Monday 4 May 2020

Second Strike

Last week I wrote about this and just want to add...three times in Matt. 24 Jesus warned that there would be many false teachings! We must use the Bible as our plumb line as the Beroeans did (Acts 17:11; 1 Thess. 5:21). The scriptures are full of insight for the time we are living in! Yes, Jesus said many times He is coming like a thief in the night, suddenly and unexpectedly and by surprise, but I believe He was not referring to the Rapture or His second coming (as both of these times will be known by His children 1 Thess. 5:3-9...too long to explain here). I believe He is referring here to a time soon when He, Himself, will visit the earth (unseen) to bring judgment (the second strike) and to open the six seals in Rev. 6 (also see Hab. 3). This will happen before the Rapture and before the Tribulation period and is what Jesus said will be the beginning of birth pains (Matt. 24:8), the time preceding the Tribulation period. It will be a time of great judgment for the wicked but a time of refining, purifying and healing for the church so that she will become that spotless bride before He takes her home.

It will also be a time of the greatest revival we have ever seen and the greatest harvest of souls! God will demonstrate His power and glory in unprecedented ways and we will see supernatural miracles of divine provision, divine protection and divine health. We will not need the health care that we will be denied (for the refusal of taking the RFID chip) nor will we be affected by travel bans and restrictions, as God will supernaturally move His people as and when He needs to (Exod. 34:10).

We are the last generation of Matt. 24:34 and the ones to see all these prophecies being fulfilled right before our eyes! Great rewards await those that will not give up but endure to the end...(Matt. 10:22; 2 Cor. 4:17).

see The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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