Wednesday 13 March 2024

Total Solar Eclipse - Part Two

I have been watching several videos on the 8th April Total Solar Eclipse, to gain further insight on this. Three very interesting ones, all say that this eclipse is a warning of WAR! One said perhaps another world war, the other said a CIVIL WAR. The second one that said civil war (Pastor Troy Brewer), also added the statement of “brother against brother,” which is what jumped out at me, and reminded me of what I said on P164 of Asteroid Impact.

“The wars and bloodshed will be the direct result of a global cataclysmic disaster, and the chaos that then ensues. The wars will not be a “world war” as we had before, but they will be nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, brother against brother. In other words, people of the same races and ethnic groups will fight amongst each other. Asians against Asians, Arabs against Arabs, Africans against Africans and so on. And even though the wars will be all over the world, certain areas will be the worst. The red horse of Rev. 6:4 represents Africa, but Asia, the Middle East and U.S.A. will also be hotspots!”

This is referring to the second seal and the red horse, in Revelation chapter 6 (Matt. 24:6). It is insurrections that result from anarchy and civil unrest, caused by a cataclysmic disaster. I do not believe that this will only happen in America but it will be world-wide. BUT for America, the war will be on two fronts. On P187 I describe another attack from the “North”. This could possibly be Russia and her allies from the Middle East, Syria, Iraq, Iran and maybe even North Korea? This will be an attack on America, when all her defences are down, and she is helpless to defend herself! Whew all this is terrifying, to say the least!

Another point the first one made, was at the X where the two Great American Total Solar Eclipses cross, is near the New Madrid Faultline, and he is predicting a massive earthquake. Yes I agree, this all fits in! The earthquakes will also cause tsunamis! The other video said the X is on Little Egypt. This is total speculation, but my thought was, “I wonder if that refers to the Exodus and the first Passover?” (see Passover- Pesach).

Another point Pastor Troy Brewer made was, the time period between these two Great American Total Solar Eclipses is seven years, and that it represents Joseph. But then he breaks it down to the exact time period of 6 years 6 months and 6 days! I don’t know about you, but the first thing I saw there, was the number 666, which we all know is the number of the antichrist. We also know that the antichrist first rises up out of chaos and will first appear figuratively on a white horse, the first seal (Rev. 6:2), taking territory in the midst of all this. It is when he is first revealed to the church, as the antichrist (see More On The Antichrist).

Again I want to reiterate that this judgment is coming because of two main reasons…

1/ the reversing of Roe vs Wade, by the States, making it legal for abortions again.

2/ USA betraying Israel, by dividing their land (the tipping point when the cup of wrath is full).

The third is the diabolical science of bioengineering and the altering of our human DNA (which is what also happened in Noah’s day – see P183 of Asteroid Impact).

These times ahead are terrifying, but this judgment is NOT for the children of God, those that are safe in the Ark of Salvation. It will be a time of the latter rain, the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will have PROTECTION, PROVISION AND HEALTH. Put your life and trust in Him today if you have not already done so.


Passover- Pesach

More On The Antichrist

Ark of Salvation

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