Thursday 18 March 2010

The Tithe

I’ve been learning a lot lately about the importance of tithing Mal 3:10, Lev 27:30, Prov 3:9. It is such an important issue to God that when man violates it he brings a curse upon himself Mal 3:9, in fact this is the cause that brought the “fall of man” that cursed the whole human race and the ground!! Adam and Eve ate of the tithe. The one tree that was in the garden that God said they could not eat from was His tenth. You see He freely gave the whole earth and all that’s in it to man but He says that one tenth of everything is His and we are not to touch it.

Have you ever wondered why the Jewish people are God’s chosen people and why it is the land of Israel, being such a small piece of land and desert too, why is it such a strategic and hot spot of the world??? It’s because of all the people of the earth God’s tenth is the Jewish people and of all the nations of the world Israel is His tenth!! That’s why the greatest battle of mankind, Armageddon (it will take 7 months for the Israelis to bury the dead), will be fought over Israel and Jerusalem its capital (when Jesus returns He rules from Jerusalem). You see man handed over dominion of the earth to Satan when he sinned but the only place he cannot touch is Israel as it’s God’s tenth hence this huge battle to try and possess what is God’s. The Antichrist will also try and annihilate the Jewish people but God has a place prepared for them at Petra where they will be hidden, fed and protected, during the Tribulation period Rev 12:6, Isah 33:16.

That is why God said whoever blesses the Jews will be blessed but whoever curses them will be cursed Gen 12:3. Have you noticed the Jewish people are automatically blessed wherever they go? The reason why USA has been blessed and prosperous all these years is because of their support for Israel (but this will not be so for very long, the US will soon betray Israel and all hell will break loose on them because of it!!! Jer 51:24). And to be honest the reason why Zim is cursed is because we are in alliance with Israel’s enemies!!

You see the whole purpose of the tithe is “First Fruits”. It’s putting God in His rightful place, First Place, on the top of the list so to speak, and not on the bottom!!! Think about it even your quiet time with the Lord is first thing in the morning. It’s the “first fruit” of the day!!

When you are obedient and faithful with your tithe God will open His hand, the heavens, towards you but if you eat the tithe the heavens will shut! God first tests you with the little Lk 16:10 to see if you will be faithful, even when it’s hard and difficult to tithe, to put God first and above your own needs then He will entrust to you more. Unless this principal is well and truly established in the little, you will find it even more difficult to tithe when you have much!

When you are faithful and trustworthy with earthly riches, your money, possessions and treasures (this could be things like your career, gifts & talents, people) then God can trust you with the true riches which are far more valuable and precious than earthly riches. This is the heavenly currency, the anointing! God does not give the anointing to anyone only those who have been tried and tested, who are faithful, true, humble and obedient!

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