Tuesday 22 November 2022

The Apophis Asteroid

Only recently, on 09 Sept 2022, I saw Tom Horn's shocking video, on the Apophis Asteroid, which was discovered by NASA in 2004, predicted for a close flyby of earth on 13 April 2029. They are now saying it will not hit earth for another 100 years, but could this just be a cover up?

Contrary to this, Tom Horn believes that it will, because of his extremely detailed vision (see Tom Horn’s prediction). It will consist of two pieces (either a piece that breaks off the main one, as it enters the earth’s atmosphere; or it’s a binary asteroid). The main piece will strike the Pacific Ocean (Rev. 8:8) and the second one the land (Rev. 8:10), around the Mexican border with California! He believes his vision of the Apophis Asteroid is in fact, Wormwood (Rev. 8:11). If he is correct, and this asteroid is Wormwood, then I believe that this will happen in the Tribulation period, just before or around the time that the third star falls, in Rev.9:1 (which I believe will happen at the mid-tribulation point, three and a half years from its start, and in the Passover season (Mar/April)?

BUT is there another asteroid that will hit earth, BEFORE this one? YES, I believe so, and is described in Revelation chapter 6. I believe this is the Second Strike (the first strike and warning was 9/11 with the Twin Towers being destroyed!). It is a horrific judgement, that I call “The Destruction of Babylon," that will come upon America! For several reasons, but the main reasons will be: 1/ "The dividing of the land of Israel," which America will try to orchestrate, as part of a peace plan in the Middle East. 2/ The science of genetically altering the human DNA, with DNA modifications to redefine humanity, for the purpose of evil control and power. Corrupting and perverting God’s original design, as what happened in Noah’s day, (see “The New Nephilim”), and what caused God to deeply regret making man! 3/ And if Row vs Wade is overturned again, in favour of abortion! This will be the tipping point (when the cup of wrath is full) that will unleash God’s anger and judgments (see Perry Stone’s prophetic warning)!

BUT it will also be a time of a great awakening and revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit (the latter rain) and greatest harvest of souls, the world has ever seen! A time when unprecedented miracles will be commonplace, and God will supernaturally protect, provide and heal His people! A time when the prophets of old saw and longed to be in! S.J.

There is much more detail and information about this Asteroid strike, in my book Asteroid Impact, available at Amazon.com.

Thursday 6 October 2022

No Greater Love - Part Two

Just recently, I went through a profound experience, one that will always leave an indelible impact on me! An elderly dear friend of mine had suddenly become ill! The doctor’s prognosis wasn’t a good one, and I knew she did not have long!

Throughout the years I had noticed she was very resistant towards the things of God, and at one stage even thought she may be an atheist or agnostic! I could not get her to talk about it without offending her, so instead I took it to the Lord in prayer, pleading for an answer as to why there was such a block. She was a kind, considerate and loving person, one that certainly did not deserve the eternal punishment of hell, so I persisted in my prayers for her!

During my time spent with her while she was sick, I tried once again to speak to her and had also planned to read to her the chapter of Revelation which describes heaven (Rev. 21, 22). I started with a simple story about King David, but she became very offended, because I had mentioned the name God too many times! I was so shocked and said, “Why, what is wrong with that?” and, “Why do you despise God so much, what happened to you, maybe something in your childhood?” Consequently, that was the end of our conversation, and I dared not even think of reading anything to her from the Bible!

I too, became very offended! How can anyone despise such an awesome and wonderful God as this? At that point I literally gave up, and said to myself, “I refuse to try anymore, if she insists on going to hell, then let her!” I even pulled away at that stage and wanted to give up completely and walk away from this whole situation, which by the way, was extremely hard and difficult! But God would not allow me too, He had me stuck in that place, “between the rock and the hard place.” And even though that was my “stinking” attitude, it was not God’s. He STILL loved and pursued her, even while she despised and rejected Him! WOW!!! It was at this point, where I saw the unrelenting and unconditional LOVE of God! He would not let her go or give up on her and still stayed close to her, through me (we are the instruments that God uses, His hands and feet). Then as her time came closer to the end, she became fearful and even asked to see a Pastor. A few came but none gave her the answers she needed! Once again, through God’s grace, I had another opportunity to speak to her one last time and led her through a very simple salvation prayer! A few days later she passed.

It amazes me at how many people say to themselves, “Well I’ll wait till the last moment, just before I die, to give my life to Jesus!” Whew, this is an extremely dangerous and precarious thing to do!!! By doing that you are walking on a very thin tight rope, as who knows, the condition of your heart might be too hard, at that stage, for you to be able to receive God’s forgiveness? Or you could experience a sudden and unexpected fatal accident! Also if you become seriously ill, the drugs and treatment the doctors will give you, will affect your brain and dull your thinking (you will not be able to reason or think clearly). The same will happen with dementia or Alzheimers.

And yes, I have just described the incomparable love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and grace of God! And yes, just like my friend, you may just make it into heaven, by the “skin of your teeth.” You will be permitted into heaven but you will enter naked and ashamed (Rev. 3:17) and with absolutely NO rewards or crowns! Remember the “rewards” or wealth we receive here on earth are only temporal and will rust and fade away, but the “rewards” in heaven will last FOREVER (1 Cor. 4:17-18; Matt.6:19-20). Oh by the way, your rewards in heaven, are mainly based on the souls you have won for Jesus (and good works, and service). So, if you are a Christian, but have never brought anyone to Jesus, again your rewards will be few!

