Tuesday 26 June 2007

Live Life in the Present

Don’t live life in the past! All of us have made mistakes and regret a lot of things we have done and not done in the past, but will that change it? No the past is gone and finished forever, never to be visited again! So why dwell on it all the time, rather – “don’t be disturbed about your past – it is forgiven[1] and forgotten. Shake off the past once and for all. Do not partake of it any longer! Lay a wreath there and put it to rest! It is dead and over!” If we hang onto the past we cannot grow and move forward. We can become so focused on past regrets, things that didn’t work out or people that have hurt us that we can miss the gift of today – each day is a new day and God has new things in stall for you! But if your mind is constantly in yesterday we will never enjoy this day as we should. It is even important not to stay focused on past accomplishments and victories as this can steal the new victories God has for you. Live in this moment Ecc 5:4 “give your mind to what you are doing” that means don’t live in yesterday and don’t live in tomorrow focus on right now!

What about the future – are we to partake of that in the present? No!! That is the main cause of anxiety, frustration and confusion if we try to plan the future today! Not one of us knows what lies ahead of us and it is foolishness to think we know how to plot our future? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t make wise decisions, have goals and plan and prepare for our future – yes but we must not waste too much time there! We are not given to see the whole road ahead of us (thank goodness!) for most of us would faint with fear, but we are given enough light for a few meters at a time (just as a vehicle’s light only show the road just ahead of you – you travel that 50m then you see the next 50m) and so it is in life. God never intended for us to see too far ahead mainly because what we would see would overwhelm us and secondly we would never learn to trust and lean on Him!

If we spend our time worrying and trying to figure everything out it will steal the joy and energy that was meant for today. Worry doesn’t accomplish anything positive. God can only work in your life where there is faith – faith is simply trusting, believing that God is in control and that He will work out everything ultimately for our good (Rom 8:28). Most of the things we worry about never come to pass. Mark Twain said “I’ve been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened” Jesus said “Don’t worry about tomorrow it will take care of itself (Matt 6:34). No live each day for today for tomorrow has enough worries of its own! Our attitude should be, this day is a gift, I’m not going to waste time worry about tomorrow - it may not come - and I’m not going to focus on yesterday – that ended last night – this is a new day and I’ll make the most of it and enjoy it today – I’ll stay in the present! Children have mastered this truth, they always live in the present. They get over disappointments quickly, they never hold onto grudges and they don’t worry about the future – they are just happy with no cares (they leave the worrying up to their parents) and so it should be with us what joy and peace we would have if we completely trusted our Father with our pasts and our futures!!

[1] If you have asked God to forgive you through the blood of Jesus your sins are forgiven and forgotten (as if they never happened) and if God has forgotten them what right do you have to remember them ( return to your vomit!!!) But also remember you will give an account for any un-confessed sins. Isah 1:18, 43:18,25, 44:22, Psm 103:12, Jer 31:34, Micah 7:19, Phil 3:13, 1John 1:9.

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