Thursday 6 October 2022

No Greater Love - Part Two

Just recently, I went through a profound experience, one that will always leave an indelible impact on me! An elderly dear friend of mine had suddenly become ill! The doctor’s prognosis wasn’t a good one, and I knew she did not have long!

Throughout the years I had noticed she was very resistant towards the things of God, and at one stage even thought she may be an atheist or agnostic! I could not get her to talk about it without offending her, so instead I took it to the Lord in prayer, pleading for an answer as to why there was such a block. She was a kind, considerate and loving person, one that certainly did not deserve the eternal punishment of hell, so I persisted in my prayers for her!

During my time spent with her while she was sick, I tried once again to speak to her and had also planned to read to her the chapter of Revelation which describes heaven (Rev. 21, 22). I started with a simple story about King David, but she became very offended, because I had mentioned the name God too many times! I was so shocked and said, “Why, what is wrong with that?” and, “Why do you despise God so much, what happened to you, maybe something in your childhood?” Consequently, that was the end of our conversation, and I dared not even think of reading anything to her from the Bible!

I too, became very offended! How can anyone despise such an awesome and wonderful God as this? At that point I literally gave up, and said to myself, “I refuse to try anymore, if she insists on going to hell, then let her!” I even pulled away at that stage and wanted to give up completely and walk away from this whole situation, which by the way, was extremely hard and difficult! But God would not allow me too, He had me stuck in that place, “between the rock and the hard place.” And even though that was my “stinking” attitude, it was not God’s. He STILL loved and pursued her, even while she despised and rejected Him! WOW!!! It was at this point, where I saw the unrelenting and unconditional LOVE of God! He would not let her go or give up on her and still stayed close to her, through me (we are the instruments that God uses, His hands and feet). Then as her time came closer to the end, she became fearful and even asked to see a Pastor. A few came but none gave her the answers she needed! Once again, through God’s grace, I had another opportunity to speak to her one last time and led her through a very simple salvation prayer! A few days later she passed.

It amazes me at how many people say to themselves, “Well I’ll wait till the last moment, just before I die, to give my life to Jesus!” Whew, this is an extremely dangerous and precarious thing to do!!! By doing that you are walking on a very thin tight rope, as who knows, the condition of your heart might be too hard, at that stage, for you to be able to receive God’s forgiveness? Or you could experience a sudden and unexpected fatal accident! Also if you become seriously ill, the drugs and treatment the doctors will give you, will affect your brain and dull your thinking (you will not be able to reason or think clearly). The same will happen with dementia or Alzheimers.

And yes, I have just described the incomparable love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and grace of God! And yes, just like my friend, you may just make it into heaven, by the “skin of your teeth.” You will be permitted into heaven but you will enter naked and ashamed (Rev. 3:17) and with absolutely NO rewards or crowns! Remember the “rewards” or wealth we receive here on earth are only temporal and will rust and fade away, but the “rewards” in heaven will last FOREVER (1 Cor. 4:17-18; Matt.6:19-20). Oh by the way, your rewards in heaven, are mainly based on the souls you have won for Jesus (and good works, and service). So, if you are a Christian, but have never brought anyone to Jesus, again your rewards will be few!

One last thing, when I had that final opportunity to witness to my friend, I said to her, “You need to ask for God’s forgiveness!” She answered and said, “What do I need to be forgiven of?”

Even though we may think we are good people, the sin of “Rebellion” is one of the worst sins there are! What is the sin of “Rebellion?” Firstly, when we are full of pride, and trust in our own strength and ability and become totally independent of God. Secondly, we ignore, refuse to acknowledge, reject and even despise God! Turning our backs on our own Father and Maker, refusing to acknowledge, praise, admire, respect and worship the very One, Who gave us this life, and all that we have, in the first place! So in essence we become our “own god” (humanism). Can you now see why this is such a serious sin, when the first of the ten commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before or besides Me”?

Secondly, the Bible very clearly states that not ONE of us is righteous in God’s eyes, and that our own righteousness is as filthy rags (menstrual rags) in His sight! Jesus said even to look at someone with lust, we have already committed adultery in our hearts; to hate our brother makes us a murderer…(Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Isa. 64:6; Jer. 17:9; Matt. 5:28; 1 John 3:15). So not one of us is “good” enough to be allowed into heaven, where NO sin is permitted to enter (Rev. 21:27).

So what hope is there? Our hope is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who made atonement for our sins when He died, on the cross! Shedding His pure, spotless blood to cleanse, heal and restore us from all that was lost when we were in sin. And to give us a new, resurrected life in Him while we are here on earth, and the promise of eternal life spent with Him forever. Don’t delay come to Jesus right now before it is too late…

See The salvation prayer:

See The Ark of Salvation:

See Sinner’s Prayer prayed by Evangelist Perry Stone


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No Greater Love - Part One

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