Monday 9 September 2024

The N.W.O. How Will it Be?

Dear Pastor Perry, thank you for sharing this. The scenario that you are describing in the dream, sounds very much like how the next global government will rule (the eighth empire of ten toes or ten horns, which I will call N.W.O.)? With many restrictions, restraints, monitoring and tough rules (especially for Christians).

In my book Asteroid Impact, I write on P146, “’Selective’ health care will only be available for the privileged. Believers will not need this health care anyway, as God will provide supernatural miracles of divine healing and health. Nor will they be restrained by travel bans and restrictions as God will supernaturally move His people as and when He needs to (Exod. 34:10).”

I believe that during this time many unprecedented miracles will happen! Including the miracle of being translated, or moved supernaturally from one place to another instantaneously (Acts 8:39). I have heard at least three testimonies of people who have experienced this, even in our time. One testimony was of a man who got into a lift, which was filled with foreigners. When he got outside he realised he was in an Asian country. He had a meeting with an important businessman, then was translated back home again! In the Bible (John 6:21) it tells us that Jesus and the disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, then they were immediately on the shore! This tells me that the boat, Jesus and twelve people were all translated instantaneously at the same time. Remember nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). I honestly believe that God’s children will not need to worry at all about these restrictions they will try to impose on us, as God will move His people as and when He needs to, and even across continents if so required!

Another very important point I want to make, and one I’ve only just confirmed recently, when I was working on a new timeline called "Beginning of Sorrows." First I will make the statement and then try to explain it. As your dream suggests, the Christians that are being monitored and restricted, are still here. In other words the Rapture hasn’t happened yet. It is only recently that I have discovered that the N.W.O. will begin during the period of the "Beginning of Sorrows," and the late birth pangs. I have for a long time thought that it would start in the Tribulation period. But NOT so, because of the first revealing of the antichrist, who first appears on the white horse, the first of the six seals in Rev. 6:2.

I believe the church will see this, as in my opinion, the six seals will be before the Rapture and not at the start of the Tribulation! It is at this time that the antichrist takes control over three of the ten regions of the next world empire, the eighth (which I call the N.W.O. some others say Global Reset). This also proves that the N.W.O. (which is initiated or orchestrated by the E.U. - the revived or restored Roman Empire, and which explains why they are ahead of the USA in this system), will be set up shortly after the chaos of the sixth seal, in its aftermath. It is also interesting to note that the E.U. doesn’t initially choose the antichrist as one of its ten rulers. He will force his way in through war and conquest and takes control of three of the regions, right near its inception. The man that does this is the antichrist (see Even More on the Antichrist).

Once again I would like to reiterate that these times are very close at hand, and that it is very important to have a right relationship with the Lord, right now while there is still time and opportunity! S.J.


Perry Stone's “I had a Troubling Dream” dated 16 July 2024

Saturday 10 August 2024

A Madam President Update

Back in April I posted an article on A Madam President, that Perry Stone suggested that maybe former First Lady Michelle Obama, if she agreed, may run for President in the next election. Well she has declined, for the second time! Why is this significant? Pastor Perry Stone has known of a prophecy for 20 years, that said there would be a woman president in the USA, and that this would be a sign of soon coming destruction! There was a chance, back in 2016 that Hillary Clinton may have become president too, but it never happened.

Well President Joe Biden did step down from the presidential race on 21 July 2024! Just prior to this when he was talking about stepping down, the Democratic party began desperately seeking another candidate, from different Governors, and they asked former First Lady Michelle Obama AGAIN, if she would consider running for president, but she declined and said NO!

But something just as interesting has also happened. They have chosen Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic candidate. But if President Biden chooses to resign (or if something should happen to him), before the next election in November, according to the 25th Amendment the Vice President will become President (for the remaining time, up to 20 Jan 2025). She will then become the 47th President and will be the first woman President in USA history! If she then loses the election in November 2024 to Donald Trump, he then will become the 48th President of the USA.

Pastor Perry Stone shares another very interesting prophecy from 1933, in more detail, that says America will have a woman President (see links below), and that this will be a sign of coming destruction and fires! So could it be Kamala Harris that will be the woman President, even though for only a very short time? But in my opinion, long enough to make some incredibly disastrous decisions that could trigger the coming destruction? Again only time will tell...


Perry Stone’s Stunning Hebraic Insights into Presidential Numbers

Perry Stone’s Will Kamala Harris Fulfil This 1933 Vision and Prophecy

Clip of Perry Stone: A Woman President is a Sign?

