Friday 21 October 2016

Pit of Depression

Only just recently having read an open and honest testimony of someone who last year went through a very difficult time of depression, reminded me of what a serious and common problem this is. I too have been through this dark side of life and would like to just share a few things that might be able to help someone else who is in this right now? Depression is a pit, a hole that we fall into due to certain circumstances that can overwhelm us or bring fear into our lives. We all experience depression, things happen in life that are just simply not fair, that are extremely difficult and sometimes hard to understand! We might go through a loss of a loved one or a job or something else and feel we just cannot go on. Unfair things also happen to us, we are unjustly criticized or slandered, being despised and rejected. Or it could be a fear and uncertainty of the future. Unforgiveness and bitterness is another huge cause of depression. Whatever the circumstance you are facing, just know that you are not the only one who is going through it, there are others going through the same thing, such things are common to all of us. But when you are going through it you feel you are the only one and no-one can understand what it feels like – this is an untruth and even if there was no human to understand there is One who knows all our weaknesses as He too suffered in every way we do and therefore understands and is able to comfort and strengthen us in these times if we will just turn to Him and not run from Him. 2 Chron. 15:2 “if you seek Him, He will be found by you...” and Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” and Acts 2:21 “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (delivered or rescued).” There are of course other things that can cause depression, such as medical problems which are physical. It could be a simple thing as hormone imbalances in woman going through menopause (or have had ovaries removed). Also chemical imbalances in the body can be caused through excessive intake of alcohol; most people don’t know this but alcohol is a depressant. People partake of it when they are depressed to make them feel better (and it does momentarily) but then when it wears off it takes you down into a deeper pit of depression. We then try to fix this imbalance with medication such as anti-depressants. But be extremely cautious of anti-depressants, some of them are highly addictive and others once you come off them can make you suicidal. They should only be taken on the short term. I strongly suggest you seek medical advice before continuing such drugs. This of course doesn’t apply to chronic disorders such as manic depression. So therefore seek medical help and advice then seek spiritual advice. It is usually impossible to get out of this pit by yourself. You need the helping hand of a family member, a friend, a pastor or a professional to council you. Sometimes just talking to someone who can offer Godly advice can be all that you need to get you through this. Of course God is always there to deliver those who will call upon His name and He will often use ministering angels to help change the course of depression and “lift” you out of it (Heb. 1:14; Ps. 40:2). Depression is a pitfall or trap the enemy uses because he knows your strength comes from your joy (Neh. 8:10). If he can keep you there long enough all your strength will be drained away and you will be totally helpless like Samson was when his hair was cut (Jud. 16:19). This pit is a bottomless pit with different levels. When you first fall into it you are on one of the higher ledges – the longer you stay in it the further down you will go and will progressively fall to lower levels (this is when suicide becomes a constant thought). Just a side note here suicide is not an option; our lives are not our own and we have no right to end them. First of all the choice to commit suicide is a sin that will send you to a place of outer darkness and terror even if you do not believe hell exists that does not change the fact that it does. Jesus actually spoke more about hell than He did about heaven (Luke 16:19-31). He only promises eternal life to those who overcome and who endure to the end (Rev. 2:10, 11; 3:5, 10-12; Matt. 10:22, 24:13). He also promises to never leave us or forsake us and that He will always be with us through every trial and difficulty (Heb. 13:5; Ps. 91:14-15; Josh. 1:9; Isa. 41:10). It is a pit you cannot get out of yourself – it is only the long arm of the Lord that can reach done and lift you up out of the deep miry clay (Ps. 40:2; 69:14; Isa. 60:1). When you are in depression your natural tendency is to wallow in self pity and to isolate yourself – this is the worst thing to do. Don’t be too proud to tell someone (someone who can stand for you in prayer), as soon as possible, that you are struggling with depression. The enemy’s favourite line he will whisper in your ear is…“God doesn’t love you, nor does anyone else, nothing good will ever happen for you! It’s too late, it’s over, you’ve blown it, and you will never make it! You’re just a failure” It’s important to note that depression is a “fruit”; it is the result of something i.e. of failure, fear, disappointment or the loss of something. It is also one of the fruit’s of sin, where there is anger, strife, bitterness, unforgiveness, anxiety, worry, fear, unbelief and doubt, depression will surely follow! One of the keys to overcoming depression then is to find out what the root is (you cannot kill a weed without pulling up its root) then pull it up by dealing with the cause of the problem. If strife is the cause, make amends with that person, if fear is the cause counter attack with the Word of God (Jer. 29:11; Ps. 139 etc). If it’s a loss allow time for the grief process but then stop holding onto the past (or you will become trapped there), let it go and begin to focus on the bright future God has for you. Then the next step is a huge one and that is to take perspective on reality and to begin to think of and focus on all the good things in your life – be grateful and thankful for the sooo many blessings in your life! Even things like having the use of your limbs, being able to breathe easily, being able to see and hear and being able to live without pain! What about the blessing of family and friends? Once you begin to think about the good things (Phil. 4:8) and keep your mind “set” (Col. 3:2) on them your problems in comparison will soon fade away. Stop allowing the depression to breed and fester by focusing on the problem. I live right opposite a school for the handicapped and often when I become depressed I have to just remind myself that there are so many suffering with hardships and difficulties we can’t possibly imagine (what about those who are trapped in human trafficking?)…there is always someone far worse off than you! Being thankful and grateful is a main key to being set free from depression and self pity. Here is a cute saying… “to keep your tank full (of love, joy and peace) be THANK FULL”. It is also, by the way, the only way you can approach God (Ps. 100:4). Depression is not something we have to bare and put up with. It is a choice! You, yourself can choose to stay in depression or you can choose to take steps to get out of it. You can choose to leave the past and all its mistakes and disappointments behind you and begin to focus on what’s ahead of you… “BEHOLD, I AM DOING A NEW THING!” “New things always seem frightening at first but soon they will become old things! In order to take hold of a new thing, we must let go of the old & allow ourselves time to get acquainted with the new. Remember the good things from your past, but do not get stuck there, do not be afraid to release and walk away from what God is finished with! God is always doing a new thing and He has wonderful new things waiting for you!” Joyce Meyer (Josh. 1:1-9; Isa. 43:19; Jer. 29:11).

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