Tuesday 5 October 2021


“Cheshvan is when darkness reigns, yet growth begins deep beneath the surface.

The Hebrew month, Cheshvan, is classically referred to as Marcheshvan. The first two words spell the word mar. In Hebrew, this word means “bitter.”

The original Hebrew name for the month was Bul, which denotes the idea of “drying up,” as the leaves begin to decay with the approach of Autumn. Clearly, the month of Marcheshvan, or Bul, as its name suggests, is a month of darkness and decay."

Please read the full article, for a better understanding of this month, from Rabbi Ari Goldwag https://www.aish.com/jl/hol/hm/The_Bitter_Month.html

I found this article from Rabbi Ari very interesting, as I was researching which month (the second Hebrew month) Noah’s flood occurred in. There are two different views as there are also two different Hebrew calendars (the months are in a different order), one the Sacred Calendar and the present Civil Calendar. In the Sacred calendar, Iyar (our April/May) is the second month, and in the Civil calendar Cheshvan, is the second month. Why is this important? Well, my theory is that when Jesus said, it will be as in the days of Noah…

“Could Jesus, in this instance, be speaking literally when He said it will be as it was in the days of Noah? 1/ that another asteroid impact will occur, causing profuse flooding and will be similar to the great flood. 2/ People would not believe the warnings and refused to repent and were therefore caught unawares. 3/ Could it also be in the same time frame or season that the great flood occurred, on the seventeenth day of the second month (Gen. 7:11)?”

Again, this is only just speculation, but the points that Rabbi Ari brought us about the month of Cheshvan have some real significance, don’t you think? It is the “bitter month, the month of darkness and decay,” and that it can also mean, from the name Bul, “the beginning of the rainy season in Israel; it is thus connected to the word mabul, flood – an overabundance of rain.” All of which tie into the great flood of Noah’s day!

It is also important to remember that the Hebrew calendar is based on a lunar calendar – ours is a solar calendar, so the dates of the Hebrew months will change every year (according to our calendar) but Cheshvan usually falls in our October, through to November. This year it starts on 7 October to 4 November 2021. For me, this is also relevant, as November is our eleventh month. The biblical meaning of the number eleven is transition, confusion and chaos. It is the passage (or hallway of transition) between two doors, one door closing and the other door opening! It is a time of trial, of waiting and of patient endurance! It is the wilderness period. It is a time between two seasons, one season that is about to end, and another one that is about to begin. It is a time of “death,” before the new birth can happen.

Again, for me, November is significant, as back in 2011, on 22/11/11, I had what I believe was a prophetic dream!

Noah’s flood was a great calamity and disaster for the entire world, but it also ushered in a NEW day, a new season of hope and restoration! Destroying the evil so that good could abound once more. Did you also note, In Rabbi Ari’s article, that the flood was supposed to start on the eleventh day of Cheshvan? But it was delayed for seven days because of the death of Methuselah (one door closing and another one opening). Before something new can happen the old has to die first. This also happened with Moses and Joshua, Moses had to die before Joshua could cross over into Canaan. Rachel died to give birth to Benjamin. New things at first, seem terrifying and uncertain, but in order to take hold of the “new,” we must first let go of the “old,” the old way of doing things, and we must allow ourselves time to get adjusted to the “new.”

What we see as devastation and chaos, can be the means and vehicle of a new start, and a new beginning! In our case the transition period of “chaos” will be a possible ten months, then the seven years of the Tribulation period (but for believers a possible 22 months, in total, as they will go up in the rapture). At the end of the Tribulation period Jesus Christ will return to earth, splitting the mount of Olives in two, destroying the final eighth kingdom, and then setting up His kingdom on earth, to rule for a thousand years, for the sabbatical millennium!

“It will be the greatest event of all time, and will be history’s glorious climax, marking the end of the world as we know it, with all its sin, sickness, suffering and sorrow. It will then be the beginning of a glorious new era in which righteousness, peace and joy shall reign forever.”

A BRAND NEW GLORIOUS ERA WILL BEGIN, where the lamb will lie with the wolf and the lion (Isa. 65:25; Rev.20)! Where man will live as long as a tree (Isa. 65:22). Where there will be no sickness, disease or suffering or loss! It is hard to even imagine this, isn’t it? But won’t it all be worth it? That transition period will never ever be remembered again (Isa. 65:17). But all this is only promised to those who will endure to the end! Don’t EVER, EVER give up, for your rewards will be great! S.J.