One last thing, when I had that final opportunity to witness to my friend, I said to her, “You need to ask for God’s forgiveness!” She answered and said, “What do I need to be forgiven of?”

Even though we may think we are good people, the sin of “Rebellion” is one of the worst sins there are! What is the sin of “Rebellion?” Firstly, when we are full of pride, and trust in our own strength and ability and become totally independent of God. Secondly, we ignore, refuse to acknowledge, reject and even despise God! Turning our backs on our own Father and Maker, refusing to acknowledge, praise, admire, respect and worship the very One, Who gave us this life, and all that we have, in the first place! So in essence we become our “own god” (humanism). Can you now see why this is such a serious sin, when the first of the ten commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before or besides Me”?

Secondly, the Bible very clearly states that not ONE of us is righteous in God’s eyes, and that our own righteousness is as filthy rags (menstrual rags) in His sight! Jesus said even to look at someone with lust, we have already committed adultery in our hearts; to hate our brother makes us a murderer…(Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Isa. 64:6; Jer. 17:9; Matt. 5:28; 1 John 3:15). So not one of us is “good” enough to be allowed into heaven, where NO sin is permitted to enter (Rev. 21:27).

So what hope is there? Our hope is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who made atonement for our sins when He died, on the cross! Shedding His pure, spotless blood to cleanse, heal and restore us from all that was lost when we were in sin. And to give us a new, resurrected life in Him while we are here on earth, and the promise of eternal life spent with Him forever. Don’t delay come to Jesus right now before it is too late…

See The salvation prayer:

See The Ark of Salvation:

See Sinner’s Prayer prayed by Evangelist Perry Stone


Share this blog with your family and friends that do not know Jesus yet!

No Greater Love - Part One

Monday 26 September 2022

Possible Timeline for Tribulation Period


After learning the significance of the Shemitah and the Fall Feasts, from some great Bible scholars, I was an ardent believer that the Tribulation period would fall in between the two Shemitah cycles, starting on Tishri 1 and have declared such in my book “Asteroid Impact.” A Shemitah cycle has just ended on September 25th.

But for two reasons, I have just recently begun to change my view on this 1/ We still have not seen any sign yet of the antichrist appearing. II Thess. 2:3 states that a) before the rapture the apostasy comes first, we have already seen a trickle of this happening but I believe it will be greatly increased b) the man of lawlessness (antichrist) is revealed. The antichrist first appears on the first of the four horses in Revelation chapter 6. He comes in wearing a crown (he’s a ruler or leader) and carrying a bow (a weapon of war) and he goes forth conquering (in other words his intention is to take territory). Remember, the antichrist has his roots (he may not be living there) in the Middle East (and the Middle East religion), so anyone that does not fit this criterion is not the antichrist!

He is also the mediator who confirms and orchestrates a seven-year peace treaty in the Middle East (Dan. 9:27). This is in fact the MAIN sign of the Tribulation period starting, and the MAIN sign of who the antichrist is! He also only first appears after some catastrophic event, and the opening of the six seals (Rev. 6). A major global economic collapse will be the catalyst to bring in the final eighth world empire (ten horns or ten toes) and its final eighth ruler (who has ruled before Rev. 17:11) and who will rule all ten regions in the second half of the Tribulation period (Rev. 13:5).

The second reason is, only recently I saw, on Sept 09, 2022, Tom Horn’s You Tube video, dated Mar 11, 2020, on the Apophis Asteroid which has given some possible shocking “new” insight into the timing of the Tribulation period? Tom Horn had a vision of an asteroid hitting the earth and was told Apophis. He later researched it and found that NASA had found an asteroid in 2004, that would have a close flyby of earth in 2029, and they named the asteroid Apophis! I too, can confirm seeing a documentary, well over ten years ago, where they said a possible asteroid impact would occur in 2029! This is what convinced me that the “end” of the Tribulation period, and the second coming of Christ, would be in 2029!

But Tom Horn believes this Apophis asteroid is, in fact, Wormwood which is mentioned in Rev. 8:11. He also saw two falling, the first one he saw went into the Pacific Ocean (Rev. 8:8), and then a second one (possibly a piece broken off the main one) impacted the land, near the border of Mexico and California, creating great clouds of smoke and dust (Rev. 8:10).

Now let me just confirm something here, if he is right, and this asteroid Apophis is Wormwood, then this is definitely within the Tribulation period! My theory, which I have stated in my book, is that the "third" star in Rev. 9:1 will fall at the mid-Tribulation point, when the “abomination that makes desolate” (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15) is set up in the third Jewish temple, and when the antichrist will control the “whole world” (Rev 13:5). He will also break the seven-year peace treaty and attack Israel, but God will supernaturally protect them for those 42 months (Rev. 12:14). Also remember the mid-Tribulation period falls in the Passover season, in Nisan, our March/April which fits with the prediction that Apophis will hit earth on April 13, 2029.

