Tuesday 22 December 2009

The Great Wealth Transfer

Dear Pastor Rod and Joni 13/12/09

Greetings to you both. I know you haven’t heard from me in awhile but I’m still here and you are always in my thoughts and prayers especially at this time when you are facing this incredible financial crisis. I would just like to send you a word of encouragement as you have spoken so much into my own life. There is not a day that goes by where I either watch Breakthrough on TBN Africa at lunch time or listen to one of your messages on my MP3, my favorite being “Speak the Word”. You have no idea how this has impacted my life especially the section on “endurance”. You know in Zimbabwe over the last 3 years in particular we have faced some insurmountable hardships and difficulties and so many times I’ve said “no, I can’t take this anymore!” then that part on endurance would come up and bombard my mind with that phrase, which is now etched into my brain and heart, “the saved ones endure to the end” then you would speak and impart that spirit of endurance into us and once more and once again I would be able to take another step forward and continue to fight this fight of faith!! So thank you Pastor, from the bottom of my heart, and NO your voice will never be silenced!

Pastor I have noticed during these times of financial difficulties, which we all seem to be facing, in fact I have never been through such times as these before, yes in the past I have faced seasons of lack but this is totally different – it seems like there is a constant battle and fight with the enemy over our finances!! I’ve come to realize this is only because he knows what is coming to us and is desperately trying (a futile attempt) to hold back what belongs to the children of God! You see we (God’s children) are transitioning from the world system of buying and selling into God’s system of sowing and reaping (Zimbabwe is ahead of this – it is extremely difficult to sell commodities, except in the food industry) and we are being forced (those of us who will embrace it) into God’s system. Thank you Pastor for so many years now you have taught us the principals of sowing and reaping even against all odds as I’m sure you have been greatly criticized for it (as the religious world can’t stand it!) but it is the KEY to surviving this transition, as trust me, the world system is no longer going to work for us!

We have just had a week long conference with our very own Zimbabwe’s Bishop Tudor Bismark and other speakers and I have never heard or seen with my own eyes such “radical” giving! You know some preachers are afraid to ask for an offering but in one service there were 3 offerings taken – some were giving cars, laptops, cell phones, assets I’ve never seen anything like it before and was so overwhelmed and humbled by this experience as I’ve always thought of myself as a good giver but realized after this I’m still on the bottom level!! Now is the time, more than ever, for giving for we are about to enter a season of incredible multiple harvests. This is when Eph 3:20 will literally come to life. We are entering into the “Great Wealth Transfer” where we will be given “vineyards we didn’t plant and houses we didn’t build”, land, property, houses, wealth, positions of authority. A time for possessing the land (Isah 60:21, Ps 37:29) and it has absolutely nothing to do with us, our expertise, education, training, ability or skills but all to do with “Whose” we are and all to do with God’s faithfulness and goodness to those who are faithful and obedient in the sowing and reaping system and God is going to use this recession to bring this all about!

I was wondering why is this happening, why now? (Isah 43:19) when I realized it’s because we are on the verge of the “7th” day – we are about to step into the “7th” day – the Sabbath – the New Millennium – God’s rest. We have spent the last “6 days” working hard and living off the sweat of our brow but now we are about to step into God’s rest! We will no longer have to sweat so hard for so many years. God is going to give us His Kingdom freely Luke 12:32. These things we are suffering now will never be remembered again! Isah 43:18 “so wonderful shall be God’s future interpositions in your behalf that all past ones shall be forgotten in comparison - eclipsing the old” JFB commentary. Whow what a time to be alive!!!

Pastor I know none of this is new to you but I hope that somehow it will encourage and uplift you and when things seem so unbearable as we face these difficulties for a short season may I be so bold as to repeat your words back to you “THE SAVED ONES ENDURE TO THE END!”

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