Thursday 22 August 2013

Power of Sound

"Power of Sound!" I've just seen a dvd that had left me sitting in awe & bewilderment!!! What an indescribable & unfathomable Creator we have WOW!!!!!!! Will just share what really jumps out! First of all, how incredibly accurate the bible is! What science is only discovering now was recorded 1000's of years ago! Gen 1:1-3 describes creation, vs 2 says how the Spirit hovered over the deep... the Hebrew word for hovered means vibration! The law of Physics says that the whole universe is in a continuous state of vibratory motion & all matter has a vibration at the centre of it... even us & vibration makes a sound that is particular to it & sound has a shape (& colour). All things make a sound, even the earth, stars, planets... and even you!!!!! A fairly recent science called Data Sonicfication where they record sound of earthquakes & volcanoes but the data is too hard to analyse as its a huge series of numbers so they convert those numbers into the form of musical notes! The volcano begins to sing a song of warning before it erupt & earthquakes change their songs! But listen to this.... they have discovered, in the same way, that DNA has a song too (Protein or DNA music) & each person is completely unique & different! Everyone of us has a different life song that God can actually hear & He delights in & longs for the song that comes from YOU!!!!! You not only have a song you ARE a song, a unique song in heaven, no one has the same song as you!!! And just think without you the symphony of heaven will be missing a vital part!!!! Zep 3:17 LB "...He will rejoice over you in great gladness; He will love you and not accuse you. Is that a joyous choir i hear? No, it is the Lord Himself exulting over you in happy song..." Ps 19:1-4, Rom 10:18, Luke 19:40 They say that birds singing actually causes the earth to spring forth, where there are no birds it causes deserts!!!!! Ok these are my thoughts now! What kind of sound are you bringing forth? Is it no wonder God tells us to praise in all things Phil 4:6. What kind of sound does complaining, critical judgements, back biting, gossip, slander, lying & hatred bring forth???? Could it be this discord & disharmony in your symphony that allows sickness to come in? Sounds also have authority for life or death Prov 18:21. Our words have creative the beginning God SAID let there be light....... S.J. N.B. on NASA web site you can download planet and star sounds! We are the first generation ever to hear this!!!

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