Another quick point I want to make here, in Jesus’ synopsis in Matthew chapter 24, I noticed this chapter is divided into three sections (vs 4-14) and a possible asteroid impact (parallel to Rev.6). Then (vs 15-31) He focuses on the second half of the Tribulation Period, the Great Tribulation. Thirdly (vs 32-44) He details the signs again and that it will be the same as in the days of Noah (with great flooding). “Indicating that these two separate periods will be the most turbulent during these last days.” And that both these two periods will also be heralded by an asteroid impact! The FIRST one being the sixth seal Rev. 6:12-13?

So, if my speculation that a star (Rev. 9:1) will hit earth in mid-Trib, and if Tom Horn is right that this asteroid is “Wormwood” (possibly falling just before or around the time that the third star falls, in Rev.9:1), then given an exact date, we can now work around this to come up with a YEAR that the Tribulation period will start? We already know that it will start on Tishri 1. This will bring us to Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1, 2025? A quick sidenote here; it is interesting to note that Matthew chapter 25, and the ten bridesmaids is a parable about the Rapture (the bridegroom arriving for the marriage supper)! Also note only half of the church goes into the marriage supper, the other half are left outside begging to come in!

Passover is on March 31, 2029 and the beginning of the mid-Trib. The end of the Tribulation period is ushered in by the last battle of Armageddon, with the defeat and end of the antichrist and the false prophet and the eighth empire. Then the greatest earthquake in all human history, rending the earth and even causing it to totter and to sway to and fro, and to be moved out of its place (which I believe could be the fourth and final astral body to hit earth, or it could just be Jesus Himself, stepping onto earth?). Announcing the sublimest event in all history, with lightening flashing from east to west – the return of Jesus Christ, with the saints and the angelic hosts, to set up His kingdom on earth and the start of the new millennium! Culminating on Tishri 10, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on September 15, 2032? (NO: another study on "The Third Day" reveals that the second coming of Christ could be in 2033? Tishri 10, being on October 3, 2033. See chart on "The Third Day").

Bible scholars always wisely warn NOT to set dates as no-one knows God’s perfect calendar and God cannot be put in a box, as He is not confined to time, He dwells in eternity; and He can choose to do whatever He chooses to do! BUT I find this verse very interesting I Thess. 5:4-6, that we, as children of God, are “sons of light,” and that day will not overtake us by surprise, therefore He does show the secret things hidden in the darkness (Dan. 2:22; Isa. 45:3) to His children. AND He did tell us to stay awake, be alert and watch for the signs and the more signs that appear (that Jesus and the word have given us), we CAN become more and more certain, that the great and terrible day of the Lord is approaching soon!


Monday 16 May 2022

Overturning Roe vs Wade

I am sure you are aware of what’s happening in America at the moment. The case of “Roe vs Wade,” which ultimately legalised abortion, in the United States, back in 1973, is now in the throes of being overturned?

Woman, all over the country are protesting, saying they have rights over their own bodies, including the right to abortion!

What a milestone in the American history if this were to happen! Over the last decade, Bible scholars have been saying, that the horrendous figures of aborted babies (over 63 million) is one of the main reasons why God’s judgement will fall upon America, in ways totally unheard of before (see Perry Stone’s prophetic warning And another more recent clip)!

“For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and no hands had come against her or been laid on her.” Lamentations 4:6

If America was to repent and turn away from this abominable sin, of sacrificing innocent blood on the altar of self, making it illegal to have an abortion, could this appease the wrath of God against them? Would this give them a reprieve? It will be very interesting to see how this all pans out! BUT is it too little, too late?

Unfortunately, in my opinion, too many other things are also stacked against them, and it would take a TOTAL change of heart and direction in ALL areas of evil, to be able to affect any change!

“The reason for this judgment, is not only has America completely turned away from God – they have eradicated His Word from the schools and replaced it with perverse sex education for children as young as four-year-olds. The symbols of the cross and nativity scenes are forbidden for public view, even His name is not to be spoken in public. They have also become perverse and wicked in every conceivable way. Not only that, but they have infested, polluted and corrupted the nations of the world with their licentiousness and wickedness from the cesspool of Hollywood as well.

Gambling, drugs, porn and human trafficking are multibillion dollar industries. Not to mention sixty thee million babies aborted, and gay marriages legalized (even in the church).

For me, another major issue would be the experimental science in genetic engineering and editing; the splicing of genes… “A mouse with a chicken’s head has been produced in a laboratory.” Even the unthinkable, mixing of human and animal genes to create super beings for military and warfare purposes, or for slave labour, or for medical research, all of which can go horribly wrong! “Genetic engineering has the potential to alter mankind as no other science ever has or likely ever will. Shall we let our scientists do it? Do we have a right to stop them?” Unfortunately it appears its only purpose is for evil and destruction: for supremacy and power at the expense of the weak and defenceless? It can be used as a weapon of mass destruction, in the creating or modifying of deadly viruses. Have we not seen first-hand, with the novel Coronavirus, how this can affect the entire world and can so quickly become uncontrollable?

