Tuesday 5 October 2021


“Cheshvan is when darkness reigns, yet growth begins deep beneath the surface.

The Hebrew month, Cheshvan, is classically referred to as Marcheshvan. The first two words spell the word mar. In Hebrew, this word means “bitter.”

The original Hebrew name for the month was Bul, which denotes the idea of “drying up,” as the leaves begin to decay with the approach of Autumn. Clearly, the month of Marcheshvan, or Bul, as its name suggests, is a month of darkness and decay."

Please read the full article, for a better understanding of this month, from Rabbi Ari Goldwag https://www.aish.com/jl/hol/hm/The_Bitter_Month.html

I found this article from Rabbi Ari very interesting, as I was researching which month (the second Hebrew month) Noah’s flood occurred in. There are two different views as there are also two different Hebrew calendars (the months are in a different order), one the Sacred Calendar and the present Civil Calendar. In the Sacred calendar, Iyar (our April/May) is the second month, and in the Civil calendar Cheshvan, is the second month. Why is this important? Well, my theory is that when Jesus said, it will be as in the days of Noah…

“Could Jesus, in this instance, be speaking literally when He said it will be as it was in the days of Noah? 1/ that another asteroid impact will occur, causing profuse flooding and will be similar to the great flood. 2/ People would not believe the warnings and refused to repent and were therefore caught unawares. 3/ Could it also be in the same time frame or season that the great flood occurred, on the seventeenth day of the second month (Gen. 7:11)?”

Again, this is only just speculation, but the points that Rabbi Ari brought us about the month of Cheshvan have some real significance, don’t you think? It is the “bitter month, the month of darkness and decay,” and that it can also mean, from the name Bul, “the beginning of the rainy season in Israel; it is thus connected to the word mabul, flood – an overabundance of rain.” All of which tie into the great flood of Noah’s day!

It is also important to remember that the Hebrew calendar is based on a lunar calendar – ours is a solar calendar, so the dates of the Hebrew months will change every year (according to our calendar) but Cheshvan usually falls in our October, through to November. This year it starts on 7 October to 4 November 2021. For me, this is also relevant, as November is our eleventh month. The biblical meaning of the number eleven is transition, confusion and chaos. It is the passage (or hallway of transition) between two doors, one door closing and the other door opening! It is a time of trial, of waiting and of patient endurance! It is the wilderness period. It is a time between two seasons, one season that is about to end, and another one that is about to begin. It is a time of “death,” before the new birth can happen.

Again, for me, November is significant, as back in 2011, on 22/11/11, I had what I believe was a prophetic dream!

Noah’s flood was a great calamity and disaster for the entire world, but it also ushered in a NEW day, a new season of hope and restoration! Destroying the evil so that good could abound once more. Did you also note, In Rabbi Ari’s article, that the flood was supposed to start on the eleventh day of Cheshvan? But it was delayed for seven days because of the death of Methuselah (one door closing and another one opening). Before something new can happen the old has to die first. This also happened with Moses and Joshua, Moses had to die before Joshua could cross over into Canaan. Rachel died to give birth to Benjamin. New things at first, seem terrifying and uncertain, but in order to take hold of the “new,” we must first let go of the “old,” the old way of doing things, and we must allow ourselves time to get adjusted to the “new.”

What we see as devastation and chaos, can be the means and vehicle of a new start, and a new beginning! In our case the transition period of “chaos” will be a possible ten months, then the seven years of the Tribulation period (but for believers a possible 22 months, in total, as they will go up in the rapture). At the end of the Tribulation period Jesus Christ will return to earth, splitting the mount of Olives in two, destroying the final eighth kingdom, and then setting up His kingdom on earth, to rule for a thousand years, for the sabbatical millennium!

“It will be the greatest event of all time, and will be history’s glorious climax, marking the end of the world as we know it, with all its sin, sickness, suffering and sorrow. It will then be the beginning of a glorious new era in which righteousness, peace and joy shall reign forever.”

A BRAND NEW GLORIOUS ERA WILL BEGIN, where the lamb will lie with the wolf and the lion (Isa. 65:25; Rev.20)! Where man will live as long as a tree (Isa. 65:22). Where there will be no sickness, disease or suffering or loss! It is hard to even imagine this, isn’t it? But won’t it all be worth it? That transition period will never ever be remembered again (Isa. 65:17). But all this is only promised to those who will endure to the end! Don’t EVER, EVER give up, for your rewards will be great! S.J.

See You Tube: https://youtu.be/6Otirr1lyP4

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