Friday 14 July 2023

More On The Antichrist

Thank you Tyler for such an interesting program! Can I respectfully add a few thoughts? I agree with you that the Rapture will happen before the Dan. 9:27 covenant, and that the church will not be here to see its signing! And I believe BOTH will be in the month of Tishri (our Sept/Oct – the Rapture possibly 57 days before?). But the church will be able to identify the antichrist before this event, from the first white horse in Rev. 6:2. He is a ruler (leader) wearing a crown (king – i.e. president, who has ruled before Rev. 17:11 TLB). And carrying a bow (taking territory), figuratively riding on the white horse! A former president will come back on the scene and will take territory, during the midst of chaos and economic collapse!

He is then revealed again at the signing of this peace treaty, but the Jews will at first, see him as their “saviour” (because he has brought peace to the region), and will not recognize him, until mid-trib. At mid-trib he will cease their sacrifices (at Passover), in the third Jewish temple, places the abomination that makes desolate (an image of himself) in the Holy of Holies, declaring he is God, and demands that everyone must worship him or die! It is at this point the Jews will recognize him for who he really is (third revealing)! He will also break the very same peace treaty, he himself confirmed, and attacks and tries to annihilate Israel.

I believe we still have to see a few things before all this happens, but once it starts it will happen like a domino effect, one after the other and all very quickly! In my book Asteroid Impact Second Edition I include a Tribulation timeline chart, with the Rapture possibly one year before the signing of this treaty. As BOTH these events will happen in TISHRI, the Rapture on the Feast of Trumpets (the last trump 1 Cor. 15:52), and the confirming and signing of a seven-year peace treaty one year later (or only 57 days later)?

The antichrist will first arise after a catastrophic event, when he will take territory (the white horse – and he is a king [or president] who has ruled before Rev. 17:11 TLB), but will only rule the whole world from mid-trib.

As to your question about the antichrist being a homosexual…this is taken from Dan. 11:37, “He shall regard neither the God of his father’s nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.” NKJV

But the amplified version explains it more fully, “He shall not regard the gods of his fathers or Him [to Whom] women desire [to give birth – the Messiah] or any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.” AMP

The “desire of women,” in this case, was to be the chosen one to give birth to the Messiah. So I believe he will be a married man, but because every intent of his heart is evil, it is very possible that he will be given over to every sort of evil and perversion and will not oppose any such perversions (Isa. 5:20).

In this verse, I also saw something else. It tells me he’s not a Jew! “He shall not regard the gods of his fathers [his father’s religion, possibly being Islam?] or Him [to Whom] women desire…” (i.e. the Jewish Messiah). Many Bible scholars teach that he will be Jewish! This is not so! Rev. 13:2 (and the beast in Dan. 7:3-8), clearly reveals who he is, what his religion is and where he is from! (see the charts on P138 of The Four Great Beasts).

There are at least three distinct things by which we can identify him by:-

1/ He has his roots in the Middle East (possibly Syria) and has the religion of the Middle East! He may not be living there but his ancestors come from there (body of a leopard).

2/ He will have the backing (alliance) of Russia (in the beginning – later Russia [king of north] will actually attack him – second betrayal) (feet of a bear).

3/ He is a ruler or leader, that has ruled before in the USA (mouth of a lion - lion here represents a superpower)! Wow that is a controversial point, as most Bible scholars will teach that he will come out of Europe and the EU (Revised Roman Empire - because of Rev. 17). But it is the False Prophet that comes out of the EU, in fact from Rome! Tom Horn believes the False Prophet is the current Pope Francis? Later the two will be closely associated with each other, and the False Prophet hands over his very large dominion over to the antichrist (Rev. 13:4). They will both be able to perform supernatural signs and lying wonders… “attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels – [all of them] lying wonders.” (II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14).