In Revelation 19:2 it says this judgment is from God and that it is just and upright. That is an incredible statement if you think about it, considering His magnanimous nature and how longsuffering, patient, slow to anger, merciful, kind, compassionate, loving and forgiving He is (Ps. 145:8). Which means their wickedness must go far deeper and far beyond what we are able to conceive, imagine or understand?” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P174-176).

As I mentioned above, the second main reason for God’s judgement, is the science of “genetic engineering” or bioengineering. The mixing of animal and human genes (see “The New Nephilim”) AND of altering our own human DNA.

“The COVID 19 mRNA vaccines are unlike any other vaccines of the past…they have technology that alters the DNA of the recipient. Through what is called CRISPR technology, entire genes can be deleted, replaced with synthetic ones or suppressed…one of the genes that the virus and the series of COVID vaccines specifically target: a gene which is often referred to as the “God gene”. In science the God gene – also called the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), has been shown to be related to a person’s ability to seek out spiritual truths or spiritual experiences and to grow spiritually...its suppression deadens the person spiritually and it deadens their soul.”

“Medical technology is far more advanced than most of the general public and even doctors in normal mainstream medicine are aware of. We are now in the era of nanotechnology, nano-particles, nano robots, nano-dust and smart dust – and the fusing of technology and biology known as synthetic biology. The UK.GOV website sums it up like this: The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterized by the fusion of technologies such as artificial intelligence, human gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds.” (Please read this shocking revelation that Dr MK Strydom reveals in her article, above taken from P6; 8).

This can have unthinkable consequences on the human race, “It is this perversion, the mixing of two separate created beings, into a new species, not created by God, that greatly grieved Him! A mixing, corrupting, polluting and perversion of His creation, which could have devasting consequences. Creating beings that are violent monsters (giants) and which could ultimately destroy the rest of His creation, as He intended it to be. Could this be the main reason why He decided to wipe out man, and start again, with the only righteous man (with a “genetically pure” and uncontaminated human DNA) left on earth, Noah?” (taken from “The New Nephilim”).

Perhaps, the reason why the “second,” most deadly plague (see Hab. 3:5; Rev. 6:8 and “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”) which will mainly only affect the Americas, will be because they will “reap what they have sown” (Rev. 18:6)? All this meddling and “playing God” with bioengineering and altering our DNA, will come back to them “double fold”. The “black plague” will be responsible for the most deaths in the coming catastrophe!

The third is:- “But another main reason is that they will betray Israel and try to divide their land (Joel 3:2; Hab. 3:13; Zeph. 3:19; Zech. 2:8; Jer. 51:24, 35, 49, 52; Gen. 12:3) which God will not allow as He made a solemn and eternal covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15:18; Ps. 105:8-11). This will greatly kindle God’s anger against them.”

Finally, I want to remind you that we are presently in a Shemitah year, ending on the 25 September 2022 (see “The Shemitah”). It is a year of REST, that is why we are seeing economic downturns and recession, all over the world. BUT it is also a time when God chooses to bring judgment, usually culminating at its end or in its wake!

“It is pertinent to emphasize here, how, as previously explained, the Shemitah is also linked to the rise and fall of nations and kingdoms. The worst scenario being the loss of an entire nation or kingdom, as what happened in AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. For nearly two thousand years the Jewish people were without a homeland. An austere judgment for the nation of Israel because they had turned entirely away from their God and had worshipped foreign gods and even sacrificed their children to them.

I believe the same sentence will come upon America. Just as Israel sacrificed thousands of their children, the U.S. has aborted over sixty million of theirs, and it will be one of the main reasons this judgment is coming. Of course, they have also turned entirely away from the God of their foundations. How can a building still stand when its foundation is removed? The same penalty given to Israel, the loss of their entire nation, will be the same penalty for America. The kingdom itself will be wiped away or nullified. No longer the head of the nations, no longer a superpower, no longer the greatest military might, but rather the shame of the nations – “the first shall be last.” Their entire kingdom will be taken away from them, and the survivors dispersed throughout the nations. An extremely severe judgment, but also note, because America is presently the centre of the nations (and the corrupter of the nations) it will affect the entire world.” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P173).

This is all extremely overburdensome and hard to even imagine! I have noticed that many Bible scholars are perplexed as to why America is not mentioned in scripture in the “end-time” battles and wars! But perhaps it is for this very reason, that they are no longer a “superpower” and will not be featured in any way in the last days?

It is important to understand that “God’s judgment is actually a part of His mercy – for if allowed to continue in the way man is progressing there would be absolutely no hope at all for humanity. It is His way of turning man back to Himself and of bringing revival. So, the shaking of nations and the judgment that is coming is for our good, not our harm, as it will also usher in the greatest revival and harvest of souls we have ever seen.” (excerpt taken from Asteroid Impact P20).

Please do not hesitate or delay to get your own copy of “Asteroid Impact” for a greater in-depth exposition of these “last days”. One of the subjects I found fascinating studying was on the antichrist, and what the Bible has to say about him. Does the book of Revelation give a clear picture, in symbolic form, of who he is (Rev. 13:2)? He is, of course, alive today and has already ruled as a world leader and will rule again (Rev. 17:11). The moment he steps onto the world platform again, believers will be able to identify and testify accurately, that he is the antichrist! A shocking revelation to follow shortly…


see “More On The Antichrist

Thursday 21 April 2022

Ancestral Worship

Dear Giles

There is something that God has revealed to me, which I feel I must pass onto you! So I hope you will allow me to expound on this further, as Jesus said, “And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31, 32, 36). But a word of caution here, once you know this truth, there is no turning back and no excuse, if you refuse to acknowledge it!

