Tuesday 1 November 2016

Storms of Life

We should not despise the storms of life even though they bring great upheaval and destruction! Storms uproot and bring things to the surface that would never normally be seen. Often people in our lives pretend to be devoted friends or acquaintances but underneath lays currents of hatred, jealousy, disloyalty and betrayal (Ps. 55:8, 12-16, 21). It is only a storm that will bring these underlying deceits to the surface where it is in plain sight for all to see and what was truly in their hearts is now exposed and the truth revealed. It could be that this person was even blocking or holding back the blessings that God was trying to release into our lives and in order to expose this He had to allow a storm to uproot it? Remember God is able to turn every situation around for our good (Rom 8:28) even though at the time it seems like a disaster! As long as we stay in the secret place of the Most High (Ps. 91:1-11) and remain stable (don’t stoop to their level, keep your heart pure) you will be protected from evil plots and curses. In fact, in due season, you will witness the reward of the wicked (vs. 8) as curses are like boomerangs they always return to where they came from. Dr. Chris Hill made an interesting statement…“Rejection is God’s protection! Sometimes God will remove someone in your life to protect you from the ‘stuff’ that’s on them.” He gave an example of his father who walked out before he was born. God later told him that if his father had stayed he would have had the same generational curses come into his life. We are often devastated by such rejections but God always has the best plan for our lives. May God give you the strength to face your storm and may peace, which is beyond understanding, and is only found at the storm’s centre (Ps. 91:1) be your reward and comfort.

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