Tuesday 22 December 2009

The Great Wealth Transfer

Dear Pastor Rod and Joni 13/12/09

Greetings to you both. I know you haven’t heard from me in awhile but I’m still here and you are always in my thoughts and prayers especially at this time when you are facing this incredible financial crisis. I would just like to send you a word of encouragement as you have spoken so much into my own life. There is not a day that goes by where I either watch Breakthrough on TBN Africa at lunch time or listen to one of your messages on my MP3, my favorite being “Speak the Word”. You have no idea how this has impacted my life especially the section on “endurance”. You know in Zimbabwe over the last 3 years in particular we have faced some insurmountable hardships and difficulties and so many times I’ve said “no, I can’t take this anymore!” then that part on endurance would come up and bombard my mind with that phrase, which is now etched into my brain and heart, “the saved ones endure to the end” then you would speak and impart that spirit of endurance into us and once more and once again I would be able to take another step forward and continue to fight this fight of faith!! So thank you Pastor, from the bottom of my heart, and NO your voice will never be silenced!

Pastor I have noticed during these times of financial difficulties, which we all seem to be facing, in fact I have never been through such times as these before, yes in the past I have faced seasons of lack but this is totally different – it seems like there is a constant battle and fight with the enemy over our finances!! I’ve come to realize this is only because he knows what is coming to us and is desperately trying (a futile attempt) to hold back what belongs to the children of God! You see we (God’s children) are transitioning from the world system of buying and selling into God’s system of sowing and reaping (Zimbabwe is ahead of this – it is extremely difficult to sell commodities, except in the food industry) and we are being forced (those of us who will embrace it) into God’s system. Thank you Pastor for so many years now you have taught us the principals of sowing and reaping even against all odds as I’m sure you have been greatly criticized for it (as the religious world can’t stand it!) but it is the KEY to surviving this transition, as trust me, the world system is no longer going to work for us!

We have just had a week long conference with our very own Zimbabwe’s Bishop Tudor Bismark and other speakers and I have never heard or seen with my own eyes such “radical” giving! You know some preachers are afraid to ask for an offering but in one service there were 3 offerings taken – some were giving cars, laptops, cell phones, assets I’ve never seen anything like it before and was so overwhelmed and humbled by this experience as I’ve always thought of myself as a good giver but realized after this I’m still on the bottom level!! Now is the time, more than ever, for giving for we are about to enter a season of incredible multiple harvests. This is when Eph 3:20 will literally come to life. We are entering into the “Great Wealth Transfer” where we will be given “vineyards we didn’t plant and houses we didn’t build”, land, property, houses, wealth, positions of authority. A time for possessing the land (Isah 60:21, Ps 37:29) and it has absolutely nothing to do with us, our expertise, education, training, ability or skills but all to do with “Whose” we are and all to do with God’s faithfulness and goodness to those who are faithful and obedient in the sowing and reaping system and God is going to use this recession to bring this all about!

I was wondering why is this happening, why now? (Isah 43:19) when I realized it’s because we are on the verge of the “7th” day – we are about to step into the “7th” day – the Sabbath – the New Millennium – God’s rest. We have spent the last “6 days” working hard and living off the sweat of our brow but now we are about to step into God’s rest! We will no longer have to sweat so hard for so many years. God is going to give us His Kingdom freely Luke 12:32. These things we are suffering now will never be remembered again! Isah 43:18 “so wonderful shall be God’s future interpositions in your behalf that all past ones shall be forgotten in comparison - eclipsing the old” JFB commentary. Whow what a time to be alive!!!

Pastor I know none of this is new to you but I hope that somehow it will encourage and uplift you and when things seem so unbearable as we face these difficulties for a short season may I be so bold as to repeat your words back to you “THE SAVED ONES ENDURE TO THE END!”

