Monday 4 May 2020

NWO & Rapture

It has been said recently again that the Rapture is very soon! Yes it is but certain things still have to happen first! First of all the Church is no where near ready for the Rapture, if Jesus was to come now only a small percentage of the Church would go! Jesus actually prophesied in Matt. 25 that only half of the Church would be ready!

The next great event to happen is not the Rapture but the setting up of the New World Order, a one world govt, economy and religion. Dividing the world into 10 regions with 10 world leaders (Dan. 7:7; Rev. 13:1). It is quite possible that Obama will be the leader over Africa? The NWO will already be in place when the "second strike" hits! But it will also be the time of the Great Wealth Transfer (a supernatural, superabundant outpouring of finances, resources, property and positions on God's children to fund the gospel and end-time harvest) when the Church will become the "Bankers" of the world for a season. It is His way of adorning His bride before He takes her home! In scripture this has happened before only after famine, recession or some extreme hardship or difficulty (e.g. Moses and 10 plagues). It will be for those covenant believers who are faithful in their tithes and offerings, whose heart is for evangelism and building the kingdom of God and not their own kingdoms!

The Church will also still be here to witness the revealing of the Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:3) at the confirming and signing of the 7 year peace treaty (Dan. 9:27) in the Middle East... which many Bible scholars believe to be the start of the 7 year Tribulation period. Once the Antichrist is revealed the Rapture and the Marriage Feast can happen at any time! But interesting to note that it will be at the Feast of Trumpets (1 Cor. 15:52), usually in the month of September/October (Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1).

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