Thursday 25 May 2023

The Three Feasts

The Three Feasts, which are very important to God (feast means God’s appointed times, known as moadim), are actually a celebration and honouring of each One of the Trinity.

The first of the Three Feasts is Passover - Pesach, and the feast of Unleavened Bread, and is celebrated for eight days, from Nisan 15-22 (this year was 5-13 April 2023). It is when we celebrate our Easter, to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, when He became our Passover Lamb. It is the season that both the Father and the Son sowed an extremely costly and sacrificial seed! The Father gave His one and only Son; and Jesus gave up His royal throne and kingdom (whilst on earth) and then later His life, to redeem man from the curse of sin and death. Therefore Passover is the most fertile season to sow in, because it is the “first” of the three “first fruit” offerings. It is also the only feast that God allows an extra thirty days in which to sow your seed (Num. 9:10-14). The very first Passover, during the Exodus from Egypt, was a judgment upon the world system, Egypt being a superpower at that time. The judgments of the ten plagues were to force them to release and free God’s people from the bondages of the world. AND it was used to pry the wealth of the wicked out of their hands, to be given to the righteous (the Great Wealth Transfer) (see Passover – Pesach). The seed or offering that we sow during Passover is connected to our divine protection (Ps. 91).

The second feast is Pentecost - Shavuot, which is being celebrated today, Sivan 6 (25 May 2023). It is fifty days after Passover. “Pentecost simply means fifty, or ‘the fiftieth day.’” It also means an “open hand!” It is believed that around fifty days after the first Passover (during the Exodus) the first “Shavuot coincided with…God giving His Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai. So Judaism was birthed with the giving of the Law, and Christianity with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost; both started on the same day.”1 Pentecost is a “first fruit” offering celebrating a bountiful harvest. It is also a type or shadow of the Jubilee, with the lavish outpouring of blessings. It symbolizes the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the former rain. The first manifestations of Joel 2:23, 28, 29 being in Acts 2, when thousands were converted. Then the latter rain, an even greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the “last days,” with an immense harvest. It could even be next year's Pentecost when this will happen? An incredible, exciting time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will also include miracles of healing (even for non-believers) and restoration. Spontaneous deliverances from addictions! Unprecedented signs and wonders will be commonplace, and God is going to demonstrate His power and glory in spectacular ways. We will see supernatural miracles of divine provision, divine protection and divine health. In all of human history nothing else can compare to the glory of this period! And it will bring in the greatest revival and awakening and harvest of souls, we have ever seen. I believe it will also be the time of the Great Wealth Transfer too.

The third of the three feasts are called the “Fall Feasts,” and happen in the holiest month of the Hebrew calendar, in the month of Tishri (our Sept/Oct). it consists of three feasts, starting with the Feast of Trumpets, which is also known as Yom Ha Din, or “the Day of Judgment”. A hundred trumpet blasts are sounded throughout the land. It is also the Jewish New Year, Tishri 1, Rosh Hashanah. Then the tenth day is Yom Kippur, “the Day of Atonement,” which was when the High Priest would make atonement (by the sprinkling of blood on the mercy seat seven times) for the whole nation, for the whole year. Feast of Tabernacles or Booths – Sukkot starts on the fifteenth day for seven days, where they camped out in tents or booths. It is a reminder that we are just pilgrims here for a very short time and that this is not our permanent home. The seeds sown during this season are connected to our health, healing and restoration (Rom. 8:11).

The three feasts are prophetic shadows and types of what is to come!

Passover was a shadow of Christ’s first coming and its theme is Redemption – to redeem man from the curse of sin and death. It is a time of forgiveness and freedom from bondage to sin and the world. I believe it will also be in the same season when another judgment will come upon the world (to cleanse and purify and set God’s people free from the world). History is cyclical and will repeat itself. But even through this horrendous time of judgment upon the world, God’s people will be safe in the ark of salvation, just as the Israelites were safe in Goshen!

Pentecost will follow shortly after this judgment and will be an awe-inspiring time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and of Revival.

The Fall Feasts are very prophetic as the month of Tishri is key to pivotal events surrounding Christ’s second coming, and its theme is Restoration. Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of Trumpets is a shadow of the Rapture, when the “last trump” will be sounded (I Cor.15:52). Yom Kippur is a shadow of the second coming. Jesus will return, possibly on that very day. And Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, when God tabernacles with man (Matt.1:23), is a shadow of the marriage feast of the Lamb, which is celebrated for seven days.2 Some have suggested that the marriage feast will last for the whole seven years of the Tribulation period? Pastor Perry Stone believes it is for one year, the last year of the Tribulation period?

Well here comes the controversial part, as I have some other ideas about this! Yes Feast of Trumpets is definitely the Rapture and we will know the month (Tishri) and the year (possibly 2025?), only the day and the hour will be unknown. The day will be unknown because the Feast of Trumpets is actually over three days. It starts on the eve of Elul 29, Tishri 1 and 2. And Yom Kippur will be Christ’s second coming, when He returns at the battle of Armageddon, at the end of the Tribulation, to save Israel with the sword of His mouth. He utterly destroys the evil works of the final eighth kingdom (N.W.O.). The antichrist and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20). But for me, Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is a picture and shadow of the New Millennium, when Christ dwells with man and rules on earth for a thousand years. It is also after Yom Kippur (after Christ’s return, not before). And from Isaiah 25:6 it talks about another feast at His coronation festival inaugurating the reign of the Lord on earth. Could this be the marriage feast, or is it another feast for the Jews who have come out of the Tribulation Period?

Lastly, I want to reiterate that we are instructed to bring a sacrificial offering during these three feasts, and special appointments with the Lord. Tithing, which is 10% of your gross income, is a compulsory commandment for every believer, for a blessed and protected life. It is the very fundamental base and foundation of all giving. There are other levels of giving that follow after tithing and these are known as offerings or free will offerings or first fruit offerings.

Offerings unlike the tithe do not have to go to your local church, you can sow in any fertile soil, in any ministry, where the Holy Spirit leads you to. They are not compulsory or at a set amount but are up to the individual and of course the Lord’s leading or prompting. Having said that though the scriptures do say that we must not appear before Him empty handed at these three feasts (Exod. 23:15; 34:20; Deut. 16:16). But because these three feasts are the most fertile seasons of the year for sowing it would be foolish not to take advantage of them. A farmer understands that certain crops when planted in the right season (i.e. you do not plant winter crops in the summer months) will excel and produce abundant harvests. So please do take advantage of this season to sow an offering and sacrificial seed.

Pastor Larry Huch teaches that Pentecost is connected to prosperity, because it is the Holy Spirit that gives us “power” through wisdom and knowledge, to gain wealth (Deut. 8:18). So when we come before the Lord with an open hand, He then opens His hand and the windows of heaven, and we will then be shown (the lightening in the cloud Zech. 10:1 – revelation and insight) the pathway and the “how to” do things, which will lead to abundant financial breakthroughs! Giving releases divine direction and the ability to pursue that direction. Remember, its not the amount that counts, as God looks on the heart. It is the sacrifice and obedience that is important to Him. But if your seed does not move you, it certainly will not move God! God bless you abundantly with financial breakthroughs as you humbly obey Him in this important season!


1. Larry Huch, “The Seven Living Prophecies,” P11 & 13

2. Larry Huch, “The Seven Living Prophecies,” P196

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