Perry Stone’s OCTOBER SURPRISE – Could They Actually Do This?

Friday 2 August 2024

Even More On The Antichrist

Just recently I had an amazing and important revelation on the first revealing of the antichrist! Something that we the church, will be able to unquestionably identify the antichrist, with absolute certainty! I also just wrote that there is still one more thing to be fulfilled before the Rapture, and that is the revealing of the antichrist, according to II Thess. 2:3. Which means the church WILL be able to identify him. The apostasy has already begun (one example, the Pope and other churches accept same sex couples now) but will also intensify when the one world religion takes control, and when persecution increases.

Bible teachers have been saying that the church will not see the revealing of the antichrist, which is at the signing of the seven-year peace treaty. For many years I believed that we would, as it is also the main sign of the Tribulation period starting. But they are right, we won’t see that one, as the Rapture will happen just before, maybe only fifty-seven days before? I then became confused when Dr David Jeremiah said the antichrist is revealed when the abomination that makes desolate (a statue of himself placed in the Holy of Holies, in the third Jewish temple) happens, at mid-trib. Then I realised that ALL three are true and that there are three revealing’s of the antichrist which happen at three different times. The first one being for the Christians, the last one is for the Jews.

The first time the antichrist appears is on the white horse, the first of the seven seals, in Rev. 6:2, “Whose rider carried a bow. And a crown was given him, and he rode forth conquering.” The crown indicates that he is a leader or ruler, and in Rev. 17:11 TLB we are told that he has reigned before, so we have already seen him on the world stage as a ruling president. He then goes forth conquering and gaining territory in the aftermath of turmoil, chaos, destruction and economic collapse! But what territory? How astounding the Bible is, as it tells us in Daniel 7 that in the last and final empire, ten kings will arise. It then tells us that after these ten kings are in power, a “little horn” rises up and shall put down or remove three of the ten original kings (Dan. 7:8, 20, 24).

In my book Asteroid Impact, I wrote about this on P135-137, but it was only recently, while working on a new timeline chart, that I have called, “The Beginning of Sorrows,” that I realised that these two are connected and are one and the same!

Let me explain more fully (also see chart). After the Asteroid Impact, which I believe to be the sixth seal, much chaos and destruction will obviously ensue! All of this will cause the other seals to happen, almost like a domino effect. Rev. 6 tells us that wars, famine, plague, wild beasts and persecution will be the result of the sixth seal. It is during this chaos, civil unrest and global economic collapse, that first, martial law will be put into place, to try and control the anarchy, as the rule of law will collapse. Then the one world, global government, the N.W.O. will come to power. They will divide the world into ten regions, each region will have one ruler. It will not take long for this one world global government to be set up, as everything, even now, is already in place. They are waiting in the wings so to speak! So I believe that it will happen shortly after the Asteroid Impact. It is only after these ten kings are in place that the antichrist will first appear (the “little horn”) figuratively on his white horse! He will then conquer, through war, three regions of this newly formed N.W.O. In the book I speculate as to which regions they are. The man that does this is THE ANTICHRIST. The church I believe, will go through the six seals, and will therefore see this happening and will without any shadow of doubt, be able to identify who the antichrist is, BEFORE the Rapture!

So right from the beginning the antichrist will rule three of the ten regions of the N.W.O. Later on, in mid-trib. he will control ALL ten regions, and will rule the whole world with extreme tyranny. The worst possible kind of dictator the world has ever known, making Hitler look like a mouse! At that point, in mid trib. when the third revealing happens, the Jews realise he is not who he claimed to be. He will proclaim himself to be God, and demands that everyone must worship him, or be put to death. He will also break the peace treaty with Israel and tries to annihilate them.

During this time, the antichrist will use the rapidly advancing technology of A.I. to keep track of every single human being on earth. For the sole purpose of control, dominion and enforcing his rules! Those that oppose him in the slightest way will be eliminated! He will proclaim himself to be God, but yet does not possess God’s ability to be everywhere at the same time (omnipresent). Presently he has to rely on a vast network of demonic and familiar spirits to inform him of activities. Later he will add A.I. to this infrastructure. Nor does he have the ability of knowing everything, from the end to the beginning (Isa. 41:22-26 - omniscient). He is unable to predict or foresee the future. In other words God knows the end and future events, from the beginning, long before they even happen. The Scriptures are proof of that. He even knows your thoughts before you even think them (Ps. 139)! The antichrist will have to use A.I. technology to be able to read your thoughts! Nor is he all powerful (omnipotent), having the ability to create, destroy or recreate at His choosing. Satan cannot even create an ant, never mind the infinite universe. Or the master of creation, a human being, with all his intricate and delicate details, of which NO A.I. robotic machine, no matter how advanced, can ever come anywhere close! Nor does he have the power to grant immortality to his subjects, yes they will try to imitate this using A.I. but it will not succeed!