It appears that you have had some form of involvement in ancestral worship? Whether your involvement was in the past, in some form of family ritual, or if you are still actively practising this, it still constitutes as a very serious sin! Are there certain sins that are worse than others? I believe so, even though James 2:10 says if you break just one part of the Law you have broken it all (my paraphrase). Rev. 21:8 lists a whole lot of contemptible sins and ends off with, “and all liars.” Therefore ALL unconfessed sins will block us from entrance into heaven, as NO sin or sinner is allowed to enter through the gates of heaven (Rev. 21:27). But it will also cause the curse to be rampant in our lives here on earth, including sickness, disease and poverty.

But there are three sins which I believe are the worst, and which will hold greater judgment! The first being the sin of witchcraft or the occult, the second being the sin of rebellion (pride of life – total rejection of God either by ignoring Him or by unbelief. Total reliance on oneself and one’s own resources) and idolatry (giving supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God. It’s what you put your focus on or trust in).

I like to call them the three G’s…Gold, Glory and Girls. And it involves “the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.” (I John 2:16; Eph.5:5). Jesus was tested in all three areas when He was in the wilderness for forty days (Luke 4:1-12). Without going into detail here (I have another article which goes deeper into these three G’s), for today I want to focus on witchcraft as this is the one that is affecting you.

The first of the ten commandments is, “You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.” The second is, “You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” Exod. 20:3-4. Vs 5 explains why, “You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me.”

The Almighty God, Elohim, is the creator of all things, the heavens and the earth, and of all living creatures, including man and angelic beings! And thus He expects us to adore and worship Him and Him alone! When we worship anyone or anything other than God, we now move into idolatry and witchcraft! When we worship beings that are not of this earth (or the supposed dead) we are actually worshipping demonic beings (or fallen angels or familiar spirits). The dead that have gone on before us are not permitted to communicate with us (Luke 16:26). Spiritual mediums actually communicate with familiar spirits (or demons) that are “familiar” and have knowledge of your family members and history!

When we try to communicate with beings other than God Himself, to get information, wisdom or insight or wealth etc, we are communicating with God’s arc enemy, Satan and his hordes! This is extremely offensive to God as He expects us to come to Him and Him alone, as He is the source of all light and insight and wisdom and will freely give to anyone who asks (James 1:5).

Why I say that the sin of witchcraft is one of the worst, is because the judgment that comes with it, is the judgement of death (premature death)! In the Old Testament if you were caught practising witchcraft, you were immediately put to death (NB the law has NOT changed, yes, we have a new covenant now because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, but if we do not apply that to our lives, the sentence of death still applies to us). If you read the story of Saul, Israel’s first king, in I Samuel 28:3-19, he, in desperation goes to a spirit medium to get answers, as the Lord had stopped speaking to him (because of constant disobedience) but is horrified at the answer he gets! He is told, by tomorrow, you and your sons shall be dead (fulfilled in I Samuel 31). And as we read earlier in Exod. 20:5, the sin of witchcraft is a generational one too, and will not only affect your children but your grandchildren and great grandchildren (3-4 generations)!

I know in the African culture; witchcraft is very prevalent, and you are brought up in it from young children, and it is hard to believe in something other than what you have been taught. What I would say to that is, first of all, Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. What fruit (or evidence) do you see as a result of witchcraft? Yes, some may have power or prosperity but it is only temporary! The end result, or story, is always a dismal one. Secondly, God has put inside each human being a conscience! Deep inside of you, you know that witchcraft is wrong (if you do not keep ignoring your conscience). This is God’s warning signal to us because He does not want us (or our children) to experience the terrible consequences of these sins. Thirdly, your involvement with demonic spirits will always bring bad experiences, loss, calamity and torment into your life!

I have to also say, it is not only the African culture that practises witchcraft, in fact every single culture known to man has this tendency. We all want to know the deep hidden things which seem to be out of our reach. The tendency to seek things without the help of God is our deep-seated desire to do things on our own, in our own strength, independently and without God, this is the “pride of life”. There are many forms of the occult, including Satanism, spirit mediums, psychics, hypnosis, astral wondering, mind reading, meditation, tarot cards, widgy boards, fortune-telling, astrology, palm reading, walking on fire or nails, tongue piercing, witches’ covens and many more. There is hierarchy within the occults, such as witchdoctors, warlocks, gurus, sorcerers, wizards, spirit guides or mediums, witches, which also includes werewolves and vampires and other demonic creatures! Most of the eastern religions have their root in the occult. Western religions include Satanism, Spiritualism, New Age, Humanism, Masonry and even in some churches (which practise witchcraft and the use of goat blood etc. behind the scenes to gain power and anointing!).

So it is logical then, to say, if you are worshipping God’s enemy you are NOT one of His, and are a follower of darkness? How then will you be permitted into heaven? No, you will be marked as one of Satan’s and will be taken to where he dwells! Whew, that is an extremely frightening thought, and is why I beseech you to take note of what I am saying, and to say the prayer at the end of this letter!

