1. first they go into the caves Isa. 2:10 (in modern terms this would be underground or underwater bunkers)
2. fire, possibly from shockwaves, destroys trees vs. 13
3. mountains and hills are shaken, earthquakes vs. 14
4. high towers and walls fall (the falling of bricks, Isa. 9:10) vs. 15
5. the ships sink from tsunamis vs. 16
6. describes caves of the rocks and caverns, that it will cost them all their money (idols of silver and gold) to have a position in one vs. 20.
This made me realise that people will go into the bunkers FIRST. That makes more sense, as it would be pointless to seek the shelter of a bunker, after the catastrophic events, wouldn’t it? Therefore that would also mean that the whole of Revelation chapter 6 actually goes backwards? Wow that is strange!!! So here are the order of events if Rev. 6 goes backwards…
1. vs. 15 – Caves and bunkers – leaders and statesmen, politicians, high ranking military generals, wealthy business tycoons…then ordinary people, “all men great and small, slave and free hid themselves…”
2. vs. 14 – a) sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished (possibly caused by a nuclear missile in space) b) every mountain and island are dislodged (caused by a nuclear missile in space, even before asteroid hits)
3. vs. 13 – stars drop like fig tree shedding its fruit (notice plurality, there are now many more fragmented pieces of the asteroid, causing a shrapnel effect)
4. vs 12 – a) a great and vast earthquake (this time caused by the asteroid impact, possible 12 point) b) sun goes black as sackcloth c) moon goes red (full disc, possibly a total lunar eclipse?)
5. vs. 9-11 – 5th Seal – Persecution
6. vs. 7-8 – 4th Seal – Pale Horse – USA
7. vs. 5-6 – 3rd Seal – Black Horse – Famine
8. vs. 3-4 – 2nd Seal – Red Horse – War
9. vs. 1-2 – 1st Seal – White Horse – Antichrist (in this scenario he appears last, not first, and maybe even towards the end of late birth pains, but also just before the Rapture)
Interesting to note Rev. 6:14
1. first “the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished” possibly a nuclear missile strike on the asteroid, to disperse or deminish it a) then every mountain and island dislodged from its place. This could indicate that the missiles will cause earthquakes on earth BEFORE the asteroid impact?
2. then the stars drop to earth vs. 13. Now having many more fragmented pieces of the asteroid, creating a shrapnel effect.
3. then there is a great and vast earthquake, from the main asteroid vs. 12, a) then the sun goes black (a theory here as to why the sun goes black, we know that it cannot be a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time – but could it be that the earth stops rotating for three days, causing one side of the earth to be darkened?), b) the moon turns red (another theory as to why the moon goes red, it could be a blood moon, which is a total lunar eclipse, giving us a time frame, OR the dust and smoke in the atmosphere causes the moon to go red?).
NB: Please note that this is just my speculation, as I have NO idea as to why God would put these order of events, of the six seals, backwards? But it certainly makes more logical sense doesn’t it? Another point to make note of: if the asteroid first becomes visible, to the naked eye, for a short period, before it hits, then it will be impossible to hide this from the public. This could very likely instigate the six seals, starting with a global economic collapse, and then global chaos, anarchy, looting, rioting and civil unrest, the total loss of the rule of law, even before the asteroid arrives! Global martial law would have to be implemented, and then shortly after, I believe the global government of ten rulers will be set up. But that’s another story all together, for another post! Hopefully this has given you enough to chew on for now, and that you have found it interesting?