Wednesday 2 November 2016

U.S. Elections 2016

The U.S. elections that will be held next week are going to be the most interesting, most important and most shocking of all time? I heard Pastor Perry Stone say recently that there will be an exclamation of “What…how did this happen?” Unexpected turns of events are going to happen that will cause this reaction? Also last year in August, on Sid Roth’s program, he interviewed Glenda Jackson and she gave a profound prophecy that said-: “The U.S. elections in November 2016 will not take place. It will be suspended because evil will arise and some disasters will happen and the President will not be removed but will be required to stay in office.” Of course we will all have to wait and see how this is going to turn out but my own studies that I have done on “The Four Great Beasts” could also strongly suggest the same outcome? Four world empires that Daniel predicted in Dan. 7:3-7 are also shadow types of future, present day empires…for example the Babylonian Empire is a shadow type of the U.S.A. (lion with eagle’s wings). The Medo-Persian Empire – present day Russia (bear with 3 ribs) and Grecian Empire – the Middle East (like a leopard). But interesting to note the fourth empire (Roman Empire), a composite of the 3 previous ones, is described in more detail by John in Rev. 13:2. “And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard, but his feet were like those of a bear and his mouth was like that of a lion…” Notice all three same animals are represented again and if we look at the symbols and their meanings we come up with an interesting conclusion? 1. body = temple = religion – leopard (small but swift) = Middle East 2. feet = dominion – bear (large, all devouring) = Russia 3. mouth = authority – lion (king of beasts, strength) = U.S.A. Now to put this all together…this beast has the religion (body) of the Middle East (Islam), the dominion (feet) or backing of Russia and has the authority (mouth) of a king. At the moment the statement of “backing of Russia” doesn’t add up as there is much in the media at the moment about Russia, war ships, submarines, nuclear war threats and possibly another “Cold War” with much tension between the two superpowers! An interesting thought though, this tension has only arisen now that a new president is about to be elected – that’s strange? But another very interesting study on numbers makes me totally convinced? We are currently on the 44th president – the 45th about to be elected or maybe not? The number four is the number for earth – kingdoms, nations and continents…the double 4 could represent the whole earth, the entire world? In Daniel 2:41-44 he describes the final kingdom of 10 toes, mixed with iron and clay, that will rule on earth and will control the entire earth (Dan. 7:23-24) and ultimately will be ruled by one leader over all the 10 rulers. This final empire or “One World Government” is known as the “New World Order”. Whew I’ve written a whole, very interesting chapter, on that alone…you are getting just a very brief snippet here! We are certainly living in the final chapters of this age and are seeing prophecy about to be fulfilled right before our eyes. So yes this election is a very crucial one and depending on the course of events, may reveal the beginning of all these prophetic fulfillments?

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