Yes, the early birth pangs have already started (the first precursor being Covid-19, Hab. 3:5). It is not hard to see how much turmoil the world is in, in so many different areas, from climate upheaval, natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes etc.), famines, pestilence, moral decline, apostasy, deception, civil unrest, and of course wars. The late birth pangs will be much more intensified and multiplied, but will also be over a relatively short period, (approximately 15-18 months, depending on when the Asteroid Impact takes place, it may be even sooner?). I also believe, contrary to what Bible scholars teach, that the late birth pangs start with the six seals (or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) in Revelation chapter 6 (most Bible scholars teach that the six seals start at the beginning of the Tribulation period). As Matthew chapter 24 and Revelation chapter 6 are a parallel and correlate together. So when Jesus spoke about the beginning of sorrows, He was talking about the six seals! Which also means the church will go through this time, as it will happen BEFORE the Rapture…
The dates are for reference ONLY! I have taken the dates from the Third Day Chart (Hos. 6:2), with the third millennium starting in 2033. Then deduct seven years (2520 days) for the Tribulation Period, which will then start in 2026? There are only two variables which could change those dates. One is the age of Jesus when He was crucified, as Daniel 9:24-27 gives the exact number of years for the 70th week (too long to explain here). Some say Jesus was 30 years old when He died, but that would make the Tribulation start in 2023, which obviously has passed and no peace treaty has been signed. Others say He was 32 years old, that would make the Tribulation start in 2025. It is possible, but not probable. Others say He was 33 years old, making the Third Millenium 2033. The other variable could be the start of AD, was it at Christ’s birth, or is it a year or two in either direction? But it is most probable that it is correct and does start at His birth.
The Rapture Is irrefutably linked to the Tribulation period, most Bible scholars believe just before, and we know that the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1 and 2, our Sept.) is a foreshadow of the Rapture, which is still to be fulfilled. Jesus rose on the third day, so too will we. It is interesting to note that the Rapture happens at the end of the first seven-years; and the Second Coming at the end of the second seven-years. There is only ONE more thing to happen BEFORE the Rapture, and that is the revealing of the antichrist (II Thess. 2:3). I believe there are three revealing’s. The first one, which is the only one the church will see, is the first seal and the white horse (Rev. 6:2), which represents the antichrist; when he takes territory of three of the ten regions of the global government (Dan. 7:8, 20, 24). The church will then be able to accurately identify who the antichrist is, without any confusion or doubt (for more details see More on the Antichrist).
I hope you will find this chart interesting, or you may find it totally confusing? But once we begin to see these events happen, we will literally be able to check off the boxes one by one, and see these things being fulfilled right before our eyes! Of course, I am not saying I have everything right, the Bible does give us so many specific details, so we can know the order in which things will occur. BUT as to the timing and when, that’s another story! For example, the mark of the beast in Rev. 13, we know will happen in mid-trib. A prototype of this microchip is already in use, but it is not the one that is referred to in Rev. 13, and which will be enforced at that time. BUT again, we can also see so many things are lining up and coming together, from different sources, even secular ones, and we can know, without any shadow of doubt, that these times are upon us and are VERY close at hand! S.J.
N.B. President Joe Biden stepped down from the presidential race on the 21 July 2024…Kamala Harris possibly ruled the country, behind the scenes?
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