Friday 26 February 2010

Prospective for 2010

12th January 2010

Well what I'm hearing from different sources is that 2010 is going to be a great year of harvest and abundance!! God is doing a “new” thing Isa 43:19, Josh 1:1-6, a year for possessing the land and entering into our Canaan.

Heard a parallel of when children of Israel left Egypt with Moses - God made a distinct difference between His children and Egyptians Ex 8:22-23, Mal 3:18. The darkness covered the Egyptians but in Goshen there was light Ex 10:21-23, Isa 60:1 and while the darkness covers the earth the light will shine on us and just like with the plagues of Moses, none of them touched the children of God, in fact they ended up leaving Egypt with all their family (none will be lost) all their livestock and all the silver and gold!!!

Also a year of restoration, all that which was lost or stolen will be restored!! We are going to plunder the enemies camp and take back what belongs to us 1 Sam 30:8 (yeah about time hey!!!). Also another thing for Zim, someone said that the wicked will be punished. Well that ties in with a prophecy from our pastor who had just completed a 40 day fast, said on 15/02/09 "there are people that will be given life sentences and their wealth brought to nothing and their children will not be allowed in Zim, they will be in exile, in fact no-one will have them". A good example of this is Saddam Hussain who thought he was invincible and untouchable???????


1. Year of governmental anointings
2. Year of major shifts in the Spirit realm
3. Year of increase and abundance
4. Year of restoration
5. Year of Harvest.

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