Monday 9 November 2009

Sowing And Reaping

Hey Sis
I can't thank you enough for all your help, you are such a God send and I will always be grateful for you!!!! I mean that from the bottom of my heart!!! And NO, no amount is too small or an insult!!!! God does not look at the amount He looks at the heart and the sacrifice in which it is given!!! Jesus was not insulted or worried about the 5 loaves and 2 fishes (even though His need was great), because all He does is multiply it!! Heard a very interesting word on that yesterday! Jesus took what He was given and blessed it, He then broke it (took some and sowed it) and gave it to the disciples (He didn't give it direct to the people because then there would be less multiplication) the disciples then broke off some and gave it to the people, they then broke off some and gave to each other! Each time each person broke off a piece it multiplied and resulted in a huge harvest!!! I have for some years been trying to understand and practice this principal because it is the foundation to the way God operates, there are 2 systems that operate on the earth, one is the world’s system of buying and selling (one person is always at a loss, especially if you're in Zim!!) then God's system is the Kingdom of God and it's based on sowing and reaping (no-one ever loses, the giver gains a multiplied harvest and the receiver gets blessed as well 2 Cor 9:13).Often when we are looking for a breakthrough in something the first thing we need to do apart from praying is sow a seed! But you will always get the naysayer that say OH but you can't buy a miracle!! And no you can't but God waits for us to release what's in our hand before He will release what's in His (that makes sense, why should He give us anything if we refuse to give?? Think about it, it is the exact same principal with forgiving, He will not forgive us until we forgive).

The easiest way to understand all of this is through the natural and coming from farming stock we can see it! If a farmer said to you I'm not going to sow my seed but leave it in the barn, but I'm expecting a huge harvest this year you would put a straight jacket on him wouldn’t you?? As long as you have got seed, that is sown, you will always have a multiplied harvest. So even if an amount is small all that has to be done is to ask God's blessing on it, break some off and sow it and it will multiply, 30, 60, or 100 fold. Imagine a 100 fold on U$5 is U$500. You just cannot lose!! I even asked God the other day can you expect a harvest off your tithe? He said it's a seed isn't it? There is a lot more to understand about this e.g. your seed has to go into soil, the soil must be fertile (i.e. don't give into something that is not anointed or that God hasn't told you to as it will not grow Isah 55:11).

Then there is season, there are certain times of the year that are more fertile than others, this is during the 3 feasts that God called Ex 23:14-16 1/ Passover April/May. 2/ Pentecost 50 days after. 3/ Feast of Tabernacles, Day of Atonement Oct/Nov. Then it has to be watered, we water our seed by meditating on the Word and expectation James 5:7 - i.e. if you don't believe you will receive a harvest, then you won't, it's as simple as that and weeding the doubt and fear out by staying focused on the Word and being steadfast in patience. Then there is sowing in a valley (valley or famine represents difficulty Gen 26). My favourite pastor, Pastor Rod Parsley (on TBN) always says "You never sow on the mountain, you always sow in the valley" Ecc 11:4 says if you wait until favourable conditions you will never sow but if you don't sow you won't receive a harvest!

Our seed is the way God can measure our faith. Also sowing doesn't only mean finances, some of my greatest harvests have come when I've sown of myself!! Words are also seeds, we will reap what we say, for the negative or the positive (frightening thought!) also time and your talents are seeds which we can sow but will only produce a harvest if the Blessing is on it!

Hey sorry didn't mean to turn this into a sermon, but in the same token it's so important to understand this principal as the time we are going into we are going to have to operate on it! Let me explain, the world system is about to collapse, as we can see it already happening, so the system which we are so used to and have been brought up in, is no longer going to work for us!! In Zim we are a few years ahead and I can tell you in advance what's going to happen!! We are at the stage where business is very slow and it's very difficult to sell ("buying and selling") your commodities! Jobs are going to be more scarce but your job is not your source, as a child of God, God is your source!!!

There is also a lot of talk lately about the transferal of wealth from the wicked to the righteous Ecc 2:26, Prov 13:22. During these end times God will use this recession to extremely bless His people, in finances and property (it's main purpose is for the end time harvest, He wants the gospel to go out). I believe those that are faithful in giving (He gives seed to the sower, not the hoarder) will receive this blessing. There are two guys that have a special anointing for this truth on sowing and reaping Dr Nasir Siddiki "How to Prosper in Any Recession" and Dr Oral Roberts, also Isaac Pitre "God's DNA" (sounds amazing) it would be great if you could find one of these books?