See You Tube: https://youtu.be/6Otirr1lyP4

Sunday 26 September 2021

Walk In Love

“If I give all I possess to the poor…but have not love, I gain nothing.”
1 Cor 13:3 NIV

“Unconditional love…that gives all and asks nothing in return, the kind of love we fail in daily, and seek to understand.” Glenna Oldham

You know another verse that’s always puzzled me is 1 Jn 4:18 “Perfect love casts out fear…” and something I heard Kenneth Copeland speak on gave me some light on this! Did you know that the minute we step “out of love” we step into fear? And where there is fear faith cannot operate and it’s impossible to receive anything from God without faith (nothing can work as the only medium faith will work in is love). It’s rather like a fish in a bowl of water the more you drain the water out the more restricted the fish becomes! That’s why Jesus commands us to forgive and to forgive quickly (Matt. 6:15, Mark 11:25) because the second you step “out of love” you are actually in a very dangerous and precarious position – open to all sorts of attack and torment! So any emotion that puts us into strife, anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, anxiety, stress, selfishness...causes us to walk out of love and into fear making us travel a very rocky road! So when there is anything lacking in my life or just not working, I ask myself this - maybe it’s not my faith that’s lacking but my love? So hey the solution is to stay “IN LOVE” and you’ll walk in God’s presence as HE IS LOVE! And love’s greatest expression is giving – giving of yourself, your time, talents, treasure and tongue!! S.J.

Oh this is what Joyce has to say… "Is love the main theme of your life? If not, you need to make a change. Often we spend time seeking things that we think are important! Do not major in what Jesus considers to be minor. In other words, don’t spend your time and effort on things that have no lasting value and don’t add to the kingdom of God. The Bible says love is seen in our behavior toward one another. It is by our love that the world will know we are Jesus’ disciples John 13:35.

Love can be described quite eloquently, but I believe the real power of love is seen in how we treat one another. Are we patient, kind, humble, ready to believe the best at all times, not easily provoked or offended and ready to lay aside our rights for other people? Are we ready to quickly and frequently forgive, and to never keep records of wrongs that we have suffered? Will we endure everything without weakening and bear with the failings of the weak? The willingness to do these things is what love is all about. Love is an effort and it always costs us something. Most people today are looking for the easy road, but that is one that leads to destruction. I encourage you to take the narrow road – the one which people who are willing to treat others as they want to be treated travel.” Joyce Meyer

I have been rather hesitant to post this as I have noticed when I speak God’s words – His word is more powerful than a two edged sword Heb. 4:12 and not my own words which are trivial and insignificant and meaningless, He will always test that word in my own life e.g. if I tell someone to do something based on God’s word, the very next day I will be tested in the exact same thing to see if I too will obey His word – will I do what I say? So by writing this I will have to make sure that I also walk in it! It’s not the easy road as Joyce said but it’s the best road one that leads to life and life more abundantly John 10:10.

Something a pastor said, has stuck with me for many years, and is very helpful! He said, “Always walk in the opposite spirit.” This means, when someone treats you badly, you don’t retaliate with the same actions, but you “walk in the opposite spirit” and treat them with love and kindness instead! When you do this, you are 1/ treating others the way you would like to be treated (Matt. 7:12), remember you will reap what you sow. 2/ You will be abiding in the vine (John 15). When you walk in love you are abiding in the vine and staying “in Christ.” The minute you choose to walk “out of love,” you come out of alignment and out of the vine! 3/ You are showing others, by example (not just words), the right way to do things! You become the “living sacrifice” (Rom 12:1), because to do this means you will have to sacrifice your own desires and crucify your flesh!

I would be amiss if I didn't add this last, incredible story - one that I witnessed with my own eyes!

Tuesday 7 September 2021

The Prodigal Son

Only just recently, an incident happened in my life, which made me think of Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). For the first time in my life, I was able to understand what the father in the story felt, when his lost son returned home…rapturous joy, shock, surprise, unbelief and delight, all at the same time! Only a parent who has had a wayward, lost child return home, can truly understand that feeling!

Jesus loved to illustrate life principals by using short stories, which are called parables. Unlike today, where we have a deluge of visual aids, He had none, except to use the imagination of stories that He told. The story of the Prodigal Son is probably one of the most popular, as it is a profound one! The youngest of two son’s asks his father for his inheritance in advance, he then leaves home and squanders all of it away in wanton and luxurious living. He is not heard of again by his family and is presumed dead. But one day, the son who had been living in the gutters, finally comes to his senses and decides to return home.

The father would go every day to the end of his road, to see if his son might be there, but would return hopeless and forlorn! But on this particular day, to his utter shock and surprise, he saw his son in the far distance! At first, he could not believe his eyes and rubbed them continually as if to say, “No, I am seeing things.” He then runs towards his son, in jubilant excitement, embracing, kissing and hugging him! He is overjoyed and overwhelmed to the point of bursting, at the thought that his son, who was once presumed dead, is now alive, and who was lost is now found (vs. 32). He is in no way bitter or twisted or angry at his son for wasting his inheritance, or for any wrongdoing he might have done. The father forgives him instantly, and only longs to have restored fellowship with his son! And then he organises a party in celebration for his return. What an amazing story of redemption, isn’t it?

