Tuesday 22 November 2022

The Apophis Asteroid

Only recently, on 09 Sept 2022, I saw Tom Horn's shocking video, on the Apophis Asteroid, which was discovered by NASA in 2004, predicted for a close flyby of earth on 13 April 2029. They are now saying it will not hit earth for another 100 years, but could this just be a cover up?

Contrary to this, Tom Horn believes that it will, because of his extremely detailed vision (see Tom Horn’s prediction). It will consist of two pieces (either a piece that breaks off the main one, as it enters the earth’s atmosphere; or it’s a binary asteroid). The main piece will strike the Pacific Ocean (Rev. 8:8) and the second one the land (Rev. 8:10), around the Mexican border with California! He believes his vision of the Apophis Asteroid is in fact, Wormwood (Rev. 8:11). If he is correct, and this asteroid is Wormwood, then I believe that this will happen in the Tribulation period, just before or around the time that the third star falls, in Rev.9:1 (which I believe will happen at the mid-tribulation point, three and a half years from its start, and in the Passover season (Mar/April)?

BUT is there another asteroid that will hit earth, BEFORE this one? YES, I believe so, and is described in Revelation chapter 6. I believe this is the Second Strike (the first strike and warning was 9/11 with the Twin Towers being destroyed!). It is a horrific judgement, that I call “The Destruction of Babylon," that will come upon America! For several reasons, but the main reasons will be: 1/ "The dividing of the land of Israel," which America will try to orchestrate, as part of a peace plan in the Middle East. 2/ The science of genetically altering the human DNA, with DNA modifications to redefine humanity, for the purpose of evil control and power. Corrupting and perverting God’s original design, as what happened in Noah’s day, (see “The New Nephilim”), and what caused God to deeply regret making man! 3/ And if Row vs Wade is overturned again, in favour of abortion! This will be the tipping point (when the cup of wrath is full) that will unleash God’s anger and judgments (see Perry Stone’s prophetic warning)!

BUT it will also be a time of a great awakening and revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit (the latter rain) and greatest harvest of souls, the world has ever seen! A time when unprecedented miracles will be commonplace, and God will supernaturally protect, provide and heal His people! A time when the prophets of old saw and longed to be in! S.J.

There is much more detail and information about this Asteroid strike, in my book Asteroid Impact, available at Amazon.com.

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