Saturday 8 June 2024

The False Prophet

I have just watched a video of Jonathan Cahn, where he addresses the Pope (the last one was to President Joe Biden). Wow he is very bold and courageous!!! The Pope made a shocking announcement at the end of last year, around Christmas, that Priests were now allowed to bless same-sex couples! Of course those that follow the Word of God know that this is an apostasy. God cannot and will not bless what He states is sin.

When I wrote about the False Prophet, even in my first edition, I was not brave enough to state exactly what I had learnt and found out, during my time of studying this. Hopefully I will follow Pastor Cahn’s example and be bold this time?

I still marvel, even now, at how accurate and precise the Bible is. It has given us so much detailed information about this, it is shocking! I have written a fairly detailed description about the antichrist (More on the Antichrist), and what the scriptures tell us about him, but now let us look a little more closely at the man that will accompany and be closely associated to him, THE FALSE PROPHET.

“The false prophet will hand over the whole of his dominion (not political but religious) to the antichrist and will be closely associated with him (Rev. 13:2, 4). They will both be able to perform supernatural signs and lying wonders… “attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels – [all of them] lying wonders.” (II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14). ” P 139. And yes, even though they will be closely associated to each other, the scriptures tell us in Rev. 17:16, that the beast and the ten horns (ten rulers of the NWO) hate the harlot and will ultimately destroy her. The great harlot or mother of prostitutes, which Rev. 17 talks about, is referring to an apostate church, and as Jonathan Cahn stated, would be a coalition of apostate churches joining together. There will be a one world religion, which will even include the occult and eastern religions. But its head, or leader will be in Rome, the city on seven hills (vs. 9). “The woman was robed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold, precious stones and pearls…” (vs. 4). When I looked up this verse, in many different commentaries, they all stated that this was referring to the Pope, even down to his exact regalia and even the colours of scarlet and purple (which are the colours that the Cardinals and the Pope wear)! At the time I had a strong impression that this was referring to Pope Francis (as there have been other controversial things he has said), but now with this latest shocking news, there is no doubt in my mind!

Tom Horn is another person who unashamedly and categorically states that Pope Francis is the last Pope, and therefore the False Prophet! Apparently the Catholics have an ancient prophecy that says there will only be 112 Popes. And Pope Francis is the 112th.

I can remember Dr. Jack Van Impe, many years ago, teaching on Rev. 13:11, “Then I saw another beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb, and he roared like a dragon.” He explained that the False Prophet has two horns like a lamb identifying him with Christianity, but he is a defecting Christian, who is apostatized because he roars like a dragon (has satanic power Rev. 13:11-15). He will perform many mystical false signs and wonders deceiving many. But he also rises up out of the earth (the antichrist rises up out of the sea, the sea of humanity vs. 1). To me this indicates that he is carnally minded (Gen. 2:7; I Cor. 15:47). Rom. 8:7-8 AMP shows us that this is what apostasy is…“because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot. So then those who are living the life of the flesh cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.” We have just seen, by his actions, that he has absolutely no regard for the laws of God.

What else does the Bible tell us about the False Prophet? In Rev. 13:14-15, it tells us that he erects a statue (an image) of the beast, and he imparts the breath of life into the beast’s image, so that the statue could talk and cause to be put to death those who would not bow down and worship the image of the beast. Even years ago when I read this verse, I wrote in my Bible, “Could it be a computer or Big Brother?” Of course that is old school now! We all know how fast and rapidly AI technology is developing, that it is becoming extremely scary! Transhumanism is now a reality (machines in humans and vice versa). Just recently I heard how scientists are developing human brain tissue from stem cells, to put into AI technology. It is not working YET!!! Again Dr. Jack Van Impe had an interesting take on this, he said that the word image is the same word for a clone, and he suggested that a clone would be made of the antichrist! We already have AI robotic humanoids, which look exactly human! We still don’t know how this will play out, but it is surely some form of AI that will be this image of the antichrist, as it has the ability to monitor and keep track of every human being. Another extremely frightening thought; there is another technology they are developing where the brain will be scanned and AI will be able to read your thoughts! Of course they will say this is to prevent terrorism! But this is the ultimate invasion of privacy!

Then in vs. 16 it tells us that the False Prophet is also the one who enforces the “mark of the beast,” interesting to note in the KJV it says IN (not on) the right hand or forehead. Again, amazing how the Bible so accurately predicted this, as only OUR generation can understand the technology behind this! Even my parents or even myself at a younger age would have had NO clue to its meaning. Again this technology is already in use, a RFID biometric micro-chip which is inserted under the skin, in between the forefinger and the thumb, and will be used for storing all of your information, educational, employment, medical, financial and your digital identity, GPS tracking etc, and used for financial transactions. In Sweden, 80% of the population have a “prototype” of this chip inserted in their hand, for opening and locking doors, starting your car, logging onto your computer and for financial transactions which are done digitally. They are already suggesting that it is vital to have a chip for your medical records, so that if you are unconscious they can just scan your hand for your details. That of course will only be the start. At first it will not be compulsory, but you will not be able to buy or sell or do any financial transactions without it, as the global financial system will become a global digital currency, controlled by this chip and 666! The Bible categorically states that this is the mark of the antichrist, his stamp and claim of authority and ownership over you! Once you have received it there is NO turning back, and you will drink of the undiluted wrath of God (Rev. 14:10-11)!

We also know from Rev. 13 that this will only be mandatory from mid-tribulation, when the antichrist takes control of all ten regions and rules the whole world for 42 months or three and a half years. Then this chip will be compulsory and refusing to have it inserted will cost you your life! It is interesting to note that the World Economic Forum are planning this global changeover to a digital currency, which they call The Great Reset, for the year 2030. Which astonishingly, through The Third Day Chart, also indicates that mid-trib could be 2030! That is only six years away!

May I very briefly paraphrase something else Tom Horn has written about in his book, Zeitgeist 2025. In ancient Egyptian mythology, an Egyptian god called Osiris is believed to be raised again! It has been symbolized by the “Isis dome” (which is symbolic of a uterus) and the Obelisk (symbolic of an erect penis) which will impregnant a person, when the time is ripe. As far as I am aware there are only two of these structures, in the world. One in the capital of America, Washington DC, and the other at the Vatican in Rome. They have been lying in wait for many centuries, waiting for the right time when the antichrist and the false prophet will undergo a reincarnation, and become a part of a diabolical trinity. “The antichrist is transmogrified into a living incarnation of Osiris Apollo, at the raising of Osiris ceremony in the dome at Capitol Hill during the inauguration” Thomas Horn. For me this is additional proof that the antichrist will rise-up out of America, and the false prophet out of Rome.

It is without a doubt that these end-times are upon us, and that the time of the church age, and the dispensation of grace, is about to come to an end, which will end once the Rapture happens! Evil will then greatly increase as the restrainer will step aside (II Thess. 2:7). The wrath of God will then be poured out, in some terrifying judgments (during the Tribulation period)! The time for the antichrist and the false prophet will then begin. But fortunately it will only last for a very brief time (Rev. 17:10-12). This eighth empire and its evil nefarious ruler and his cohort will be destroyed, by the Word of His mouth, when Jesus returns to earth, the second time. But this time to rule and reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years at the beginning of the new millennium!

I hope you have found this interesting and informative? And remember do not allow yourself to be duped or fooled by false teachers and prophets, but especially by the main False Prophet (Matt. 24:24), always stay close to the plumbline, the Word of God. S.J.

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