition. Unfortunately, this version is by far the most terrifying and my previous interpretation of it pales in comparison…”

I have just finished Asteroid Impact 4th Edition, and it is available now, as it is the best one yet, with even MORE information (and even some dates, even though we are not to put dates as no-one really knows), which you will find shocking, because time is so short!

Several different things (at least seven) are aligning and lining up and coming together, from different sources, even secular ones. This is the first time, in all the years I have been “watching,” that this has happened, and like I say, it’s not just one thing but about seven different things. For example, the World Economic Forum want The Great Reset (a changeover to a global digital currency) for the year 2030. This is mind-blowing when you see these other dates, as it happens to be in mid-trib, when the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16), a R.F.I.D. chip will be enforced! Another secular source is NASA, and their discovery of the Apophis Asteroid, which they have calculated will have a close fly-by of earth on 13 April 2029. Tom Horn believes it will strike earth on that date, and that this asteroid is in fact, Wormwood (Rev. 8:11), which is definitely in the Tribulation period.

For me, another alignment and confirmation happened when I was preparing my usual New Year’s message, at the end of 2023. The Hebrew year 5784 is the year of the “Open Door,” and our year’s number 24 is also significant. The biblical number 24 (12+12) means dominion on earth. So the year 2024 and the Open Door, will have a governmental anointing for taking dominion and possessing the land! This also ties in with “The Great Wealth Transfer” (see chapter 5), which will happen AFTER a global economic and financial collapse!

Anyway, too much to explain here, PLEASE get your copy of the 4th Edition soon! I say that, so that you will have this information, that will arm and equip you and navigate you through the quagmire of deception and fake news, that will be a torrential flood in these very difficult times ahead. It will also show you how to survive the economic collapse, through God’s financial system, of sowing and reaping… S.J.


blog “Overturning Roe vs Wade”

Clip of Perry Stone 1

Clip of Perry Stone 2

blog “The Apophis Asteroid”

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