But there is hope, and an answer to all of this, and it is in a person, the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Who died on the cross to take our punishment for our sins and to set us free from all forms of sin, sickness and poverty and even from the occult and the powers of Satan (Isa. 61:1-3; I John 3:8). And whom the Son sets free is free indeed! God’s desire is to reveal the hidden things in the darkness to us (Dan 2:22; Isa. 45:3; John 8:12), if we will seek Him with all our hearts and be willing to obey Him and follow Him for the rest of our lives. For He is our source of all good things, and of eternal life with Him, in an exquisitely beautiful place, heaven!

There are some hinderances to receiving this amazing gift of salvation. It could be that you are angry with God and cannot forgive Him for something that has happened in the past? (See "Mad at God" https://youtu.be/XTPxWJpV5uI and "Greatest Hinderance to Salvation" https://chooselifesjc.blogspot.com/2021/07/greatest-hindrance-to-salvation.html) Selfishness, lust, independence, and pride are other hinderances. But all I can say is nothing in this life is worth holding onto! This life is so short and temporal and lasts for but a very brief moment! Eternity, however, is forever and never ends! We decide in this life on earth, whom we will serve, either darkness or light…sickness or health…poverty or prosperity…curse or blessing!

Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour today and choose to follow Him. It is the most important decision you will ever make in this life, and one you will NEVER EVER regret!!! He is a God of love and He loves you so very much and has a good and wonderful plan for your life (that is why He has you reading this!!!) Jer. 29:11. He desires that NONE should perish (II Peter 3:9) but longs for us to have a relationship with Him and to be with Him for all eternity. But God is God, He does not change to suit us, WE must change to suit Him, as He is also a righteous and Holy God and will not permit sin to be in His presence. That is why He made a way of escape, through His Son Jesus, dying on the cross, a cruel and gruesome death, so that we can be made acceptable to the Father. Romans 10:9-10 says, “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes and so is justified, and with the mouth he confesses and confirms his salvation.”

Your involvement in the occult will also require a few other steps too. 1/ Confess and acknowledge your sin against God. 2/ Repent (which means you turn completely away from that sin and walk in the opposite direction, i.e. you will never turn to witchcraft ever, ever again!!!) Repentance also requires asking God for forgiveness on behalf of yourself and on behalf of your parents and grandparents. 3/ Denounce and revoke witchcraft, cutting any tie, bond or allegiance to it. 4/ Apply the blood of Jesus upon yourself, your family and future generations. This is the “blood line,” and will stop the curse from continuing to future generations. It will also protect you and your family, from the evil you have just come out of, which will now try to destroy you! 5/ You will need the help of a minister who has the deliverance anointing, and you will probably also need deliverance from demonic spirits! Be careful of who you choose – like I said earlier, some in churches also practise witchcraft and you could end up worse than before, but the Holy Spirit will guide and lead you in the right path. Start with this salvation prayer if you genuinely want to follow Jesus from now on and turn your back on the kingdom of darkness!

May God richly bless you with mercy, forgiveness, healing and restoration, peace and joy and abundant life! And if you pursue Him with the same determination that you pursued what I had to offer, you cannot go wrong, and He WILL answer all your prayers, in His time! I hope you will find this of great help? Help that no man or money can give, but it’s only God’s grace and truth that will set you FREE…

God Bless

Tuesday 22 February 2022


Wow, what an amazing date isn't it, and very interesting numbers? Let's look at the number two to see what it means! It is the number for union and a couple or two parties. It also stands for an agreement or contract (two parties in agreement).

Some years back I discovered that the number 22 represents the prophetic! The Holy Spirit in partnership with man (his soul and spirit). Dan. 2:22 "He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him!"

Another example... the number 23 represents a divine marriage! The two being the couple and the three is the Trinity. A couple in unity with the Trinity = a divine marriage!