Wednesday 2 September 2009

The Wiles of the Enemy

You know the enemy’s strategies and tactics of attack haven’t changed throughout the centuries! He is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet 5:8, Jn 10:10, Eph 6:11. Even more so when he sees us pursing God’s will, plan and purpose for our lives. He has a few pitfalls, traps, detours and out right attacks to get you to move off the right path and will try to get you to fall, be sidetracked or deceived, using unexpected tactics and people that you would never dream of!! All of these are designed to get you to lose focus[1], to take your eyes off Jesus and what’s important, the things that are eternal Col 3:1-3, 2 Cor 4:18, Heb 12:2, Prov 4:25. Here are just a few, we’ll start with the 3 D’s:-

1. Deception and Confusion – he will take partial truth and pervert it, twisting it, causing confusion and misunderstanding. Making you lose focus. You then become stagnant not able to move forward as you do not know which way to go James 1:6. Those walking in the Spirit are not easily deceived as “the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth)” amp Jn 16:13.

2. Distraction and Detours – this is one of his favourites as it’s so simple yet so effective because if he can get you distracted for long enough you will totally miss God’s plan, purpose and destiny for your life!! Its purpose is to get you to move off the right path and to go in another direction – a detour around the mountain (e.g. the children of Israel in the wilderness for 40 years). He will tempt you with the “lust of the flesh and eyes and pride of life” i.e. something your flesh desires and would love to pursue (knowing it’s not God’s will for you). This could be the pursuit of money and worldly pleasures, power or fame, a career (that’s not God’s plan for you), the wrong people (people that will take you far off track), having too many commitments, being too busy and not being able to say no, allowing other people to control you or becoming too entangled in someone else’s problems. It ultimately always involves following our own ways and plans Prov 1:31, Ps 78:29, putting God in last place (this is idolatry) Isah 30:21-22. A word of warning here, Jesus said “anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God” LB Luke 9:62.

3. Depression – is another pitfall, or trap the enemy loves to use because he knows your strength comes from your joy Ne 8:10. If he can keep you here long enough all your strength will be drained away and you will be totally helpless like Samson was when his hair was cut Jud 16:19. This pit is a bottomless pit but it has different levels, when you first fall into it you are on one of the higher ledges – the longer you stay in it you will progressively fall to lower levels (this is when suicide becomes a constant thought). It is a pit you cannot get out of yourself – it is only the long arm of the Lord that can reach done and lift you up out of the deep miry clay Ps 40:2, 69:14, Isah 60:1. When you are in depression your natural tendency is to wallow in self pity and to isolate yourself – this is the worst thing to do!! Don’t be too proud to tell someone (someone who can stand for you in prayer), as soon as possible, that you are struggling with depression! The enemy’s favourite line is “God doesn’t love you, nor does anyone else, nothing good will ever happen for you! It’s too late, you’ve blown it, you will never make it!” It’s important to note that depression is a fruit[2], it is the result of something i.e. of failure, disappointment or the loss of something. It is also one of the fruit’s of sin, where there is anger, strife, bitterness, anxiety, worry, fear, unbelief and doubt, depression will surely follow! One of the keys to overcoming depression then is to find out what the root is (you cannot kill a weed without pulling up its root) then pull it up by dealing with the cause of the problem! If strife is the cause, make amends with that person, if fear is the cause counter attack with the Word of God Jer 29:11, Ps 139 etc. Then the next step is to take perspective on reality and begin to think of and focus on all the good things in your life – be grateful and thankful for so many blessings in your life!! Even things like having the use of your limbs, or living without pain!

4. Procrastination – knowing the right path but putting it off to a later date saying “not now I have too much to do – I’ll do it when I’m older”. Another time waster and detour! Just remember tomorrow never comes and which one of us has the guarantee of tomorrow?? Now is the time of salvation!!