So what was the life principal that Jesus was portraying in this story? If you have not already seen it, we, are the young son, and the father in this story represents our heavenly Father. He is an exact replica of how our heavenly Father sees us, even though we may have squandered and wasted our precious lives, away from Him, His only thought and concern is… “They were lost but are now found.” He does not hold a “big stick” to beat us with and condemn us because of all our wrongdoings (John 3:16,17)1. No He instantly and willingly forgives us and lovingly and joyfully (Zeph. 3:17)2 embraces us, welcoming us back home!

And YET people will still despise and hate this all-loving Father, who in their right mind could reject One as pure and beautiful as He? But after turning down and rejecting such an incredible offer of peace and reconciliation, is He also not just and fair then, to also reject and condemn them???

1“16For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. 17For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.” AMP

2“17The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.” AMP
See You Tube https://youtu.be/8yd8xGhNZXA

Sunday 11 July 2021

Greatest Hindrance to Salvation

To state the obvious, the greatest hindrance to salvation is of course SIN. But are there certain sins which are worse than others? Not according to James 2:10 “For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it.” Even a “liar” is doomed to the dreaded “lake of fire” in Rev. 21:8. So we can safely say that Rom. 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” is absolutely correct, for not ONE of us is guiltless! This is why, we so desperately need a Saviour, to stand on our behalf, as no-one is able to be righteous enough on his own! Jesus, took our place of punishment, when He died on the cross, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 6:23

But there are some sins which are worse than others because they have deeper consequences attached to them! There are some which become generational sins and will therefore affect three to four generations (Exod. 20:5). We could list a whole lot of different sins and their consequences, for example, the sin of slander is one of the “seven deadly sins” found in Prov. 6:16-19. They are known as the “seven deadly sins” because the consequences to these will actually cause a premature death!

But for now, I want to focus on the sin of unforgiveness, as it is possibly the deadliest. Even a Christian who dies with this sin in his/her heart will not be forgiven (Mark 11:26) and could lose their salvation. Certain Christian doctrines teach that once you become a Christian you will never lose your salvation. In certain aspects that is true, but because we have been given a free will, it is possible to choose to backslide or to apostatise or to deny Christ amidst severe persecution.

So, forgiveness is very important to God, because we ourselves have been freely forgiven of SO much. How then can we dare not to forgive others? A deeper study of unforgiveness will reveal many different aspects and consequences to this sin. Just recently, a friend of mine was deeply hurt by her son. It caused her great pain, which then resulted in her becoming ill. Fortunately, she sought Christian council and dealt with unforgiveness and resentment. We looked at the seven stages of unforgiveness when it is left unchecked.

This was certainly a detailed study, for example one aspect is guilt. Did you know that guilt is unforgiveness towards yourself? It is as equally important to forgive yourself if you want a healthy mental outlook on life and experience freedom. But I noticed there was one side of unforgiveness not many realise! What about unforgiveness towards God? Not that God needs our forgiveness as He is perfect and righteous in every way! But in our limited, human understanding, we blame God when bad things happen, and we cannot understand why God has allowed such things! It has been said, correctly so, that an atheist or agnostic will often think this way! Something terrible has happened in their past, and they blame God – they say, “How can there possibly be a God of love, when He has allowed this to happen to me?” They therefore completely deny the existence of God. In actual fact, they have “blocked” and shut Him out, refusing to allow Him any access into their mind or hearts!

Another friend had a situation earlier in his past. He had a son, with his partner. She then decided to leave, when their son was only six years old, and moved to another continent. He was unable to do anything about it, as he had no legal rights, as they were not married. He completely blamed God for taking his son away from him (not through death but through separation) and has adopted the atheist point of view! I am not even allowed to mention the name, God, when we are talking! When I look at this situation from a completely different angle, I can see that he, was to blame, and not God. God has said that if we obey, we will be blessed, but if we disobey, we will be cursed (Deut. 30:15). When we choose to do things our way (which will often involve sin), things will not work out for the best…the opposite is true when we do things God’s way, blessings will overtake us (Deut. 28).

I too, experienced deep pain as a child, but for some reason was spared from hating God! I intuitively turned to Him instead, from an early age! Not to say that I have been saved from the terrible consequences of what happened, but God’s hand of protection has somehow kept me from total destruction! You see, we are to run TO Him, NOT from Him – this I can honestly say is KEY to every difficult situation we face in life! There will be MANY, MANY times when things happen that are totally out of our control or understanding! We will feel lost, confused, unloved, betrayed, abandoned, alone and afraid! But again, the key is to turn TO Him in those situations, as He truly is the only answer and help in times of need!