The Bible gives us even more detail, it tells us that an assassination attempt is made on the antichrist, and that he is fatally wounded, but that he spuriously comes back to life (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14; 17:8; Zech. 11:17). But it is a fake resurrection. I have a very controversial theory on this in the book! It is possible that the image of the beast in Rev. 13, is a clone that is made of the antichrist. With today’s technology this is very feasible! Could it be that this clone simply replaces the antichrist, and no one would be any the wiser? It is also at this fake resurrection, that the antichrist's clone is transmogrified into the living incarnation of Satan. The false prophet imparts the breath of life (Satan's spirit) into this image (Rev. 13:15; 17:8). After this there is only one person who will be able to destroy this beast, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of the Tribulation, He returns with the saints and seizes him, and his cohort, and destroys the vast army gathered at Armageddon, with the sword of His mouth. The beast and the false prophet are then hurled into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20-21).

Well I think I have given you more than enough to chew on for now? But the facts given here will clearly enable you to distinguish between the truth and the torrential flood of misinformation and deception, that is out there today! S.J.

ALSO SEE: More On The Antichrist

Friday 12 July 2024

Beginning of Sorrows

After many years of “watching” and trying to piece together the end-time puzzle, not only from the Bible, but also from well renowned end-time teachers and prophetic voices, and a few things God has shown me during my times of studying and researching this, I have come up with this timeline. Jesus called this period the “Beginning of Sorrows” (Matt. 24:8), which I believe is over a short space of time (not over centuries), just BEFORE the Tribulation period starts. In fact, it also happens to be a seven-year period! Jacob served seven years for Leah (Jesus’ bride, the church), and seven years for Rachel (Father’s bride, the Jews), totalling fourteen years (Gen. 29:16-30). Yes, the early birth pangs have already started (the first precursor being Covid-19, Hab. 3:5). It is not hard to see how much turmoil the world is in, in so many different areas, from climate upheaval, natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes etc.), famines, pestilence, moral decline, apostasy, deception, civil unrest, and of course wars. The late birth pangs will be much more intensified and multiplied, but will also be over a relatively short period, (approximately 15-18 months, depending on when the Asteroid Impact takes place). I also believe, contrary to what Bible scholars teach, that the late birth pangs start with the six seals (or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) in Revelation chapter 6 (most Bible scholars teach that the six seals start at the beginning of the Tribulation period). As Matthew chapter 24 and Revelation chapter 6 are a parallel and correlate together. So when Jesus spoke about the beginning of sorrows, He was talking about the six seals! Which also means the church will go through this time, as it will happen BEFORE the Rapture…

The dates are for reference ONLY! I have taken the dates from the Third Day Chart (Hos. 6:2), with the third millennium starting in 2033. Then deduct seven years (2520 days) for the Tribulation Period, which will then start in 2026? There are only two variables which could change those dates. One is the age of Jesus when He was crucified, as Daniel 9:24-27 gives the exact number of years for the 70th week (too long to explain here). Some say Jesus was 30 years old when He died, but that would make the Tribulation start in 2023, which obviously has passed and no peace treaty has been signed. Others say He was 32 years old, that would make the Tribulation start in 2025. It is possible, but not probable. Others say He was 33 years old, making the Third Millenium 2033. The other variable could be the start of AD, was it at Christ’s birth, or is it a year or two in either direction? But it is most probable that it is correct and does start at His birth.

The Rapture Is irrefutably linked to the Tribulation period, most Bible scholars believe just before, and we know that the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1 and 2, our Sept.) is a foreshadow of the Rapture, which is still to be fulfilled. Jesus rose on the third day, so too will we. There is only ONE more thing to happen BEFORE the Rapture, and that is the revealing of the antichrist (II Thess. 2:3). I believe there are three revealing’s. The first one, which is the only one the church will see, is the first seal and the white horse (Rev. 6:2), which represents the antichrist; when he takes territory of three of the ten regions of the global government (Dan. 7:8, 20, 24). The church will then be able to accurately identify who the antichrist is, without any confusion or doubt (for more details see More on the Antichrist).