5. Wounding and Offense – this brings us to a grinding halt!! Once again it will get us to lose focus and to now concentrate on our wound and hurt. We begin to look inward, wallowing in self pity, pride, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment. This is deadly – it’s like falling into a trap of quicksand – the more you wallow (meditating on the wrong done to you) the deeper you sink and you will eventually suffocate!! Unforgiveness actually traps or locks you in time, in your past. Walking in Love and Forgiveness is the only way to get out of this trap. It’s not easy but essential to be able to move forward again towards your future!! It amazes me how some people can stay caught in this trap for over 40 years of their lives (or even more). What a waste and how foolish!!!!!!!

6. Fear – False Evidence that Appears Real. Well a whole chapter can be written on this subject alone! Just as the atmosphere God uses is faith – the devil’s is fear! It is his only access into our lives. Fear cannot penetrate the “Shield of Faith” Eph 6:16. God’s calling on our lives is always so huge and overwhelming in our eyes that it brings fear! There are many other types of fear to deal with as well. Learning to lean on and trust in God completely in every area and detail of our lives, is a life time process! Some people find this easier than others. It’s a total abandonment and surrender to God’s will. Extremely difficult or rather impossible if the flesh has not been crucified! We cannot trust Him if we do not know Him – again this is a life time process of learning more and more about Him and His love for us 1 Jn 4:18. If fear is not dealt with you will be totally immobilized, unable to move in any direction! Again when your focus is on God and how great, powerful and awesome He is, your problems and fears become minute in comparison!! (LB Isah 40:26, He even has pet names for all the stars!!! Think about this for a moment, astronomers estimate there are over a billion galaxies and our planet earth is just a pin prick in our galaxy!! How great is our God!!!)

7. Sin – all forms of sin, inward sins of the heart, pride, lust, jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, selfishness, unforgiveness etc. and outward sins, murder, adultery, stealing, gossip, slander, strife, lying, deceit etc. are all intended to make you stumble, slip and fall. Condemnation is then heaped on you to keep you down. “Though the righteous may fall, he shall rise again” Micah 7:8. Sin’s purpose is to get you to sow bad, corrupt seed so that you will reap a corrupt harvest. Repentance is the shovel you use to dig up the bad seed before it can produce its evil harvest Gal 6:8, 1 Jn 1:9, Ps 32:5, Ps 66:18, Isah 1:18. Confession and repentance (change of mind and direction) are the keys to get you back up on the right path and moving forward again!

8. Attacks in Trouble, Sickness or Persecution – this is to get us so overwhelmed and overtaken by problems that we are spinning out of control. It’s to keep us so busy and occupied that we have no time to focus on God. One of my favourite poems by Patience Strong is “Peace Be Still” it talks about the calm in the centre of the storm! There is a place of peace and calm in the centre of the raging storm around us. This is called the secret place of the Most High Ps 91:1 amp “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].” This secret place is God’s presence (no raging storm can come near). God’s presence is our Refuge and Fortress against the storm. Just as a deer goes into water to hide his scent, as we go into God’s presence our scent is hidden from the enemy and he cannot find us! Where God’s presence is, is where rest and peace are Ex 33:14, Isah 40:31. Often we stress ourselves out so much trying to find out the answers to our problems instead of seeking out His presence – this is where the answer lies and oh what peace and joy there is in His presence Ps 16:11, 31:20. Next time trouble hits you like a tornado, don’t seek the answers, seek His presence!!!

In fact here lies the solution to all of the attacks, traps and wiles of the enemy, staying in God’s presence, being filled with the Holy Spirit Eph 5:18. Walking in the Spirit is life but walking in the flesh is death Rom 8:13, Gal 5:16. Knowing and learning who you are in Christ (the King’s Kid) allows you to operate in authority over the enemy (remember your level of authority is subjective to the level of your submission to God) and knowing and understanding the enemy’s tactic gives you the ability to counter attack using the full armour of God Eph 6:11-18, 2 Cor 10:4, Luke 10:19.

There are many scriptures which talk about our path and our feet and how we are protected from stumbling, slipping or falling (Prov 2:8, 3:23, 4:12, 16:9, Ps 37:23, 55:22, 66:9, 121:3, Heb 12:13). The Word of God is our anchor that will keep us from falling!! The Word will keep you on track and in the right direction and Wisdom will guide you when the path is dark and obscure. It is our armour and a lamp unto our feet Ps 91:4, 119:105.