Please, I am not saying I know the answers to many disturbing and horrific things that happen in this life! And there will always be things that are beyond our human understanding – we will never know all the answers this side of eternity. But one thing is also for sure, we have an enemy, Satan and he is the ruler of this world, and he is the one to be blamed for all the evil that is rampant upon this earth! Choosing to blame and ignore God will by default make you a follower of Satan! Which will also mean that when you die, you will be taken to the place that has been prepared for Satan and his followers! Whew, that is quite a statement, but unfortunately a true one at that! Why not turn to Jesus, right now, today, and be forgiven and accepted freely, into the kingdom of light. And become born again, into the family of God, and be an heir of salvation, and an heir to all the blessings He has for you. Not to mention, the gift of eternal LIFE, in a beautiful indescribable place called heaven!

If you are ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, see the salvation prayer in the previous post. S.J.

See The Ark of Salvation:

See Sinner’s Prayer prayed by Evangelist Perry Stone

See Mad at God:

see https://www.thehopeline.com/mad-at-god-2/

Thursday 8 July 2021

Salvation Prayer

If you are ready to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, why do you not ask Him right now? A simple but heart felt prayer could be like this: -
Congratulations if you just said that prayer, welcome to the family of God, the angels are now rejoicing over one sinner who has come home. Do you realize, that now that you have received Jesus Christ into your heart, you are now a child of God? You are now promised eternal life and will live with Him forever in an exquisitely beautiful place called heaven, where the streets are made of pure gold (John 1:12; 3:15-16; 5:24; 10:28; Gal. 3:26; I John 5:11-13). Here is an amazing promise God gives to us…

4 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away… 18 The wall was built of jasper, while the city [itself was of] pure gold, clear and transparent like glass. Rev. 21:4, 18.

You are now “Born Again,” (John 3:3, 6) and you have become a new creation, the old has past and the new has come (II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). Not because of how you feel, but because God in His Word has promised it, and He is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23:19). Your spirit has been made new and alive to God, but your mind and body have not changed. So now you will need to renew your mind and thinking in accordance with God’s Word (Rom. 12:2; II Cor. 3:18) by reading the Word of God the Bible. Start in the New Testament with the Gospel of John and then Romans, and use an easy translation. This is your spiritual food which is needed for you to grow. The word of God is powerful and will sustain and strengthen you as you begin to learn how to apply it to your life (Matt. 4:4; John 6:27, 57-58; I Pet. 2:2; Heb. 4:12).

Also begin to pray every morning before you do anything else. Talk to God as you would talk to your father (with respect and thanksgiving), prayer comes by practise and descipline. The more time you spend in His presence the closer you will get to Him. Also remember Jesus said, "you have not because you ask not," things do not happen on their own we need to ask God for help and guidance in every situation. Join other believers, if you can, and be apart of a church, a home group or Bible study, this will also encourage you!

Remember never give up (II Cor. 4:16-18; Gal. 6:9)! Salvation is only promised to those who do not give up, who overcome and endure to the end. A runner or athlete who quits just before the finish line, is automatically disqualified from the race! There are many rewards awaiting those who do finish their race (Rev. 2:7, 10; 21:7; Matt. 10:22; 24:13). You have an enemy, Satan and he will try his best to get you off track, deceive you and distract you. But the Lord has promised never to leave you or forsake you, He is with you always to help you through every difficult circumstance and He will never let you go (Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20; Isa. 41:10; 43:1-2; 49:15).

See The Ark of Salvation:

See Sinner’s Prayer prayed by Evangelist Perry Stone

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Most of us have heard the phrase, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." But where does it come from? It comes from the book of the apocalypse, which is the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation. In the sixth chapter, the Apostle John describes his vision of a Lamb, opening a scroll which had seven seals on it. Only the Lamb was worthy to open these seals. The first seal is opened, and one of the four living creatures cries out with a thunderous voice, “Come!” He introduces the first horse, a white horse with its rider carrying a bow and wearing a crown. Then the second seal is opened and the second living creature announces the second horse, a flaming red horse, whose rider is given a huge sword. The third seal is broken and the third living creature, calls the third horse, a black horse with its rider holding a pair of scales (a balance). When the Lamb broke open the fourth seal, the fourth living creature presents the fourth horse; the most gruesome of the four! It is an ashy pale horse (a greyish blue and green livid colour, the ashen, discoloured appearance of the dead). Its rider’s name is Death, and Hades. “And they were given authority and power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague and with wild beasts of the earth” vs 8.

It is important to understand that the book of Revelation is full of symbolism. Pastor Perry Stone explains the reason why symbolism was used; it was to preserve the writings of John from the authorities at that time, the Romans, as it would not be understood or considered political or a threat.

So let us investigate the symbols in this chapter. First, it is interesting to note, that in dream symbolism, the horse is considered a messenger of death! Each colour of the horses is a symbol of death in different areas. White and red represent death through war. Black is a symbol of death through famine and starvation. It is also a play on words – “the Black Market, the fire that fuels inflation”. The pale horse is the worse of all four, as it represents death in four areas - with the sword (war), with famine (starvation), with plague (disease and sickness) and with wild beasts.