When I first did this study of The Four Great Beasts of Dan. 7:3-7 and Rev. 13:2, and seeing what the symbols represented, I was shocked when the last one surprisingly revealed the USA (like a lion with eagle’s wings and mouth of a lion - see chart above), as this is not what has been taught. I even asked a friend if I had the audacity to even include that in the book. At that time, the president was Barack Obama. It is very interesting, when you see this video clip of Jack Hibbs, use Obama as an example (he is NOT saying it is him) of, “He originally rises out of obscurity and insignificance, and seemingly comes from nowhere, in a short space of time; the ‘little horn’ (Dan. 7:8). A little, insignificant politician, who skyrockets out of nowhere onto the scene and takes authority over others.” An incredible coincidence, or is it? When this “ruler or leader, that has ruled before,” comes BACK onto the world’s stage, for me, that will be confirmation of who the antichrist is!

Another intriguing coincidence, or is it, is the fact that former President Obama was America’s 44th president. Four is the biblical number for the earth and continents – kingdoms, nations, empires, dominion; and two fours, represent the whole earth and all nations!

Dan. 7:8 describes this “little horn” as having eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things. To me, the eyes represent “Big Brother,” or AI which will be able to monitor and keep track of every single human being on earth, with ease and precision, using modern day technology, which is presently available and advancing (it’s interesting to note that former President Obama was the one to initiate this)! Then the mouth represents someone who has the gift of speech and mass hysteria, like Hitler had, being able to influence and manipulate the masses into following him (Rev.13:5). Of course we know that there are other forces that are already in play and are in the experimental stage. Through medical science and technology, and the changing of our DNA, in the hope of being able to control people, so that they will willingly comply and obey!

The antichrist is also known as the “Wilful king” (Dan. 11:36), and will do whatever he wants to do, having absolutely no regard for the advice or counsel of men. He arrogantly exalts himself above all others, having a confidence which is pride personified! In mid-trib he even proclaims that he himself is God, and that everyone must bow down and worship him and his image or be put to death (II Thess. 2:4; Rev. 13:12; 15).

He is a king of fierce countenance (Dan. 8:23), having a formidable, intimidating, intense glare, causing one to cower away servilely. He is able to understand and decipher insignias and mysteries but through satanic influence, which will leave many people in awe and wonder of him.

One of the main signs of who the antichrist is, is the man who orchestrates and confirms the signing of a seven-year peace treaty in the Middle East (second revealing). This also marks the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation period (Daniel’s 70th week – Dan. 9:24-27). Some are saying that the Rapture and the Tribulation will happen this year in 2023! Like I said previously, I believe we still have to see a few more things first, like the six seals and the four horsemen of the apocalypse! BUT it is VERY close at hand! A teaching on “The Third Day” (see charts on P169) could reveal that the Tribulation period will start in 2026? And I believe the Rapture one year prior on Tishri 1 or 2, 2025, or Tishri 1 or 2, 2026?

Another point, which the church will not see, is the antichrist will also fake his own resurrection, trying to mimic Christ’s resurrection. He will supposedly “come back to life”, after an assassination attempt. He is attacked with a small sword in his arm, and his right eye is blinded (Zech. 11:17). But it is a mock resurrection. I have a very interesting and controversial point on this in the book! I believe this will happen around mid-trib as Zech. 11:17 calls him the Idle or Worthless Shepherd who deserts the flock (Israel – when he breaks the peace treaty). It is at this spurious resurrection that he will be transmogrified into the living reincarnation of Satan and will be totally possessed by him!

Lastly I want to give an example of how we can apply all of this. Just recently I heard someone say that King Charles is the antichrist. Well, let us look at the above criteria and see if he fits any of them. He definitely has NO Syrian roots as he comes from a long line of British royalty. He is certainly NOT Muslim. I doubt very much if he would have Putin’s support or backing? He is not from USA and he has not ruled before (he has only just become king). So no, he does not fit even one of the criteria. And no, neither does Donald Trump fulfil all of them. The antichrist will fulfil ALL of the above criteria, just like Jesus fulfilled ALL of His!

Anyway I hope you have found this interesting and informative, and will be able to equip you against the myriad of deception that is out there? Many Christians will be utterly distraught when they discover that the Rapture will not happen before some catastrophic events. But do not lose heart, as God is in control, and He will supernaturally provide, protect and heal. The greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit will be during this time, with the unprecedented glory of God around His people. Hold on and NEVER give up, as “your redemption draws nigh” (Luke 21:8) and remember “he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matt. 10:22).



clip of Mark Driscoll:

A Madam President:

Even More On The Antichrist:

The False Prophet:

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