It is also very important to mention here that the Blood of Jesus (again, books have been written on this one subject) is our protection and our covering without it we are vulnerable and totally open to attack. Without the continual, daily cleansing of the Blood and the washing of the Word (Eph 5:26) the Holy Spirit presence is not able to abide with us and without the Holy Spirit we have no power over the enemy for it is He who fights our battles for us and it is He who warns us and protects us!!

In conclusion this summarizes the four areas in which we are able to defeat the enemy. The power is in the Name of Jesus (His authority), the Blood of Jesus (His covering), the Word (His armour) and the power of Holy Spirit (His presence)!

[1] “Our focus must not be on what we are going through but on what we are going to”. So we are not to be stuck in the past or dwelling in the present but our focus must be in the future (dreams and visions God has placed inside us), and on the finish line. A runner in a race does not have his focus on the people in the stands or the runners around him, but his focus is fixed on the finish line!
[2] Very important to add here that there are other causes of depression which are physical, caused through hormonal imbalances in woman going through menopause (or have had ovaries removed). Also chemical imbalances in the body caused through excessive intake of alcohol, most people don’t know this but alcohol is a depressant!! People partake of it when they are depressed to make them feel better (and it does momentarily) but then it takes you down into a deeper pit of depression. We then try to fix this imbalance with medication such as anti-depressants. I am no expert but have had 8 years experience with a chronic alcoholic. Be extremely cautious of anti-depressants, some of them are highly addictive and others once you come off them can make you suicidal. They should only be taken on the short term. I strongly suggest you seek advice before continuing such drugs. This of cause doesn’t apply to chronic diseases such as manic depression.

Friday 17 July 2009

Today Is The Day

A Very Important Message.

Remember not one of us, young or old, has the guarantee of tomorrow. This could be our last day on earth. Don't be foolish and put this off or ignore it as you might never be given another opportunity. And every time you ignore this or say no, you harden your heart.

TODAY is the day of salvation, NOW is the acceptable time. Tomorrow could be too late.

This is serious stuff my friend. If you land up in hell, there is no escape, no getting out, for all eternity. Torment forever and ever where the worm never dies.

Choose LIFE today.

River Corp click on audio version to hear this message

Friday 10 July 2009

Hey Boet

In Loving Memory of Allan Ryan 3rd July 2009

It was so great to hear your voice again but so sad to hear the news about Allan, I am truly so sorry!!! I know the pain of losing a close friend! I wish I could tell you that the pain will grow dim with time, and I suppose it does but the best way to describe it is like an anesthetic, it numbs the pain but every now and then the anesthetic wears off!! The only hope and comfort I can give you is an amazing promise God gives us in Rev 21:4 “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away.”

There is coming a time when we will step into eternity where there will never be death or loss ever again! Never any pain or sadness again!!! But this promise is only given to the “Redeemed”, to those who have acknowledged that they are sinners and have accepted that Jesus died and paid the penalty for their sins, that He is the only way to the Father. The word redeemed comes from the time of slavery – a slave could be bought by someone and then that person could choose to set the slave free and give him his redemption papers. That is exactly what Jesus did for us, He bought and paid for us with His blood Rev 5:9. This was an extremely costly price as He paid with His life. It also cost the Father immensely as He had to give up His only Son to the most painful death ever invented by man (He was marred beyond recognition, and in some cases men didn’t even survive the whipping post, with the leaded and spiked lash). Just try and imagine for one moment, as a father, could you ever give Devin’s life to save millions of others??? Imagine the Father’s pain to do that?? But He did it because He loves us so much and so that we could go free – no longer slaves to sin and that we would not have to pay the price for our sins which is eternal death and torment in hell forever. Many people say oh but there is no hell, then why did the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit sacrifice so much with such a horrific death if it was not of extreme importance?