I hope you will find this chart interesting, or you may find it totally confusing? But once we begin to see these events happen, we will literally be able to check off the boxes one by one, and see these things being fulfilled right before our eyes! Of course, I am not saying I have everything right, the Bible does give us so many specific details, so we can know the order in which things will occur. BUT as to the timing and when, that’s another story! For example, the mark of the beast in Rev. 13, we know will happen in mid-trib. A prototype of this microchip is already in use, but it is not the one that is referred to in Rev. 13, and which will be enforced at that time. BUT again, we can also see so many things are lining up and coming together, from different sources, even secular ones, and we can know, without any shadow of doubt, that these times are upon us and are VERY close at hand! S.J.

N.B. President Joe Biden stepped down from the presidential race on the 21 July 2024…we can now tick off the very first box!!!

Saturday 8 June 2024

The False Prophet

I have just watched a video of Jonathan Cahn, where he addresses the Pope (the last one was to President Joe Biden). Wow he is very bold and courageous!!! The Pope made a shocking announcement at the end of last year, around Christmas, that Priests were now allowed to bless same-sex couples! Of course those that follow the Word of God know that this is an apostasy. God cannot and will not bless what He states is sin.

When I wrote about the False Prophet, even in my first edition, I was not brave enough to state exactly what I had learnt and found out, during my time of studying this. Hopefully I will follow Pastor Cahn’s example and be bold this time?

I still marvel, even now, at how accurate and precise the Bible is. It has given us so much detailed information about this, it is shocking! I have written a fairly detailed description about the antichrist (More on the Antichrist), and what the scriptures tell us about him, but now let us look a little more closely at the man that will accompany and be closely associated to him, THE FALSE PROPHET.

“The false prophet will hand over the whole of his dominion (not political but religious) to the antichrist and will be closely associated with him (Rev. 13:2, 4). They will both be able to perform supernatural signs and lying wonders… “attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels – [all of them] lying wonders.” (II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14). ” P 139. And yes, even though they will be closely associated to each other, the scriptures tell us in Rev. 17:16, that the beast and the ten horns (ten rulers of the NWO) hate the harlot and will ultimately destroy her. The great harlot or mother of prostitutes, which Rev. 17 talks about, is referring to an apostate church, and as Jonathan Cahn stated, would be a coalition of apostate churches joining together. There will be a one world religion, which will even include the occult and eastern religions. But its head, or leader will be in Rome, the city on seven hills (vs. 9). “The woman was robed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold, precious stones and pearls…” (vs. 4). When I looked up this verse, in many different commentaries, they all stated that this was referring to the Pope, even down to his exact regalia and even the colours of scarlet and purple (which are the colours that the Cardinals and the Pope wear)! At the time I had a strong impression that this was referring to Pope Francis (as there have been other controversial things he has said), but now with this latest shocking news, there is no doubt in my mind!

Tom Horn is another person who unashamedly and categorically states that Pope Francis is the last Pope, and therefore the False Prophet! Apparently the Catholics have an ancient prophecy that says there will only be 112 Popes. And Pope Francis is the 112th.

I can remember Dr. Jack Van Impe, many years ago, teaching on Rev. 13:11, “Then I saw another beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb, and he roared like a dragon.” He explained that the False Prophet has two horns like a lamb identifying him with Christianity, but he is a defecting Christian, who is apostatized because he roars like a dragon (has satanic power Rev. 13:11-15). He will perform many mystical false signs and wonders deceiving many. But he also rises up out of the earth (the antichrist rises up out of the sea, the sea of humanity vs. 1). To me this indicates that he is carnally minded (Gen. 2:7; I Cor. 15:47). Rom. 8:7-8 AMP shows us that this is what apostasy is…“because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot. So then those who are living the life of the flesh cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.” We have just seen, by his actions, that he has absolutely no regard for the laws of God.

What else does the Bible tell us about the False Prophet? In Rev. 13:14-15, it tells us that he erects a statue (an image) of the beast, and he imparts the breath of life into the beast’s image, so that the statue could talk and cause to be put to death those who would not bow down and worship the image of the beast. Even years ago when I read this verse, I wrote in my Bible, “Could it be a computer or Big Brother?” Of course that is old school now! We all know how fast and rapidly AI technology is developing, that it is becoming extremely scary! Transhumanism is now a reality (machines in humans and vice versa). Just recently I heard how scientists are developing human brain tissue from stem cells, to put into AI technology. It is not working YET!!! Again Dr. Jack Van Impe had an interesting take on this, he said that the word image is the same word for a clone, and he suggested that a clone would be made of the antichrist! We already have AI robotic humanoids, which look exactly human! We still don’t know how this will play out, but it is surely some form of AI that will be this image of the antichrist, as it has the ability to monitor and keep track of every human being. Another extremely frightening thought; there is another technology they are developing where the brain will be scanned and AI will be able to read your thoughts! Of course they will say this is to prevent terrorism! But this is the ultimate invasion of privacy!

