Friday 8 March 2024

Ark of Salvation

I just have to ask you, are you safe in the Ark of Salvation? Have you ever surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God? You see, at the moment we are living in, what Bible scholars call the “dispensation of grace” or the church age. This is a period when God's grace towards us freely abounds. His love, mercy, kindness, forgiveness etc. is freely available to us, because of what Christ did for us on the cross! But this period is rapidly coming to a close and will end once the Rapture of the church has happened! The Rapture will happen, possibly immediately after the very last Gentile has come into the kingdom of God (Rom. 11:25). The door for the Ark of Salvation, for the Gentiles, will then be SHUT (Matt. 25:10). God will then turn His focus onto His elect, the Jewish people, ONLY they will be saved during this period. Shortly after the Rapture the Tribulation period will begin, when the wrath of God will be poured out in full measure (especially the second half). It will also be a time when the antichrist will rule the earth, with great fury, and evil will greatly increase. It is the worst time in all of human history, and Jesus said if this period was not shortened there would be NO survivors (Matt. 24:21-22).

Time is VERY short now, soon the world will go into total chaos, and who knows, if we will survive that? I believe the Rapture could possibly be in Sept 2026? So don't delay your decision to receive Jesus any longer, do it today, right now! Now is the time for salvation, NOT tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes (II Cor. 6:2). God richly bless you, for your decision today. He will protect, provide and heal those who are His, and we will be safe in the Ark of Salvation...


see YouTube video The Ark of Salvation

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