Tuesday 2 January 2024

Another Tsunami Warning

Perry Stone “Urgent Warning for the United States” Episode #1208 dated 1 Dec 2023.

Perry Stone has had another warning dream on Tsunamis, on the 9 Nov 2023. He has in fact, being having tsunami dreams for ten years, happening on the west coast, east coast and the Gulf of Mexico!

Thank you Pastor Perry for having the courage of your conviction, in sharing this message! Never worry about the naysayers and haters, God will just “bench” them, they get to sit and watch on the side-lines, having no role or part to play, in anything.

I would like to say something even more controversial! God’s judgment is going to come upon America because of two main reasons:-

1/ what your message is about – abortion and the shedding of innocent blood (if they should reverse the overturning of Roe vs Wade).

2/ the betrayal of Israel by the USA, with the dividing of their land, in order to bring about peace and stability in the region and ending the Israeli/Hamas war.

There are many other things too, like attempting to alter the intrinsic DNA of mankind (which also happened in Noah’s day, creating the Nephilim and giants). As you have mentioned before, the judgment that came in Noah’s day, was water and flooding – so it will be again in this judgment.

The controversial point I would like to make is this: what if this judgment comes in the form of an asteroid (Hab 3:10-11) which in turn would create a huge earthquake (and subsequent aftershocks); resulting in massive tsunamis? Creationists believe that this is what caused the Great Flood in Noah’s day, an asteroid renting and breaking up of the earth’s crust, releasing the fountains of the deep, and creating great tsunamis.

Other catastrophic events that will happen as a result, will be an unquenchable, uncontrollable fire, which is mentioned three times in Revelation 18. Another plague, caused by many unburied bodies, much more vicious and deadly than covid-19 (Hab. 3:5), which I believe could be a bubonic or pneumonic plague. And of course chronic shortages of food, supplies (Hab. 3:17) and amenities. All of which are extremely terrifying!

I believe this judgment to be the six seals in Revelation 6 (and Matt. 24:4-14; Hab. 3) and that it will happen just BEFORE the start of the Tribulation period (Matt. 24:8). Another very controversial point, as most Bible scholars believe Revelation 6 and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse start at the beginning of the Tribulation period! Which will also mean the church will go through this period. But it is also a sign that the Rapture will happen not long after these events, possibly 15-18 months later?

“Signifying that the judgment of flooding (days of Noah), and the asteroid impact, is a sign of the proximity of the Rapture.” Excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact, 3rd Edition (P 152), where you will find a much more detailed exposition of these events. S.J.


blog “Overturning Roe vs Wade”

Clip of Perry Stone 1

Clip of Perry Stone 2

You Tube: Tsunamis

Perry Stone's Massive USA Tsunami Warning (dream dated 30 July 2024)

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