Even the four living creatures play an important role in this rendition! In chapter four (vs 7; Ezek. 1:10) it reveals that each of the living creatures has a different face. The first, like a lion, the second, like an ox, the third, the face of a man, and the fourth like a flying eagle. Each of the four horses represent different parts or areas of the earth, the symbols of the faces of the four living creatures reveals which parts!

So, the worst areas of war will be the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and U.S.A. The severest area for famine and the “black market” (inflation) will be Europe (but famine will also be on every continent). And as I have explained the greatest destruction of all horses is the fourth pale horse, which represents the fourth area, being the United States of America! That area will also be exclusive to the plague and attacks from wild animals (as well as an attack from the “north” and uncontrollable fires)!

I hope you have found this quick overview and study of the four horsemen interesting and informative, even though it is also terrifying, to say the least! During this time, God’s hand of protection, provision and healing, will be mightily strong over His children, those that are safe in the ark of Salvation! S.J.

Also see previous post on 28 Feb 2021 - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

see facebook page https://business.facebook.com/authorsusancowham/videos/505258414099473/

see YouTube channel https://youtu.be/bhdgOxrgSno

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Monday 10 May 2021

The New Nephilim

If we take another look into the days of Noah, to uncover the reasons why God had deeply regretted making man. And what it was, that caused God to decide to annihilate mankind and all living creatures (apart from a remnant), in the great flood. Perhaps it could give us insight as to why this will happen again in a similar way?

Let us look at Genesis chapter 6: in verse 2 it says, “The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose.” Bible scholars have not found a definitive meaning for “sons of God” in this passage and have three possible renditions: I would like to look at the first one which is the most likely, 1/ that they are fallen angels (Job 1:6).

Their offspring were called the Nephilim, the Hebrew word meaning “fallen ones,” and the earliest Greek translators rendered it gigantes, meaning giants (vs. 4).1 They were mighty men of renown and of great stature (Num. 13:33) and ferocious warriors.

It is this perversion, the mixing of two separate created beings, into a new species, not created by God, that greatly grieved Him! A mixing, corrupting, polluting and perversion of His creation, which could have devasting consequences. Creating beings that are violent monsters (giants) and which could ultimately destroy the rest of His creation, as He intended it to be. Could this be the main reason why He decided to wipe out man, and start again, with the only righteous man left on earth, Noah?

How does all this relate to us, in our day? And are we heading the same way?

Unfortunately, for many decades now, scientists have been experimenting in genetic engineering, editing and splicing of genes and bioengineering. Even the unthinkable, to create new species by mixing human and animal genes! These are called human-animal hybrids or chimeras. The chimpanzees have the closest to our genes, and a chimp named Oliver, a humanzee, may even have been one of these experiments (as he stood upright). DARPA has tried to create a super-human for military purposes. Creating super-violent and strong creatures that can be used in warfare. Not only having super-human abilities but also having no conscience or moral interferences, preventing them from doing horrific things, that ordinary humans would refuse to do. Of course, all of this is highly secretive, as if we knew what they were doing, surely we would put a stop to it? It is my theory, that they have already created such beings. Maybe not successfully yet, but certainly it has been done! This is a wild theory and totally speculative, but could it be possible, that the Yeti (Bigfoot, Sasquatch, humanoid) is one of these such creatures? And what other monsters are out there?

Scientists say that they are doing this for the benefit of mankind, in creating higher beings, a perfected man, using science and technology, and maybe even for the purpose of immortality (transhumanism)? Did Hitler not have the same crazy delusion, a perfect race? Which ultimately cost over fifty million lives, in the second world war.

Other scientists say, “Ah but this is all for medical research…and we can save lives by growing human organs in animals.” Really? Or are they just trying to “play God”? Are they attempting to cut God completely out of the equation, to become totally self-dependent? God is able to perform any and all of these creative miracles, if we would humble ourselves, repent, and turn to Him. Many testimonies have been given of new organs and limbs that have been replaced. Why do we need these perverse experiments which can have horrendous consequences on mankind?

Technology has advanced so much, that all this can now actually become a reality! And what I have just described above is probably already “old school”? What if we can alter mankind in another way, by changing his genetic make-up altogether, and rewriting his DNA? “Biochips can carry vectors that work like a virus, that introduce a new genetic code – to rewrite your genetic make-up. Creating a new breed of the offspring of the fallen-angel-like beings, known as the New Nephilim.”2

Does any of this sound familiar? Have we not heard doctors and scientists warn us that the vaccines for COVID-19 (especially those using mRNA) can have the ability to alter our DNA? At first, I thought this was all a load of rubbish, having no idea how all this works! But yes it is possible, through genetic editing, and “CRISPR technology, entire genes can be deleted, replaced with synthetic ones or suppressed,” and what would be its purpose? Altering our genetic makeup, to perhaps make us more compliant and willing to obey every order and command? Making us less rational and more gullible, believing every lie and deception? Making us less empathetic, ruthless and cold (Matt 24:12)? Removing our “God gene” to make us spiritually dead to God but willing to conform to a one world leader? Preparing humanity for the N.O.W. and the “mark of the beast,” that will surely follow?