(see Jonathan Cahn on Daystar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX1zSyc2gXU and Perry Stone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja1kRunn8p4 )
Other examples-:
One – unity, nature of God
Two – witness, agreement, covenant, union and of a couple (two becoming one in agreement)
Three is the biblical number for divinity and the Trinity (God-head), gold – heavenly gold or “true riches,” time – past, present, future (Rev. 21:6)
Four is the biblical number for earth and continents – kingdoms, nations, empires, dominion, also earth’s four elements, seasons, compass points, four living creatures…
Five is the biblical number for grace, favour, power and anointing…
Six represents man and mankind (he was created on the sixth day, Gen. 1:26; Rev. 13:18)
Seven is the Father’s number and means perfection, completion, God’s perfect will, rest. The 7th day, 7th year and 7th millennium is the Sabbath, day and year and millennium of rest! The 7th month is Tishri, the holiest month on the Jewish calendar, and has the third first fruit Feast, celebrating the Father!
Eight is Jesus’ number and means new beginnings, new birth, resurrection, it also means sh’moneh “to make fat” super abundant fertility, an abundant harvest! Also an octave is the eighth note, 8th day is first day of week, beginning of 8th week is Pentecost, 8th month is Cheshvan
The Father (7) plus Jesus (8) = 15 the Holy Spirit (1 = unity, 5 = power and anointing), month is Sivan
Nine the number of “birth” (Isa. 66:9) see 18 (9+9)
Ten the number of the law (ten commandments), trails and testing, establishment
Eleven represents transition, confusion, chaos (the hallway of transition between one closed door and another), the wilderness period
Twelve is the biblical number for government, order, structure, authority, apostolic…12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 gates, 12 months (season or cycle)
Thirteen – disorder and the opposite is unexpected blessings
Fourteen – contract or covenant, Passover on 14 Nisan, God made a covenant that they would not be destroyed, unlike the Egyptians, if they applied the blood of a lamb on their doorposts! Human hand = authority on earth, feet = dominion on earth (see 24)
Fifteen – The Holy Spirit, Pentecost – the wheat harvest. O is the 15th letter of the alphabet – omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, oil and Omega (Rev. 22:13)
Sixteen – innocence, pure love (John 3:16 – God’s love for mankind)
Seventeen – immaturity, unripe, not ready for use or birth
Eighteen – maturity, ripe and ready for use and for birth (9+9), pregnancy period, due season
Nineteen – faith, rebirth and new beginnings, position of authority and sonship, able to command blessings and give birth, to multiply and increase what’s in your hand (Matt. 16:19; Luke 10:19)
Twenty – redemption “He redeems us from the law” (10+10) and the number for manifestation
Twenty-two – the prophetic, vision (Dan. 2:22; Exod. 25:22)
Twenty-three – divine union, the biblical number for marriage
Twenty-four – dominion on earth (12+12) (feet see Deut. 11:24)
Thirty – maturity (see 18)
Forty – the number of a generation, test of dominion (40 days and 40 years in wilderness)
Fifty – the Jubilee (50th day is Pentecost, 50th year is Jubilee)
Seventy – restoration
Eighty – end of a generation (40+40), a human lifespan (Ps. 90:10)

There are endless, unlimited possibilities of the use of numbers (as mathematicians and their algorithms would tell you) and their meanings! Here used in their simplest and purest form so that anyone can understand them.

For example, numbers in your dreams or visions can also be significant and knowing their meanings can help you with the interpretation. Even in the date of your dream! I have quite often had a dream being fulfilled after a 12-month cycle, on the anniversary of the dream, emphasizing that it was a prophetic dream! Also when your dream falls on the 22nd of a month it can (not always) indicate it’s a prophetic dream.

Another example is the number of your birthdate – mine is the 5th which is the number for grace, even my name means “a graceful lily”. Perhaps you are born on the 23rd? It could be that you will have a ministry related to marriage. Do you get the idea?

Yet another example! At church, one Sunday, the youth’s choir had a special event, and they were all dressed in outfits with brightly colored T Shirts, each with a different number on the back. The one young woman had an exceptional voice, she stood out from the whole group! After the meeting they were all gathered outside talking and chatting as young people do! But I could now see the number that was on that young woman’s T Shirt. It was the number 44. I came very close to approaching her to tell her something prophetic, simply based on the number on her T Shirt!!! Wow, can you believe that? In the Hebrew language, there is no word for our word coincidence. I never did find the courage, what a pity! But what I was going to say to her is, “Your singing and beautiful voice is going to take you around the whole world!” The number four represents the earth, kingdoms, nations and two fours, the whole earth and all nations! It is interesting to note, that former President Obama was the 44th American President!

One last point, which is just speculation, but interesting all the same. The end-time generation, the one Jesus was talking about in Matt. 24:34, is referring to everyone born from 1948 to date! Pastor Larry Huch believes this “end-time generation” began at the birth of Israel in 1948. If this is true, and a generation (according to Ps. 90:10) lasts for 80 years, that could mean this generation will be 80 in 2028? I believe the end of the Tribulation period will be in September 2033, with the return of Jesus soon after? (see https://youtu.be/MvZ8AOBp-fU)

Now, this does not mean we must look for numbers behind every bushel, we need to be in balance, as with everything else. But when they do appear, knowing their meanings can give a deeper insight, understanding, discernment and interpretation to what’s going on around you? Anyway, I hope you have found this interesting?


Passover - 14th day of Nisan

Estimated time of reading: 6 minutes

It is interesting to note, in Psalm 91, that the word “pestilence” is used twice (vs 3, 6). Then in verse ten it uses the word “plague” (second one in Hab. 3:5, much more deadly than pestilence). In the amplified version, it divides verse ten into three parts… "no 1/ evil (accidents) shall befall you, nor any 2/ plague or 3/ calamity (deep trouble or misfortune) come near your tent.” All three could happen with an asteroid impact – accidents, plague and calamity!

Now remember, in the Exodus, the Israelites were protected from all the ten plagues of Egypt (except the first three Exod. 8:22). In the area of Goshen, where they lived (which was a “type” of Noah’s ark), they were completely safe and none of the plagues affected them. Only the Egyptians (which is a “type” of the “world”) were affected! So it will be for us (God’s children), in this judgment that is coming!