You see God is a Holy and Righteous God and will not allow sin to be in His presence, and it is only by the shedding of blood that there is remission of sins Heb 9:22. Jesus, the pure spotless lamb of God is the only blood that can cleanse us completely (of past, present and future sins) and allow us access to the Father. That is what is called “Justification” “just as if I had never sinned”. But you have to accept this sacrifice for yourself, if you reject God’s plan of salvation then you have to pay the price yourself “the wages of sin is death” Rom 6:23 There is one problem with rejecting Jesus or even putting it off, is that every time you do your heart becomes hardened until it becomes so hardened that it is impossible to receive Christ! There is a point, a line once crossed you cannot return!! I heard a story recently of a man who God had been continually calling, then one particular night He told him – “if you do not come to Me now, this will be the last time I will call you!” A perfect example of this is Hitler – people say that if he had asked God to forgive him God would’ve and that is 100% true (there is no sin the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse), except that his heart was now so hardened that it was impossible for him to ask God for forgiveness!!!!

This is why it is sooo important not to keep ignoring this or putting it off![1] Heb 12:25, 2 Chron 15:2. And also when we have been faced with death we realize how vitally important it is to be ready when God says our time is up, no-one has the guarantee of tomorrow, life can end so quickly and so abruptly!!!

Des I know I have been hounding you with this of late, and never before have I been so bold and aggressive hey?? The reason is that I love you so much and want us all to be together, to meet Mom & Dad in the sweet by and by!! (I am not worried about the younger generation, i.e. nephews & nieces as Mark will bring them all in, yes, but wait and see, you’ll be totally amazed at what God will do in Mark’s life!) But also mainly because time is sooo short before Jesus returns to take His church (the believers, this will sound strange but a lot of people in the church are religious but have not received Jesus Matt 7:21) home!

Yes I know people have said for years that the “End Times” are near! Can I quickly tell you a story of when I was in Hre in 1992, I went to a church there and this young guy was preaching on the End Times and then he asked who believes we are right at the end? Well I am never this bold I actually stood up and said no, we are still at the “middle of the end” (22cm). This is astounding because I knew very little then but somehow I instinctively knew this was true and now, 17 years later, I can say with absolute certainty we are much closer to the “end of the end” i.e. if you took a 30cm ruler and said the beginning is 0cm and the end is 30cm, we are about 29cm now. Actually have just learned recently that this “End Time” period actually started (0cm) in 1948 when Israel became a nation Isah 66:8. The Bible has amazing detail and prophecies about the time we are living in (especially the book of Daniel and of course Revelation which is mainly about the 7 year period called The Tribulation). I am no expert but I do listen to Bible scholars who have spent a life time studying this and they all say with much urgency that we are very close!!

I know I have tried to tell you of some of the main signs and without going into too much detail, the first and foremost is the prediction of the last world empire that will rule the world before Christ returns and sets up His kingdom on earth! This is described in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2:41. The last empire is made of iron and clay (the iron legs before was the strong (iron) Roman Empire) this last kingdom is a revived Roman Empire (i.e. European Union[2]) their plan is to have a one world govt Dan 7:23, Rev 13:7. At this moment they are talking about Obama and Blair to head the “New World Order” a one world govt, a one world currency and a one world religion. Many times in Revelation it mentions a beast with ten horns Rev 12:3, 13:1, 17:12, Dan 7:24 or the ten toes of feet of iron and clay. The ten represents the ten different regions they will divide the world into in this New World Order. Anyway they are in the process of setting this up right now!! Of course you have heard me speak of the micro-chip they are planning on introducing that in 2017 Rev 13:16.

But another very important sign is a seven year peace treaty that will be signed between Israel and the Middle East Dan 9:27. Obama has said he is planning a peace treaty within the next 24 months!! This peace treaty (there have been many before but this one is for a 7 year period) is of paramount importance because it not only reveals who the Anti-Christ is but it begins the 7 year period described in Revelation as The Tribulation (the first 3 ½ years) and the Great Tribulation (the 2nd 3 ½ years). In the middle of this period the Anti-Christ (the head of the EU) will break the peace treaty with Israel and will start war against them, Ezek 38 ending at the end of the 7 years with the battle of Armageddon Rev 16:16, 19:19 (where Russia and China join in with Islamic countries for final battle against Israel Dan 11:44, Rev 9:16) but God steps in and miraculously saves Israel and ends it Ezek 38:22, and Christ returns with His feet on the mount of Olives. He destroys this last empire, The New World Order (the rock that smashes the statue in Dan 2:45) and then sets up His kingdom on earth and rules for a 1000 years and then forever and ever. Anyway I thought I said I wouldn’t go into too much detail (can’t help myself).

