Monday 10 May 2021

The New Nephilim

If we take another look into the days of Noah, to uncover the reasons why God had deeply regretted making man. And what it was, that caused God to decide to annihilate mankind and all living creatures (apart from a remnant), in the great flood. Perhaps it could give us insight as to why this will happen again in a similar way?

Let us look at Genesis chapter 6: in verse 2 it says, “The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose.” Bible scholars have not found a definitive meaning for “sons of God” in this passage and have three possible renditions: I would like to look at the first one which is the most likely, 1/ that they are fallen angels (Job 1:6).

Their offspring were called the Nephilim, the Hebrew word meaning “fallen ones,” and the earliest Greek translators rendered it gigantes, meaning giants (vs. 4).1 They were mighty men of renown and of great stature (Num. 13:33) and ferocious warriors.

It is this perversion, the mixing of two separate created beings, into a new species, not created by God, that greatly grieved Him! A mixing, corrupting, polluting and perversion of His creation, which could have devasting consequences. Creating beings that are violent monsters (giants) and which could ultimately destroy the rest of His creation, as He intended it to be. Could this be the main reason why He decided to wipe out man, and start again, with the only righteous man left on earth, Noah?

How does all this relate to us, in our day? And are we heading the same way?

Unfortunately, for many decades now, scientists have been experimenting in genetic engineering, editing and splicing of genes and bioengineering. Even the unthinkable, to create new species by mixing human and animal genes! These are called human-animal hybrids or chimeras. The chimpanzees have the closest to our genes, and a chimp named Oliver, a humanzee, may even have been one of these experiments (as he stood upright). DARPA has tried to create a super-human for military purposes. Creating super-violent and strong creatures that can be used in warfare. Not only having super-human abilities but also having no conscience or moral interferences, preventing them from doing horrific things, that ordinary humans would refuse to do. Of course, all of this is highly secretive, as if we knew what they were doing, surely we would put a stop to it? It is my theory, that they have already created such beings. Maybe not successfully yet, but certainly it has been done! This is a wild theory and totally speculative, but could it be possible, that the Yeti (Bigfoot, Sasquatch, humanoid) is one of these such creatures? And what other monsters are out there?

Scientists say that they are doing this for the benefit of mankind, in creating higher beings, a perfected man, using science and technology, and maybe even for the purpose of immortality (transhumanism)? Did Hitler not have the same crazy delusion, a perfect race? Which ultimately cost over fifty million lives, in the second world war.

Other scientists say, “Ah but this is all for medical research…and we can save lives by growing human organs in animals.” Really? Or are they just trying to “play God”? Are they attempting to cut God completely out of the equation, to become totally self-dependent? God is able to perform any and all of these creative miracles, if we would humble ourselves, repent, and turn to Him. Many testimonies have been given of new organs and limbs that have been replaced. Why do we need these perverse experiments which can have horrendous consequences on mankind?

Technology has advanced so much, that all this can now actually become a reality! And what I have just described above is probably already “old school”? What if we can alter mankind in another way, by changing his genetic make-up altogether, and rewriting his DNA? “Biochips can carry vectors that work like a virus, that introduce a new genetic code – to rewrite your genetic make-up. Creating a new breed of the offspring of the fallen-angel-like beings, known as the New Nephilim.”2

Does any of this sound familiar? Have we not heard doctors and scientists warn us that the vaccines for COVID-19 (especially those using mRNA) can have the ability to alter our DNA? At first, I thought this was all a load of rubbish, having no idea how all this works! But yes it is possible, through genetic editing, and “CRISPR technology, entire genes can be deleted, replaced with synthetic ones or suppressed,” and what would be its purpose? Altering our genetic makeup, to perhaps make us more compliant and willing to obey every order and command? Making us less rational and more gullible, believing every lie and deception? Making us less empathetic, ruthless and cold (Matt 24:12)? Removing our “God gene” to make us spiritually dead to God but willing to conform to a one world leader? Preparing humanity for the N.O.W. and the “mark of the beast,” that will surely follow?

As the true “sons of God” (those that are in Christ), do we not have a responsibility to humanity and to God, to put a stop to these rogue scientists and force these experiments to stop? Obviously, there are moral issues at stake here, otherwise laws would not have already been put into place. But more still needs to be done to enforce this. Or do we want God to do it for us, the hard way, as He did in the days of Noah, in a way that will completely put all this perversion to “rest” (also see Gen. 11:1-9)? S.J.

1 ESV Bible Commentary, “Gen 6:4 Nephilim. The meaning of this term is uncertain. It occurs elsewhere in the OT only in Num. 13:33, where the Israelite spies are expressing their fears of the Canaanites by likening them to the ancient men of renown. Although in Hebrew Nephilim means “fallen ones,” the earliest Greek translators rendered it gigantes, “giants.”…The Nephilim were mighty men or warriors and, as such, may well have contributed to the violence that filled the earth (see Gen. 6:13).”

2 Sid Roth with Tom Horn,

3 Mike Bebernes, The 360 Show, April 18, 2021,



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