As the true “sons of God” (those that are in Christ), do we not have a responsibility to humanity and to God, to put a stop to these rogue scientists and force these experiments to stop? Obviously, there are moral issues at stake here, otherwise laws would not have already been put into place. But more still needs to be done to enforce this. Or do we want God to do it for us, the hard way, as He did in the days of Noah, in a way that will completely put all this perversion to “rest” (also see Gen. 11:1-9)? S.J.

1 ESV Bible Commentary, “Gen 6:4 Nephilim. The meaning of this term is uncertain. It occurs elsewhere in the OT only in Num. 13:33, where the Israelite spies are expressing their fears of the Canaanites by likening them to the ancient men of renown. Although in Hebrew Nephilim means “fallen ones,” the earliest Greek translators rendered it gigantes, “giants.”…The Nephilim were mighty men or warriors and, as such, may well have contributed to the violence that filled the earth (see Gen. 6:13).”

2 Sid Roth with Tom Horn, https://youtu.be/MAK2Mtce9gw

3 Mike Bebernes, The 360 Show, April 18, 2021, https://news.yahoo.com/human-animal-hybrid-research-raises-hopes-and-concerns-155329668.html

4 https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/moderna-chief-medical-officer-admits-mrna-alters-dna/283512

5 http://www.eagleswings.co.zw/documents/Official-Warning-about-Vaccines.pdf

Friday 26 March 2021

The COVID-19 Vaccines

There has been much controversy about the Coronavirus vaccines that have been brought out at the beginning of the year! Some say it will alter your DNA, others say it’s been made to cause mass sterilization of certain ethnic groups, others that nano particles have been inserted in it as a part of the end-time “mark of the beast” which have radio frequencies. I, for one, am very weary of it simply because it has not had enough time to be thoroughly tested and who knows what long-term side effects it will have?

I do not believe however, that this is the “mark of the beast” that the Bible is referring to as Rev. 13:16 says it will be implanted in a specific area of the body, on the right hand or the forehead. Some suggest in the skin in-between the thumb and forefinger? Yes, it will be microscopic or very small and can be inserted through an injection. But once inserted it cannot be removed! It will possibly have some form of mind control as well – you will not want to remove it! This scenario of vaccinations could very well be a forerunner or simulation exercise to see how to, in the future, actually implement the “real” “mark of the beast” or RFID chip? It will be a chip that has all your information on it, acting as your I.D. or passport but also includes all your personal information such as educational records, employment details, medical history, financial records and your hobbies and interest etc. It cannot be forced on you – you have to receive it willingly (just like Jesus cannot force you to become a Christian). So too Satan cannot force you to become his (this mark of the beast will identify you and mark you as his)! But he can use devious ways to deceive and coerce you into receiving it. Such as using financial and economic pressure! The Bible says that those who refuse the chip will not be able to buy or sell which includes everything even paying your utility bills. You will not have access to any employment or medical facilities or even be allowed to travel.

I just heard today that our government said we do not have to take the vaccine but if you don’t then without the vaccine certificate you will not be able to go to certain places etc. You can see that this is a way of putting pressure on you to conform to their ways! But for those who put their trust in God, He will provide a way for you where there seems to be no way and He will provide miraculous answers to difficult situations.

Again I don’t believe this vaccine has the “mark of the beast” included in it. It is only mentioned in Rev. 13 and is therefore implemented in the Tribulation period and possibly the second half of the Tribulation? It is also introduced by the “False Prophet,” the leader of the one-world religion. He will be the one who will try to enforce it even by using religious coercion. But having said all of that, it is definitely being prepared and perfected as we speak, and waiting in the wings! Soon and very soon it will be ready to be implemented! S.J.

(See Dr MK Strydom's article)

Sunday 28 February 2021

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

A while ago I did a study on Revelation chapter 6 so may I share with you what I have learnt? What drew me to do this study was I had heard a Bible scholar say that there was a parallel between Matthew 24 and Revelation 6. I found that interesting so decided to dig a little deeper. And yes, I confirmed that statement was true in another commentary! This I found fascinating as Matthew 24 is a well-known “end-time” chapter so I wanted to see what Rev. 6 had to say and how they were related. But I got a shock, to say the least, because if this is true then that means Rev. 6 is not in the Tribulation period, as most Bible scholars believe. We as believers do not go through the wrath of God (I Thess. 1:10; 5:9; Rom 5:9) which will be poured out in the Tribulation, but we do go through the seven seals. It could refer to a time before and preluding the Tribulation period and the Rapture (see Matt. 24:8 amp “All this is but the beginning [the early pains] of the birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish].”)? Jesus was saying here that these events; wars, famines, pestilence and earthquakes (all happening together, over a short space of time vs 33-34) are only the beginning of birth pains leading up to the “birth” of the seven-year Tribulation period.