But one last thing, just before or just after this peace treaty is signed is when Jesus comes to collect His church (it’s commonly called the rapture[3] 1 Thes 4:15-18) not everyone will see Him then, only when He returns at the end! This will cause a huge upheaval as you can imagine and with a billion people disappearing this will cause the final economic collapse and anarchy. This is when the Anit-Christ steps in to “save the day” and to bring peace. So those that have been left behind will go into the Tribulation period, Jesus described it as the worst time that man has ever had in all history and if not shortened there would be no survivors! Matt 24:21-22, Dan 12:1. Because the church has been removed from earth the devil has no restraint to hold him back so evil will be greatly increased! There is still time within this 7 year period to receive Jesus[4] into your heart but it will be extremely difficult and all those caught following Christ will be executed by guillotine Rev 20:4 (interestingly this is Islam’s form of execution).

Ok I promise final thing!!! To back up and come back to present, the world is about to go into an extremely difficult time. God is going to “shake” and “sift” the nations. He is sick and tired of idolatry (that is the love of money, or anything you place as more important than God, for some it’s their career, or a person, or a sport etc.). A guy described it last night as turning something upside down and shaking it! He will be purifying His church (He is coming back for a church without spot or blemish Eph 5:27) which is in just as much of a mess as the world! We don’t know what God will do but I have a feeling it will be a worsening of this economic crisis!! James 5:1-3 (they are printing billions of U$’s in US which is exactly what caused the collapse of Zim economy). The difficulties we have faced in Zim over the last 2 years are just a taste of what is to come. The only way to survive this is to put your complete trust in the Lord, He will keep safe those who are His!!! It is also an extremely exciting time to be alive as God is going to demonstrate His power and glory in amazing ways – we will see miracles like never before!!! Also it’s the time of the transferal of wealth from the wicked to the righteous!! He saves the best for last!!!!!

Phew I sure do go on hey!! Well I hope you find it interesting? I know it is an awful lot to chew and swallow but please give this some serious consideration!!! And I would ask you that if you were to die today do you know for sure, without a shadow of doubt that you would go to heaven? If not pray this simple prayer with your heart and out aloud!

“Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. I believe you are the Son of God and that you died for me on the cross to pay for my sins and that you rose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to forgive me for all my sins. Wash me and cleanse me and set me free. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, give me a hunger for the things of God and help me to follow you and serve you for the rest of my life! Thank you Lord Jesus, by faith I now receive your gift of salvation and I believe that I’m forgiven and that I am now a part of your family. AMEN”.

[1] I have put in a lot of scripture references so that you can search out the truth for yourself, instead of just ignoring it and saying this is a load of rubbish!!!! “Seek and you shall find!!”
[2] Throughout the centuries dictators have tried to conquer and unite Europe through conquest or marriage Dan 2:43, but not one has succeeded (nor ever will) because the iron and clay cannot mix. There have been 7 of these dictators, Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler, EU and the 8th will be the Anti Christ & he comes out of the EU, Rev 17:9-11 (vs 9 seven hills = Rome = EU).
[3] The Bible does not give specific reference as to when the Rapture actually takes place. It is however, irrefutably linked to the 7 year Tribulation period. Most scholars believe it will be just before the beginning of The Tribulation, some believe it will be in the middle i.e. after 3 ½ years and others at the end of the 7 years (which is very unlikely as this is when Christ returns (openly) for the 2nd time and He returns with the saints Rev 19:14).

[4] In fact this is the time for the salvation of the Jews, they will finally accept that Jesus really is their Messiah!

Sunday 3 May 2009

Harvest Time

LEVITICUS 25:20-22 7th April 09

Amp “What shall we eat in the seventh year if we are not to sow or gather in our increase? Then [this is My answer] I will command My [special] blessings on you in the sixth year, so that it shall bring forth [sufficient] fruit for three years. And you shall sow in the eighth year, but eat of the old store of produce; until the crops of the ninth year come in you shall eat of the old supply.”

