Monday 16 May 2022

Overturning Roe vs Wade

I am sure you are aware of what’s happening in America at the moment. The case of “Roe vs Wade,” which ultimately legalised abortion, in the United States, back in 1973, is now in the throes of being overturned?

Woman, all over the country are protesting, saying they have rights over their own bodies, including the right to abortion!

What a milestone in the American history if this were to happen! Over the last decade, Bible scholars have been saying, that the horrendous figures of aborted babies (over 63 million) is one of the main reasons why God’s judgement will fall upon America, in ways totally unheard of before (see Perry Stone’s prophetic warning And another more recent clip)!

“For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and no hands had come against her or been laid on her.” Lamentations 4:6

If America was to repent and turn away from this abominable sin, of sacrificing innocent blood on the altar of self, making it illegal to have an abortion, could this appease the wrath of God against them? Would this give them a reprieve? It will be very interesting to see how this all pans out! BUT is it too little, too late?

Unfortunately, in my opinion, too many other things are also stacked against them, and it would take a TOTAL change of heart and direction in ALL areas of evil, to be able to affect any change!

“The reason for this judgment, is not only has America completely turned away from God – they have eradicated His Word from the schools and replaced it with perverse sex education for children as young as four-year-olds. The symbols of the cross and nativity scenes are forbidden for public view, even His name is not to be spoken in public. They have also become perverse and wicked in every conceivable way. Not only that, but they have infested, polluted and corrupted the nations of the world with their licentiousness and wickedness from the cesspool of Hollywood as well.

Gambling, drugs, porn and human trafficking are multibillion dollar industries. Not to mention sixty thee million babies aborted, and gay marriages legalized (even in the church).

For me, another major issue would be the experimental science in genetic engineering and editing; the splicing of genes… “A mouse with a chicken’s head has been produced in a laboratory.” Even the unthinkable, mixing of human and animal genes to create super beings for military and warfare purposes, or for slave labour, or for medical research, all of which can go horribly wrong! “Genetic engineering has the potential to alter mankind as no other science ever has or likely ever will. Shall we let our scientists do it? Do we have a right to stop them?” Unfortunately it appears its only purpose is for evil and destruction: for supremacy and power at the expense of the weak and defenceless? It can be used as a weapon of mass destruction, in the creating or modifying of deadly viruses. Have we not seen first-hand, with the novel Coronavirus, how this can affect the entire world and can so quickly become uncontrollable?

In Revelation 19:2 it says this judgment is from God and that it is just and upright. That is an incredible statement if you think about it, considering His magnanimous nature and how longsuffering, patient, slow to anger, merciful, kind, compassionate, loving and forgiving He is (Ps. 145:8). Which means their wickedness must go far deeper and far beyond what we are able to conceive, imagine or understand?” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P174-176).

As I mentioned above, the second main reason for God’s judgement, is the science of “genetic engineering” or bioengineering. The mixing of animal and human genes (see “The New Nephilim”) AND of altering our own human DNA.

“The COVID 19 mRNA vaccines are unlike any other vaccines of the past…they have technology that alters the DNA of the recipient. Through what is called CRISPR technology, entire genes can be deleted, replaced with synthetic ones or suppressed…one of the genes that the virus and the series of COVID vaccines specifically target: a gene which is often referred to as the “God gene”. In science the God gene – also called the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), has been shown to be related to a person’s ability to seek out spiritual truths or spiritual experiences and to grow spiritually...its suppression deadens the person spiritually and it deadens their soul.”

“Medical technology is far more advanced than most of the general public and even doctors in normal mainstream medicine are aware of. We are now in the era of nanotechnology, nano-particles, nano robots, nano-dust and smart dust – and the fusing of technology and biology known as synthetic biology. The UK.GOV website sums it up like this: The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterized by the fusion of technologies such as artificial intelligence, human gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds.” (Please read this shocking revelation that Dr MK Strydom reveals in her article, above taken from P6; 8).

