Sunday 24 June 2007

My Choice

What makes man different to animals? God gave man a free will - CHOICE!

We can choose how we live - we can choose life or death - blessing or cursing!!

We can choose to love and not hate

We can choose to have peace and not fear

We can choose to have joy and not sorrow

We can choose to have faith and not doubt

We can choose to be kind and not harsh

We can choose to be cheerful and not grumpy

We can choose to be givers and not be greedy

We can choose to walk in forgiveness and not bitterness

We can choose to walk in humbleness and not pride

We can choose to walk in hope and not despair

We can choose to walk in mercy and not cruelty

We can choose to walk in freedom and not condemnation and guilt

We can choose to walk in gratitude and thanks and not complaints and negativity!

I can choose to cast my cares upon Him or I can choose to carry the burden and heavy load myself. I can choose to speak positive and encouraging words, words of hope (life) or I can choose to speak negative, critical, judgemental and slanderous words that will kill, destroy and maim (death).

How can we then blame God for how our lives turn out when all along it was our choice which path we tread? If we choose to follow the path of unforgiveness it will most assuredly and definitely lead down a road of death, self destruction, torment, depression and isolation. But don't blame God for where you are, it was YOUR CHOICE!

For unlike animals God gave us a free will - the right to choose because He wanted an intimate relationship and friendship with us. This kind of closeness cannot be forced - for it to be real there has to be willingness on both sides. God is more than willing - He gave the best part of Himself - His only Son to us and all He wants from us is to CHOOSE HIM and His ways!

Challenge (Put it to work)

Lets take one of the above joy and put it into practice. Next time you feel depressed first check to see what is the root of your depression (it could be because of strife, unforgiveness, anger, anxiety, worry, disappointment, fear) deal with the root then choose happiness and say to yourself "I will be joyful" - I will think of and focus on all the good things in my life - I will be grateful and thankful for so many blessings in my life.

What about unforgiveness, next time someone offends or hurts you, you can choose and decide to forgive that person or you can dwell and meditate on that offence! Think of a bulbous weed, when it is young it is easy to pull up but the longer it is left to grow the harder it is to pull and uproot that weed as the root grows deeper and deeper! And so it is with unforgiveness the longer you dwell on the hurt the harder it is to uproot and it will continue to grow into bitterness, resentment and anger.

Then there is fear, anxiety and worry which we all face today! It is a known fact that these are the root causes of certain diseases. We can choose not to allow fear into our lives, we can choose to cast our cares on Him for He careth for you! We can choose to trust Him with our lives (even and especially when things look hopeless).

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