Sunday 3 May 2009

Harvest Time

LEVITICUS 25:20-22 7th April 09

Amp “What shall we eat in the seventh year if we are not to sow or gather in our increase? Then [this is My answer] I will command My [special] blessings on you in the sixth year, so that it shall bring forth [sufficient] fruit for three years. And you shall sow in the eighth year, but eat of the old store of produce; until the crops of the ninth year come in you shall eat of the old supply.”

It was commanded that every seventh year (vs 4) they had to rest the land and not plant crops (it was a Sabbath year). Every 50 years was the jubilee (vs 10-12) where every debt was cancelled and slaves set free! It just so happens that our years fall exactly numerically into this! It was proclaimed in 2007 that this was the year of Jubilee. 2006 is the sixth year vs 21 where you received a bumper harvest. We have not reaped any significant harvest for 3 years (vs 21) but we have continued to sow (vs 22) and live off the harvest of 2006.

BUT in the ninth year vs 22 the harvest will come in!! 2009 has been proclaimed “The year of re-birth & re-building”. This is the reason why things have been so hard the last 3 years but another bumper harvest is about to come in – in 2009!! In fact Larry Huch said that after this harvest comes in we will never go into another valley (of financial difficulty) again, until the return of Jesus!

In fact it is the beginning of the “Latter Rain” and the transferal of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. There will be a huge transferal of wealth to the righteous - to those who have been obedient in sowing and to those who will not hold onto the wealth (sticky hands!) for greed or selfishness but will pass it onto the preaching of the gospel. This transfer of wealth is for the sole purpose of the gospel as time is very short before Jesus returns and the gospel desperately needs to be preached throughout the world to give everyone the opportunity to come to Christ Matt 24:14.

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