Thursday 1 February 2024

Earth's Rotation and Magnetic Fields

Is it possible for the earth to stop spinning? There is no friction in space to stop the earth from spinning…“The only thing that could stop the Earth’s spin would be if another planet crashed into it. Even if this happened, it is more likely that it would change the way Earth spins, not stop it altogether.”

So what would cause the earth to start spinning again (as it will only last for three days)? I am no scientist, but my theory is that the earth’s molten core which also spins, will continue to spin and will eventually kick start the earth back into motion?

So what would happen if earth stopped rotating or spinning, even just for a day, or in our case three days? There are many horrific theories out there! One being that we, and everything else, would go flying in an eastward direction. This is definitely not correct, as our gravity will still keep everything in place. Another, that it would create high speed winds of approximately 1670 km per hour. Yes, I do believe it will create abnormal wind speeds across the globe, but maybe not nearly as bad as suggested? And thirdly, that it would drastically weaken our magnetic fields, thus making us vulnerable to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. Our magnetic fields could be weakened, but to what degree? Also our atmosphere and ozone layer will still protect us, to a certain degree.

One half of the planet facing the sun will remain in daylight and would warm up more. The other half will remain in darkness and become cooler. I have heard it been said, that during the three days of darkness, we should remain inside, and NOT even look outside at any time. I believe this is a very wise and practical suggestion. Should the magnetic fields be severely weakened during those three days, then it certainly would be prudent to stay indoors. And as I discuss (in Habakkuk Chapter 3), the brightness of His appearing, as well as the brilliant light of incoming and exploding meteorites and asteroid, will be blinding to our sight. Do not allow the temptation, out of curiosity, to look outside!

It is interesting to note that in Rev. 6:15-16 (Isa. 2:19-21) it says, (my paraphrase) that the rulers, leaders, statesmen and high-ranking officials; military chiefs and generals; wealthy businessmen and tycoons, and the wealthy and strong; and then the lay people, from slave to free, will all hide themselves in caves and among the rocks. Wanting to hide or cover themselves from the face of Him, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For perhaps, the very same reasons I have just mentioned? In America the idea of bunkers has long been implemented, for fear of nuclear attacks etc.

Then another point to mention, the earth’s rotation has stopped once before in man’s history. It is recorded in Josh. 10:13. It says that the sun and moon stood still for a whole day, while Joshua and his army were fighting the Amorites. It is actually the earth that stopped rotating, causing the sun and moon to appear as standing still. There are no other strange occurrences that happened as a result, that are recorded in that passage. Scripture also states that it will happen again in the future! In Habakkuk chapter 3, which is also a prophetic ode of future events, it says, “The sun and moon stood still in their place at the light of Your arrows as they sped, at the flash of Your glittering spear.” vs. 11. Again no other abnormalities are recorded, except in vs. 16 he says, he quivers, shakes and trembles at the sound. So what is the sound that terrifies him? Possibly the sound of the roaring, echo sound of tsunamis which is mentioned in vs. 10; 15? Or the sound of earthquakes? Or atmospheric disturbances, raging winds, tornadoes or hurricanes? Or it could even be the explosions of meteorites and asteroid?

I need to emphasize here; this is NOT an end of the world scenario! Yes, it will be catastrophic, but we will survive it. Yes, millions will not, but humanity will go on! You ask me, “How can you be so sure and certain of that?” Well, simply by the fact that scripture carries on from that point (Rev. 6) and then soon after that the Tribulation period starts. So no, life will NEVER be the same as we know it now, this event will change the course of history. But the end is NOT a dismal one for those that are “in Christ,” and are safe in the ark of salvation, for we know that our redemption draws nigh (Luke 21:28). This is why it is vitally important to put your life in order now, while you can. The soon coming King will put everything back in order, and a new glorious, sublime era will begin, where peace, righteousness, joy, prosperity, and health will reign for a thousand years, at the beginning of the new millennium (possibly in 2033) and will be a prelude to what heaven will be like. S.J.

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