If you are like me, most of us say, “Well I don’t need to worry too much about all the judgments described in the book of Revelation as hopefully the church and true believers will be taken out in the Rapture.” It is my theory that the Rapture will actually occur on the seventh seal with half an hour of silence (Rev. 8:1)? Which means it will happen shortly (possibly a year) after these events described in Matt. 24 and Rev. 6? But it also means the church will go through this horrific time; it will be a time of refining the church and of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit (the latter rain in Joel 2:28) we have ever seen.

THE FOUR HORSES: Revelation 6 has always been famous for the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” and it describes four different coloured horses with riders carrying symbolic items. Each horse represents “death” in different areas, for example, the white and red horses represent war and death through bloodshed, the black horse famine and death through starvation. The pale horse (blue, green and grey colour similar to bruising), being the worst of all four is death through war, starvation, plague and wild beasts.

THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES: On reading the commentary (JF&B) on this chapter something came to light that I have never seen before! Did you notice that each horse is introduced by a “living creature”? So I asked myself what are these “living creatures” and found other references to them in Rev. 4:6-8; Ezek. 1:5-10; Zech. 1:8-11; 6:1-8. They are four cherubim, which have four different faces, and are extremely powerful angels of fire (Ps. 104:4; Heb. 1:7; Ezek. 1:13). They are also known as the four winds or spirits which represent the four corners of the earth i.e. north, south, east and west (Zech. 6:5; Dan. 7:2; 8:8; Rev. 7:1-2). They appear to be assigned to earthly matters (Zech. 1:10; 6:7) to patrol and protect the earth but in times of judgment they release war (political and social agitations) and death through devastating apocalyptic events. Could they be the same four angels that are released to destroy a third of mankind in Rev. 9:13-15? It is also interesting to note that the biblical number four represents earth and continents – kingdoms, nations and empires.

Another thing the commentary explained…in vs 8 is says “…a fourth part of the earth – answering to the first four seals; his portion as one of the four, being a fourth part.” Many times this has been misinterpreted as a quarter of the human population but no it is referring to a fourth part of the earth, a specific area. What I understand this to mean is that each horse represents certain nations or areas of the earth? The four different faces of the living creatures could possibly give us a clue as to which area they represent? Hopefully this chart will give some insight?

Just a quick note here…the first seal does not represent Christ as some say because of the white horse He appears on in Rev. 19:11 but I believe it represents the first sign of the appearance of the antichrist. He is given power to rule and conquer (as a king or leader) the earth through war or martial law (bow). And he comes out of or rather has his roots in the Middle East (that’s a whole other story for another time!).

It is also important to note that Rev. 6 opens with the Lamb (Jesus) opening the seven seals. These judgments are not delivered by angels (as in the seven trumpets and seven bowls which are in the Tribulation period). If you read my previous post on Habakkuk 3 you will see that Jesus, Himself comes to earth, as “the thief in the night” to deliver these judgments. Unfortunately, this part of history has already been written! We cannot pray to have these events thwarted or stopped. We can however, pray for God to mitigate their effects upon His children which He will do with unprecedented miraculous signs and wonders. Surrounding His children with His power, anointing, grace, protection, provision and health!

Lastly, it has taken me some time to understand the order of these events. Can I explain…the sixth seal is a composite of the other five seals (remember the seventh seal is only a transition not a judgment). In other words, the sixth seal, the falling of “stars” will happen first! The other five seals happen as a direct result of the sixth seal. Again I want to emphasize that these events do not happen over a long period of time (some say we have had them already over the centuries). But rather over a relatively short period, and they will happen like a domino effect, one after the other, almost simultaneously!