This can have unthinkable consequences on the human race, “It is this perversion, the mixing of two separate created beings, into a new species, not created by God, that greatly grieved Him! A mixing, corrupting, polluting and perversion of His creation, which could have devasting consequences. Creating beings that are violent monsters (giants) and which could ultimately destroy the rest of His creation, as He intended it to be. Could this be the main reason why He decided to wipe out man, and start again, with the only righteous man (with a “genetically pure” and uncontaminated human DNA) left on earth, Noah?” (taken from “The New Nephilim”).

Perhaps, the reason why the “second,” most deadly plague (see Hab. 3:5; Rev. 6:8 and “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”) which will mainly only affect the Americas, will be because they will “reap what they have sown” (Rev. 18:6)? All this meddling and “playing God” with bioengineering and altering our DNA, will come back to them “double fold”. The “black plague” will be responsible for the most deaths in the coming catastrophe!

The third is:- “But another main reason is that they will betray Israel and try to divide their land (Joel 3:2; Hab. 3:13; Zeph. 3:19; Zech. 2:8; Jer. 51:24, 35, 49, 52; Gen. 12:3) which God will not allow as He made a solemn and eternal covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15:18; Ps. 105:8-11). This will greatly kindle God’s anger against them.”

Finally, I want to remind you that we are presently in a Shemitah year, ending on the 25 September 2022 (see “The Shemitah”). It is a year of REST, that is why we are seeing economic downturns and recession, all over the world. BUT it is also a time when God chooses to bring judgment, usually culminating at its end or in its wake!

“It is pertinent to emphasize here, how, as previously explained, the Shemitah is also linked to the rise and fall of nations and kingdoms. The worst scenario being the loss of an entire nation or kingdom, as what happened in AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. For nearly two thousand years the Jewish people were without a homeland. An austere judgment for the nation of Israel because they had turned entirely away from their God and had worshipped foreign gods and even sacrificed their children to them.

I believe the same sentence will come upon America. Just as Israel sacrificed thousands of their children, the U.S. has aborted over sixty million of theirs, and it will be one of the main reasons this judgment is coming. Of course, they have also turned entirely away from the God of their foundations. How can a building still stand when its foundation is removed? The same penalty given to Israel, the loss of their entire nation, will be the same penalty for America. The kingdom itself will be wiped away or nullified. No longer the head of the nations, no longer a superpower, no longer the greatest military might, but rather the shame of the nations – “the first shall be last.” Their entire kingdom will be taken away from them, and the survivors dispersed throughout the nations. An extremely severe judgment, but also note, because America is presently the centre of the nations (and the corrupter of the nations) it will affect the entire world.” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P173).

This is all extremely overburdensome and hard to even imagine! I have noticed that many Bible scholars are perplexed as to why America is not mentioned in scripture in the “end-time” battles and wars! But perhaps it is for this very reason, that they are no longer a “superpower” and will not be featured in any way in the last days?

It is important to understand that “God’s judgment is actually a part of His mercy – for if allowed to continue in the way man is progressing there would be absolutely no hope at all for humanity. It is His way of turning man back to Himself and of bringing revival. So, the shaking of nations and the judgment that is coming is for our good, not our harm, as it will also usher in the greatest revival and harvest of souls we have ever seen.” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P20).

Please do not hesitate or delay to get your own copy of “Asteroid Impact” for a greater in-depth exposition of these “last days”. One of the subjects I found fascinating studying was on the antichrist, and what the Bible has to say about him. Does the book of Revelation give a clear picture, in symbolic form, of who he is (Rev. 13:2)? He is, of course, alive today and has already ruled as a world leader and will rule again (Rev. 17:11). The moment he steps onto the world platform again, believers will be able to identify and testify accurately, that he is the antichrist! A shocking revelation to follow shortly…


see “More On The Antichrist

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