Having said that, the last plague would have come upon them, had they not obeyed the instructions they were given, to apply the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorposts. On the fourteenth day of Nisan (Exod.12:6) each family killed a lamb and applied the blood on the doorposts of their house. God had told them, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt” (Exod. 12:13). So too, it will be for us, if we have the blood of our Passover lamb, Jesus, protecting us!

Remember Egypt is a “type” of the world and the worldly system, with all its gods and idolatry. So, could it also be in the Passover season (this year Pesach or Passover starts on 16 April 2022), when God brings judgment on the world again? It is interesting to note, that the ninth plague was three days of darkness (Exod. 10:21-23). This time it will be the three days of darkness that will bring on the “black plague” (a type of the tenth plague), causing millions to die over a very short space of time!

The Israelites asked the Egyptians for all their gold and riches after the ninth plague but took it from them after the tenth plague (Exod. 11:2; 12:36). The Egyptians were very eager to do whatever they asked, for fear of any further retribution! After the destruction and chaos of the judgment that is coming, the “Great Wealth Transfer” from the unrighteous to the righteous will occur! Its purpose is to fund the preaching of the gospel and for the end-time harvest. God will put “billions” into the hands of those He can trust!

Earlier in the month of January, after listening to a few videos of the Jewish year 5782 (our 2022), The Year of Habitation, I came to a foreboding conclusion, that perhaps 2022 could be the year this will happen (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvntZRfqBQE and Perry Stone Manna-Fest episode 1109)?

In Pastor Perry Stone’s video, he used a “Bible code” of the first five books (the Torah) Gen. Exod. Lev. Num. Deut.(a total of 5852 verses). He gave three examples of a year and the corresponding verse, falling in Deuteronomy. He unfortunately did not give the verse corresponding to the year 5782, as it was just a preview. But working backwards, deducting 70 verses off a total of 5852 verses (5852-5782 = 70) I came to the verse DEUT. 32:23-24.

“23And I will heap evils upon them; I will spend My arrows upon them. 24They shall be wasted with hunger and devoured with burning heat (this is referring to a high fever and the plague) and poisonous pestilence; and the teeth of beasts (wild beasts of prey see Rev. 6:8) will I send against them, with the poison of crawling things of the dust (serpents).”

This was shocking to me, as I had come across this same verse (vs 23) when doing a study on Hab.3 and (see youtube). In the JFB commentary it says that the Lord’s arrows can be “war, famine and pestilence.” But when reading Hab. 3:11 (many times) I could see that the “arrows,” because they sped fast with a blazing, flashing light, could refer to astral bodies such as meteors, comets and asteroids!

Because of my analytical thinking, I have been trying to find a timeline for this since 2015! And when I discovered that the coronavirus could be the first precursor to the following judgments (see Hab.3:5), I realized it was soon, first thinking possibly November 2021 (see month of Cheshvan and youtube).

We are also in a Shemitah year (7/9/21 to 25/9/22 see https://youtu.be/y5iHe6fHSPk and https://youtu.be/MvZ8AOBp-fU ) which is also very significant and usually the “Shaking, Fall and Collapse” comes at its end, on Elul 29 or in its wake.

Another great sign, I believe is I Thess. 5:3 “ When people are saying, All is well and secure, and, There is peace and safety, then in a moment unforeseen destruction (ruin and death) will come upon them as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child (the same analogy that Jesus used in Matt. 24:8); and they shall by no means escape, for there will be no escape.”

When we hear these words being said on the news media that, “All is well, we are secure and safe now from any more threats” (or to that effect) we can know for certain we are at the door and the birth (of the Tribulation Period) is about to begin!!! S.J.

All emphasis in Italic is the author’s own. Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified Bible.

3rd Feb 2023

Yes, I still believe this judgment could fall in the Passover (Pesach) season? In 2023 it starts on 5th April.

For several reasons:

1/ We are still in the "wake" of the last Shemitah ending 25 Sept 2022.

2/ Jesus said, that in the last days, before He returns, it will be as in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26; Matt. 24:37 see Month of Cheshvan). He was predicting another time of great flooding (but not as extensive as the great flood). Pastor Perry Stone was explaining that for ten generations, from Adam, they had been warned of the great flood, and their final warning and sign was Methuselah's death (his name meant "when he dies it will come") and he died at the age of 969 years (Gen. 5:27). They were then given seven days to mourn his death, before the flood started. So my curious mind asked this question, "Who, is our present day "type" of Methuselah?" Well this is just a thought, but a VERY prominent figure has just recently died; Queen Elizabeth II, who served for 70 years, and died on 8 Sept 2022. Then my second question was, "What is the time-frame of 7 days?" Could seven days equal seven months? Seven months from Queen Elizabeth's death would be 8 April 2023. Which also just happens to fall in the Passover season! Here is another quizzical proposition! Methuselah was 969 years when he died. Queen Elizabeth was 96 years old when she died and in the 9th month (96-9). This is just a thought and idea, but interesting isn’t it?

3/ Could it also be in the same time frame or season of Noah’s flood? Noah's flood started on 17th of the second month (Gen.7:11). Because there are two Hebrew calendars, the most likely month would be the sacred calendar, which is Iyar (not Cheshvan) and Iyar 17 2023, falls on our 8 May 23, one month after Passover.