Wednesday 6 March 2024

Israeli War - Dividing the Land - Update

Just the other day, I saw a video of Kim Clement (dated February 22, 2014), where he prophesied that, “they will try to divide Jerusalem, and give half over to their enemies, but God will not allow it!” We are not sure when this will happen, but could this be the betrayal of Israel? Jerusalem belongs to God, and no mere man has any right to hand over, even just half of it, as Jerusalem was restored to Israel after the Six-Day War in 1967.

I love the story found in Daniel 5, and where the saying, “the writing is on the wall” comes from. To paraphrase the story briefly, the Chaldean king, Belshazzar, had taken the sacred gold and silver vessels (that had been taken out of the temple in Jerusalem, from the Holy of Holies), and had used them in a feast he had given (Dan. 5:2). Immediately they saw a hand writing on the wall. Daniel is then brought in to interpret the writing and its meaning (vs. 26-28), basically the meaning was, “your kingdom has come to an end.” That very night the king was slain (vs. 30), and his kingdom given to Darius the Mede.

You see, when you “touch” what is God’s (that includes Israel, Jerusalem and His elect, the Jews), you are in essence, poking your finger in His eye (Zech. 2:8)! In Belshazzar’s case his kingdom and his life were taken from him! In Jeremiah 50-51 it outlines the Destruction of Babylon (first the ancient Babylon and also a type and shadow of a future Babylon – the USA). This judgment is also against the Chaldeans (a type of the USA), and in Jer. 50:28, it says it is for the plundering and destruction of His temple (and see Jer. 51:35).

As I said in the previous article, “If the Biden administration in any way attempts to 'divide the land of Israel,'…this could turn out completely disastrous, not for Israel, but for the USA!” And maybe even for President Biden himself (if there is any parallel to Dan. 5:30)?

When President Biden first came into office, Pastor Perry Stone did a very interesting hermeneutic study (taking the Hebraic letters and their numeric value), of the President, as he has done for other Presidents. His name, using the Hebraic letters, means ALAS JUDGMENT (see the link below). I am just speculating here, but could this meaning suggest that this judgment of “The Destruction of Babylon,” may come in President Biden’s time in office? As we all know the next election will be in November 2024. Oh another VERY, VERY interesting video of Pastor Perry Stones came to light recently, that could suggest a future woman president in America (will definitely be doing an article on that soon)?

As I have said before, so many different things, from different sources, are lining up to suggest very strongly, that it could even be in the next year, 2025? Also see article on the Great American Total Solar Eclipse


See previous article: Israeli War - Dividing the Land

Clip of Kim Clement – Dividing Jerusalem

Clip of Perry Stone and Biden’s name 2

Clip of Perry Stone and Biden’s name 3

Clip of Perry Stone and Madam President

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