Whew I know this is a lot to absorb and take in but I hope you have found it interesting and will take some time to meditate and ponder over it all with the help and insight of the Holy Spirit. It is important to know that this is very close at hand but there is nothing to fear for those who are in Christ Jesus as He will supernaturally protect and provide for His children. S.J.

see other post on 6 July 2021 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

see You Tube: https://youtu.be/bhdgOxrgSno

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Habakkuk Chapter 3

Some years ago I came across Habakkuk Chapter 3 and somehow knew that it was very significant to the events following the judgment that will come upon Western nations, including the U.S. and Europe (but will also affect the entire world). More recently, a few months ago I re-read this chapter and was astonished at what I discovered! I then delved a bit deeper reading a commentary on it. The K & D Commentary explains that Habakkuk was reflecting on times of old when God had dramatically delivered Israel out of the hands of their enemies. But then he says the preterite (like a ´) of the Hebrew letter changes it to a “future” tense too which means it is also “a theophany (manifestation or appearance of God to man) that’s in the future”. Also depicting the same areas of judgment that he mentions…

On reading the whole chapter which is written as an ode (like most of the Psalms), I had the impression that the Lord Himself (Jesus, the Lamb that opens the six seals in Rev. 6) would step upon the earth in righteous anger bringing these judgments. Many Christians believe they can simply pray away all that will befall us. Yes, I am not saying we must not pray as God can mitigate the effects for and on behalf of His children (Joel 2:32). And He will do just that for His own, in miraculous ways. But we cannot stop the judgments that God Himself is bringing upon mankind!

Vs 4 describes His brilliant light…God is clothed in light. In other words, the brilliance (that of sunlight rays) of His light hides and covers His glory and power! It is so blinding what we will not be able to gaze upon Him even for a millisecond! So, in a sense even though He Himself will come to earth, He will not be seen as His light will be too bright to look upon and will hide Him. When He does appear before men, He has to use extreme and deep darkness to absorb His light (Exod. 19:16; Ps. 18:9, 11) for in our human form we are not able to survive it.

Vs 5 is the beginning of the judgments. “Before Him went the pestilence [as in Egypt Exod. 7:2-4].” This is the FIRST judgment, which comes before He steps on earth…it is the courier and warning sign that the others will shortly follow! Whew now a frightening thought…could this pestilence be referring to the novel Coronavirus pandemic that the world has been suffering from since December 2019? Then it continues… “and burning plague followed His feet [as in II Kings 19:32-35]. This is what astounded me because for the first time I saw that this was saying there are TWO different “plagues”. The second one comes after He steps on earth and is far more deadly and vicious and could possibly be the bubonic or black plague?

Vs 6-11 then describes all the following calamities…earthquakes, rivers flooding, vs 10 describes a tsunami (interesting to note Habakkuk would not have known what a tsunami was as he lived in the Middle East) and he is terrified to the core by its roaring sound (vs 16).

Vs 11 is also very interesting it says… “The sun and moon stood back [as before Joshua, Josh. 10:12-13]” Now I want to make an audacious statement here…in Joshua’s time they had no idea the earth rotated on an axis so it is feasible to state that, God actually stopped the rotation of the earth for a day, which made it appear that the sun and moon were fixed in their position? It continues… “in their habitation at the light of Your arrows as they sped, at the flash of Your glittering spear.” Now for another shocking statement…in other parts of scripture when the word arrows are used (Deut. 32:23; Ps. 18:14) I believe it is referring to God using His arrows which could be meteors and maybe “spear” which is used here could refer to a larger asteroid? And notice they come fast and with glittering, flashing, brilliant light! When a meteor enters into our atmosphere because of the extreme heat they ignite and become “blazing balls of fire” and smoke. Could it be possible that what it is saying here is that a larger asteroid, accompanied by many smaller meteors, hitting the earth, could actually stop the earth from rotating (for possibly three days)? Depending where it hits and at what time – it would mean half of the planet will stay in darkness and the other half will have light for those three days? And the sun and moon will appear to “stand still”. It is interesting to note that the nineth plague in the Exodus (Exod.10:21-22) was three days of darkness.

As I mentioned at the beginning this judgment will be mainly for Western nations, the U.S. and Europe, so it will be that side of the planet that will have the darkness. And it will be because of this darkness (as many bodies will be left to decompose) that will bring in the second plague; the black plague.

Vs 15-16 suggests more tsunamis? And vs 17 great famine and shortages! It’s obvious that after an asteroid impact, that is large enough to stop the earth from rotating, that this will cause catastrophic and cataclysmic upheavals from earthquakes, tsunamis and great flooding which in turn will cause worldwide chaos, shortages and famine!

Whew this is all extremely terrifying to say the least but notice how Habakkuk ends. It ends in exaltation proclaiming that God is more than able to protect and provide for His children and that He will give us “hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering or responsibility]!” (vs 19 and see Ps. 18:33).

Yes, these will be desperate times but if our trust and faith is in the One who holds the universe in His hands, we have nothing to fear as His power and glory will support and surround us at all times! His anointing will protect us. In fact, we will witness the power of God as a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit will be upon the earth at this time! There is nothing to fear if you put your hope and trust in Jesus, the ark of our salvation! The greatest revival and harvest of souls will be seen, unprecedented miracles witnessed. In all of human history nothing else can compare to this…the prophets of old saw this and longed to be in our time! S.J.

Scripture quotations above are taken from the Amplified Bible.