Then in vs. 16 it tells us that the False Prophet is also the one who enforces the “mark of the beast,” interesting to note in the KJV it says IN (not on) the right hand or forehead. Again, amazing how the Bible so accurately predicted this, as only OUR generation can understand the technology behind this! Even my parents or even myself at a younger age would have had NO clue to its meaning. Again this technology is already in use, a RFID biometric micro-chip which is inserted under the skin, in between the forefinger and the thumb, and will be used for storing all of your information, educational, employment, medical, financial and your digital identity, GPS tracking etc, and used for financial transactions. In Sweden, 80% of the population have a “prototype” of this chip inserted in their hand, for opening and locking doors, starting your car, logging onto your computer and for financial transactions which are done digitally. They are already suggesting that it is vital to have a chip for your medical records, so that if you are unconscious they can just scan your hand for your details. That of course will only be the start. At first it will not be compulsory, but you will not be able to buy or sell or do any financial transactions without it, as the global financial system will become a global digital currency, controlled by this chip and 666! The Bible categorically states that this is the mark of the antichrist, his stamp and claim of authority and ownership over you! Once you have received it there is NO turning back, and you will drink of the undiluted wrath of God (Rev. 14:10-11)!

We also know from Rev. 13 that this will only be mandatory from mid-tribulation, when the antichrist takes control of all ten regions and rules the whole world for 42 months or three and a half years. Then this chip will be compulsory and refusing to have it inserted will cost you your life! It is interesting to note that the World Economic Forum are planning this global changeover to a digital currency, which they call The Great Reset, for the year 2030. Which astonishingly, through The Third Day Chart, also indicates that mid-trib could be 2030! That is only six years away!

May I very briefly paraphrase something else Tom Horn has written about in his book, Zeitgeist 2025. In ancient Egyptian mythology, an Egyptian god called Osiris is believed to be raised again! It has been symbolized by the “Isis dome” (which is symbolic of a uterus) and the Obelisk (symbolic of an erect penis) which will impregnant a person, when the time is ripe. As far as I am aware there are only two of these structures, in the world. One in the capital of America, Washington DC, and the other at the Vatican in Rome. They have been lying in wait for many centuries, waiting for the right time when the antichrist and the false prophet will undergo a reincarnation, and become a part of a diabolical trinity. “The antichrist is transmogrified into a living incarnation of Osiris Apollo, at the raising of Osiris ceremony in the dome at Capitol Hill during the inauguration” Thomas Horn. For me this is additional proof that the antichrist will rise-up out of America, and the false prophet out of Rome.

It is without a doubt that these end-times are upon us, and that the time of the church age, and the dispensation of grace, is about to come to an end, which will end once the Rapture happens! Evil will then greatly increase as the restrainer will step aside (II Thess. 2:7). The wrath of God will then be poured out, in some terrifying judgments (during the Tribulation period)! The time for the antichrist and the false prophet will then begin. But fortunately it will only last for a very brief time (Rev. 17:10-12). This eighth empire and its evil nefarious ruler and his cohort will be destroyed, by the Word of His mouth, when Jesus returns to earth, the second time. But this time to rule and reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years at the beginning of the new millennium!

I hope you have found this interesting and informative? And remember do not allow yourself to be duped or fooled by false teachers and prophets, but especially by the main False Prophet (Matt. 24:24), always stay close to the plumbline, the Word of God. S.J.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

A Madam President?

Last year I wrote a detailed description of the antichrist, and his attributes, that we will recognise him by certain criteria. Yes, throughout the centuries, many dictators and rulers have had the characteristics or spirit of the antichrist. But the one that rises up in Rev. 13:1-2, out of the sea of humanity in the last days (and the beast in Dan. 7:3-8), will have the body or religion of the Middle East, the feet or backing of Russia, and the mouth or authority of a king of USA (who has reigned before Rev. 17:11 TLB).

