Thursday 8 February 2024

Fear Do Not Allow It

The things I have been writing about can be terrifying, to say the least! Especially this one about the earth’s rotation stopping, and what could result from that happening (only recently discovered), has really brought fear and dread to me. In my opinion, it is the worst of all the judgments coming, even surpassing earthquakes and tsunamis and fires, all of which are horrifying!

When I first began to study “The Destruction of Babylon,” (U.S.A.) back in 2009, by reading Jer. 50-51, and Rev. 18, I found it very disturbing and frightening, that I left it for some years, but somehow knew it was of paramount importance! So, I am sure you can understand that this has been a long journey for me, which has brought me great fear, along the way! So this is not something I say lightly. And yes, these events will be extremely terrifying when they begin to happen, especially for those that do not understand or discern these times. That is why God warns us beforehand, so we can have the upper hand and NOT be surprised or shocked by what is happening, as we, to some degree will be prepared.

What I can say, with absolute certainty, is that this judgment is NOT for the children of God, and just as the Israelites were safe in Goshen (from the ten plagues in the exodus from Egypt), so we will be safe in the ark of salvation. If we remain “in Christ,” in His presence, we will be safe. I am not saying these events will not affect us, of course they will, but God will supernaturally PROTECT, PROVIDE AND GIVE HEALTH AND HEALING to all His children. It is a time of refining and purifying His church, as we will no longer be able to depend on self, our own talents or abilities, our own resources or finances, our own position or power. It will be a time of surrendering and abandoning ALL our idols and putting our total trust and dependence in Him. We will have no option but to completely trust Him for our every need. Remember, if God is your source, you can never run out, and nothing is impossible for Him.

Another point I want to mention, is that this will be the time of the “latter rain,” the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit, upon the earth, that will even surpass the first outpouring that happened in the book of Acts… “It symbolizes the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the former rain. The first manifestations of Joel 2:23, 28, 29 being in Acts 2, when thousands were converted. Then the latter rain, an even greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the ‘last days,’ with an immense harvest. ” P94 of Asteroid Impact. I believe this could happen during the Pentecost season? We will see the greatest harvest of souls, that has ever been known to man. Every believer will become a supercharged evangelist and will win many for Christ. Even Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and sceptics will believe in Jesus Christ. It will be a time of unprecedented signs and wonders which will be commonplace. Even non-believers will receive miracles of healing and deliverance even without being prayed for or the laying on of hands. The glory of God will be around us all the time, and great anointings and impartations will be given to all believers who are willing to be a part of this end-time harvest. Even the least of us, will be abundantly equipped to serve Him. I even believe it will be a time when God will supernaturally move His people from place to place, country to country, continent to continent, as and when the need arises! It will be the MOST exciting time to be alive, a time the prophets of old longed to be in!

Just recently I had a burglary, which praise God was not a serious one, but it still brought great fear to me in the days following. Your mind plays horrible tricks on you, and you believe the most insidious lies, that all sorts of terrible things will happen to you! It was only when I heard His voice say to me, “You are safe now,” that my peace was once again restored. Yes, fear will absolutely attack us, but we do have a powerful weapon and that is the Word of God. There are so many scriptures that tell us not to fear, I would like to mention just a few…

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II TIMOTHY 1:7 KJV

Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. ISAIAH 41:10 AMP

Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. JOSHUA 1:9

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. (Phil. 4:6-7; John 14:27; James 3:18) ISAIAH 26:3 AMP

Something Pastor Jimmy Evans said which is so apt, “Faith is expecting God to move…fear is expecting the devil to move.”

And my prayer for you, is that you will also hear His voice say to you, “PEACE BE STILL.” And if you are not a believer or have never given your life to Jesus Christ, why not do it today, right now, by saying this simple prayer


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