Monday 4 May 2020

Shemitah & Jubilee

You know I've noticed what we are going through with this coronavirus pandemic is that all the signs of the Shemitah (see Jonathan Cahn "Mystery of the Shemitah") and Jubilee are present. And that is REST...every seven years the land had to rest, the people had to rest (due to lack of employment, labour and manufacturing), and the economy had to rest. Actually it is Gods way of restoring the economy by wiping out all accrued credit and debt!

The last Shemitah ended 13 Sept 2015...but what really gripped me was the following year was supposed to be the Jubilee (7x7 Shemitahs + 1 Lev. 25; it is a double Shemitah and also REST) so since then I've been talking about the Jubilee as it is not certain when it is as they have lost count but I've been watching for its signs...

It has three main blessings 1/ Liberty 2/ Restoration 3/ Reconciliation. In 2018 Zim experienced liberty, 38 years under a despot! But I kept saying what about the other two? Then the other day when I heard how they are releasing prisoners all over the world because of the coronavirus I said, "WOW THAT'S THE JUBILEE!" Also economic collapse will wipe out debt. Third is reconciliation when people return to their ancestral homelands.

Anyway have been reading all my notes again and very interesting to see what happens next! Oh but the Jubilee can also bring judgement too (the "second strike"). It's Gods way of returning people back to Himself and ushering in the greatest revival we have ever seen. It is actually a part of His mercy because if man is left to continue in his destructive path there would be no hope at all for mankind...S.J.

see The Shemitah

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