Sunday 11 August 2013

Siamese Twins

"Siamese Twins" Recently i had discovered a set of twins, spirit of abuse & poverty! Well I've just found another two, spirit of pride & stubbornness! Remember Saul's disobedience 1 Sam 13:13, 15:23 "for rebellion (pride) is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry.." Samuel basically told him he & his seed would no longer inherit & he would be cut off permanently which happens in 1 Sam 31, Saul & all his sons are killed! NB your sins affect your generations!!!! Now David's story, he is now also king, he commits adultery & murder & continues happily as if he is completely innocent. The prophet Nathan confronts him, unlike Saul, he truly repents! God forgives & restores him & his seed continues the Messiah's line forever! Saul is cut off forever because of his pride and stubbornness & refusal to repent, basically he had no fear of the Lord... he feared man more than God! But David had a deep respect & fear for God, he would not kill Saul when given the chance. He also in deep sorrow repented before God & humbled himself! In Ps 51 David cries out to God about this sin...Joyce writes "as long as David refused to face the truth, he could not truly repent, & as long as he could not truly repent, he could not receive forgiveness from God. Vs 6 says God desires truth "in the inner being", we must be honest with Him about our sins & ourselves & be quick to repent." Joyce Meyer The dangers of pride is it refuses to allow you to even see or admit your sins never mind to confess or repent of them! 1 Jn 1:8 says "if we say we have no sin... the Truth is not in us." This is an extremely dangerous place to be in, as Joyce said if we do not repent and turn away from our sins God cannot forgive us and if He does not forgive us we cannot see Him ever! He will not allow us into His presence Rev 21:27, 22:3, 15. We have to be willing to humble ourselves as God resists and turns away from the proud James 4:4-10, 1 Pet 5:5-6, Ps 34:18, 32, Prov 3:7, 6:17, 8:13. Now as i said in the beginning pride & stubborness are twins...where you find one you will assuredly find the other & they are strongholds within the mind, in the soul area & can only be overcome by applying the blood of Jesus & the work of the cross & constant resistance to them James 4:7 & by renewing the mind Rom 12:2-3 with the word of God. By constant confession of God's word you will change the course of your life James 3:3-4, Prov 18:21 & will be able to overcome these strongholds!!! But of course the enabling power of the Holy Spirit is also key Jn 8:31-36, 16:13 "He is called "The Spirit of Truth" a major facet of His ministry to you and me is to help us face truth - to bring us to a place of truth, because only the truth will set us free." Joyce Meyer Again the grace & power of the Holy Spirit to overcome is only given to the humble James 4:6, 1 Pet 5:5 Prov 3:34 and humility means yielding to the Holy Spirit and not trying to do it in your own strength! S.J.

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