Sunday 9 April 2023

Passover - Pesach

The first Passover happened in the Exodus, and the ten plagues of Egypt. The Israelites were protected from all the ten plagues of Egypt (except the first three Exod. 8:22). In the area of Goshen, where they lived (which was a “type” of Noah’s ark), they were completely safe and none of the plagues affected them. Only the Egyptians (which is a “type” of the “world”) were afflicted! It was a judgment on the ungodly and world system. Its purpose was to force the Egyptians to release and free God’s people from bondage to the “world” (freedom from sin and idolatry; a refining and purifying them). And it was used to pry the wealth of the wicked out of their hands, to the righteous (the Great Wealth Transfer). So it will be for God’s children, in this judgment that is coming!

Having said that, the last plague would have come upon them, had they not obeyed the instructions they were given, to apply the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorposts. On the fourteenth day of Nisan’s eve (Exod.12:6) each family killed a spotless lamb and applied the blood on the doorposts of their house. God had told them, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt” (Exod. 12:13). So too, it will be for us, if we have the blood of our Passover lamb, Jesus, protecting us! But it is important to note, that it was their offering (seed) and the blood that protected them! What sacrificial offering will you bring, in this Passover season, that will protect you and your family, in the day of trouble (Eccl. 11:1-6)?

Remember Egypt is a “type” of the world and the worldly system, with all its gods and idolatry. So, could it also be in the Passover season (this year Pesach or Passover starts on 5 April 2023), when God brings judgment on the world again? It is interesting to note, that the ninth plague was three days of darkness (Exod. 10:21-23). This time it will be the three days of darkness that will bring on the “black plague” (a type of the tenth plague), causing millions to die over a very short space of time!

The Israelites asked the Egyptians for all their gold and riches after the ninth plague but took it from them after the tenth plague (Exod. 11:2; 12:36). The Egyptians were very eager to do whatever they asked, for fear of any further retribution! After the destruction and chaos of the judgment that is coming, the “Great Wealth Transfer” from the unrighteous to the righteous will occur! Its purpose is to fund the preaching of the gospel and for the end-time harvest. God will put “billions” into the hands of those He can trust!

Every time in scripture when this has happened before, God has always used a famine, a recession or some extreme hardship or difficulty (in Moses’ case He used the ten plagues) to bring this about. Satan controls most of the world’s wealth, and the only way to pry it out of his hands is through some extreme pressure. God will shake loose the wealth out of the hands of the wicked (Hag. 2:6-9).

Because of my analytical thinking, I have been trying to find a timeline for this since 2015! And when I discovered that the coronavirus could be the first precursor to the following judgments (see Hab.3:5: Habakkuk Chapter 3), I realized it was soon! Because Jesus said that the end-times would be the same as in the days of Noah, I made a statement, in my book Asteroid Impact, that is very interesting, “Could it also be in the same time frame or season that the great flood of Noah’s day occurred, on the seventeenth day of the second month (Gen. 7:11)?" Gen. 7:11 tells us the exact day that the great flood started, but because there are two different Jewish calendars, a sacred calendar and a civil calendar, this caused me some confusion! It could be either Cheshvan (our Oct/Nov) which is the present-day calendar or Iyar (our April/May) which is the sacred calendar. It is more logical though that it is Iyar, the sacred calendar, which is what was used in biblical times! In 2023, 17 Iyar falls on 8 May 2023. And in 2024, it's on 26th May 2024.

Pastor Perry Stone, when teaching about Noah’s day, says that for ten generations (since Adam), they knew about the great flood. Their last and final warning was when Methuselah died; as his name means: “when he dies it will come.” He died at the age of 969 years (Gen. 5:27). They were then given seven days to mourn his death, before the flood started. So my question is, “Who is our present day, “type” of Methuselah?” A very prominent figure has just died, Queen Elizabeth, on the 8 September 2022. She was 96 years old and died in the 9th month (96-9). It is interesting to note that exactly 19 months later the Great American Total Solar Eclipse will happen across America on 8th April 2024 (another significant sign). All speculative, of course, but fascinating, don’t you think? What is certain though, is that it is very close at hand, and the clock is about to strike at midnight! Are you safe in the ark of salvation, just as the Israelites where safe in Goshen? (see Ark of Salvation and Salvation Prayer)


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