He is not only known in scripture as the antichrist… Apostle John describes an antichrist spirit, which has ruled since his time, in the Epistles of John (this is not the same as a specific man who will rule the whole world, in the last three and a half years). Apostle Paul calls him the man of sin (rebellion or lawlessness in II Thess. 2:3) or son of perdition. Daniel calls him the Wilful King (Dan. 11:36), the Little Horn (Dan. 7:8), and having a fierce countenance (Dan. 8:23), and a prince (Dan. 9:26). Isaiah calls him the Assyrian (Isa. 10:5-13, 24-26). Zechariah calls him the Idle or Worthless Shepherd (Zech. 11:17), as he will desert the flock, Israel – when he breaks the peace treaty. In Revelation he is known as the BEAST… In fact Pastor Jimmy Evans says he has 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13 in the New Testament.

Just recently, something VERY interesting came to light, with a video of Perry Stone, called Madam President, dated 3 October 2023. He is saying this is NOT a prophetic word, but inside information that he has been given. Should President Biden choose to step down, or if something should happen to him, instead of the Vice President stepping in, it is possible that they may ask, former First Lady, Michelle Obama to take office?

Wow what a controversy, who would ever have dreamt of this turn of events? And we still don’t know how this will play out?

So now I am just thinking to myself, this would have to happen BEFORE the next elections in November 2024? That is within a few months!!! Like I said, we have absolutely no idea how this will play out and will have to just wait and see! S.J.


More on the Antichrist:

Clip of Madam President?:

Perry Stone's Madam President???:

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Total Solar Eclipse - Part Two

I have been watching several videos on the 8th April Total Solar Eclipse, to gain further insight on this. Three very interesting ones, all say that this eclipse is a warning of WAR! One said perhaps another world war, the other said a CIVIL WAR. The second one that said civil war (Pastor Troy Brewer), also added the statement of “brother against brother,” which is what jumped out at me, and reminded me of what I said on P164 of Asteroid Impact.

“The wars and bloodshed will be the direct result of a global cataclysmic disaster, and the chaos that then ensues. The wars will not be a “world war” as we had before, but they will be nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, brother against brother. In other words, people of the same races and ethnic groups will fight amongst each other. Asians against Asians, Arabs against Arabs, Africans against Africans and so on. And even though the wars will be all over the world, certain areas will be the worst. The red horse of Rev. 6:4 represents Africa, but Asia, the Middle East and U.S.A. will also be hotspots!”

This is referring to the second seal and the red horse, in Revelation chapter 6 (Matt. 24:6). It is insurrections that result from anarchy and civil unrest, caused by a cataclysmic disaster. I do not believe that this will only happen in America but it will be world-wide. BUT for America, the war will be on two fronts. On P187 I describe another attack from the “North”. This could possibly be Russia and her allies from the Middle East, Syria, Iraq, Iran and maybe even North Korea? This will be an attack on America, when all her defences are down, and she is helpless to defend herself! Whew all this is terrifying, to say the least!

Another point the first one made, was at the X where the two Great American Total Solar Eclipses cross, is near the New Madrid Faultline, and he is predicting a massive earthquake. Yes I agree, this all fits in! The earthquakes will also cause tsunamis! The other video said the X is on Little Egypt. This is total speculation, but my thought was, “I wonder if that refers to the Exodus and the first Passover?” (see Passover- Pesach).

Another point Pastor Troy Brewer made was, the time period between these two Great American Total Solar Eclipses is seven years, and that it represents Joseph. But then he breaks it down to the exact time period of 6 years 6 months and 6 days! I don’t know about you, but the first thing I saw there, was the number 666, which we all know is the number of the antichrist. We also know that the antichrist first rises up out of chaos and will first appear figuratively on a white horse, the first seal (Rev. 6:2), taking territory in the midst of all this. It is when he is first revealed to the church, as the antichrist (see More On The Antichrist).

Again I want to reiterate that this judgment is coming because of two main reasons…

1/ the reversing of Roe vs Wade, by the States, making it legal for abortions again.

2/ USA betraying Israel, by dividing their land (the tipping point when the cup of wrath is full).

The third is the diabolical science of bioengineering and the altering of our human DNA (which is what also happened in Noah’s day – see P183 of Asteroid Impact).

These times ahead are terrifying, but this judgment is NOT for the children of God, those that are safe in the Ark of Salvation. It will be a time of the latter rain, the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will have PROTECTION, PROVISION AND HEALTH. Put your life and trust in Him today if you have not already done so.


Passover- Pesach

More On The Antichrist

Ark of Salvation