It was commanded that every seventh year (vs 4) they had to rest the land and not plant crops (it was a Sabbath year). Every 50 years was the jubilee (vs 10-12) where every debt was cancelled and slaves set free! It just so happens that our years fall exactly numerically into this! It was proclaimed in 2007 that this was the year of Jubilee. 2006 is the sixth year vs 21 where you received a bumper harvest. We have not reaped any significant harvest for 3 years (vs 21) but we have continued to sow (vs 22) and live off the harvest of 2006.

BUT in the ninth year vs 22 the harvest will come in!! 2009 has been proclaimed “The year of re-birth & re-building”. This is the reason why things have been so hard the last 3 years but another bumper harvest is about to come in – in 2009!! In fact Larry Huch said that after this harvest comes in we will never go into another valley (of financial difficulty) again, until the return of Jesus!

In fact it is the beginning of the “Latter Rain” and the transferal of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. There will be a huge transferal of wealth to the righteous - to those who have been obedient in sowing and to those who will not hold onto the wealth (sticky hands!) for greed or selfishness but will pass it onto the preaching of the gospel. This transfer of wealth is for the sole purpose of the gospel as time is very short before Jesus returns and the gospel desperately needs to be preached throughout the world to give everyone the opportunity to come to Christ Matt 24:14.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Zimbabwe Waiting: 20 Oct 08

“Just wait for Me to act, you are right My timing is not the same as your timing. There is a mighty army marching across Zimbabwe. A relentless army seeking to kill and destroy. A great warrior, a general is in position getting ready to deliver a fatal blow, seeking to destroy everything that has been built up and established from ancient times.

Without Me there is no hope for Zimbabwe, but I will rain down terror upon this army, I will destroy them! I will devour the ‘devourer’.

Everything will come to a grinding halt. Food shortages will get worse, even water will dry up! Much destruction and despair! Great famine across the land!

Keep your eyes on Me, your hope and trust in Me. There will also be a mighty revival across the land! There will be a sweet smelling sacrifice of praise rising up to Me. Joy will explode and captivate hearts!

Nations will be changed because of this! Mighty kings will come here to see the glory of the Lord. Joy, unspeakable joy will release this land!”

“From the rising of the sun to its going down, My name is to be praised.” Psm 113:3

From The Beginning

You know I knew you before you were born and I scheduled each day of your life before you began to breathe. Every day of your life was recorded in My Book! I think about you constantly even when you wake in the morning I am still thinking of you! (Psm 139:15-18, Jer 1:4, Isah 49:1).

Can a mother forget her little child and not have love for her own son? Yet even if that should be, I will not forget you. See I have tattooed your name upon my palm and ever before Me is a picture of you! (Isah 49:15,16).

And you know I rejoice over you in great gladness; I will love you and not accuse you. Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is I Myself exulting over you in happy song. Just as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so I rejoice over you!! (Zeph 3:17-18, Isah 62:5)

Remember my child, when you walk through the valley, I will never leave or forsake you, I will not leave you comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn or helpless and when you pass through the valley of weeping, I will make it a place of springs and blessings when you draw your strength from Me. (Jn 14:18, Psm 84:6)

Never forget My Goodness, I am Good all the time, even when you don’t understand my plans for your life. Bring Me glory by keeping praise on your lips.

And my child when life is hard and the storms come, don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression you will not be burned up for I am the Lord your God, your Saviour. I will never leave you or forsake you, no-one can snatch you out of My hand! If I be for you who can be against you? Nothing can separate you from My love! (Isah 43:1-3, Heb 13:5, Jn 10:28, Rom 8:31,39).

And when life is all said and done, you will come to be with Me forever for I have prepared a place for you, a place that is so explicitly beautiful and filled with My glory. The city’s wall are made of precious gems and the streets of pure transparent gold. A city where no evil will be permitted. No more death, or sorrow or crying or pain. All of that has gone forever! And you will rule and reign with Me forever and ever!! (Jn 14:2-3, Rev 21-22, 2 Tim 2:12).

I Love You.