Monday 9 September 2024

The N.W.O. How Will it Be?

Dear Pastor Perry, thank you for sharing this. The scenario that you are describing in the dream, sounds very much like how the next global government will rule (the eighth empire of ten toes or ten horns, which I will call N.W.O.)? With many restrictions, restraints, monitoring and tough rules (especially for Christians).

In my book Asteroid Impact, I write on P146, “’Selective’ health care will only be available for the privileged. Believers will not need this health care anyway, as God will provide supernatural miracles of divine healing and health. Nor will they be restrained by travel bans and restrictions as God will supernaturally move His people as and when He needs to (Exod. 34:10).”

I believe that during this time many unprecedented miracles will happen! Including the miracle of being translated, or moved supernaturally from one place to another instantaneously (Acts 8:39). I have heard at least three testimonies of people who have experienced this, even in our time. One testimony was of a man who got into a lift, which was filled with foreigners. When he got outside he realised he was in an Asian country. He had a meeting with an important businessman, then was translated back home again! In the Bible (John 6:21) it tells us that Jesus and the disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, then they were immediately on the shore! This tells me that the boat, Jesus and twelve people were all translated instantaneously at the same time. Remember nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). I honestly believe that God’s children will not need to worry at all about these restrictions they will try to impose on us, as God will move His people as and when He needs to, and even across continents if so required!

Another very important point I want to make, and one I’ve only just confirmed recently, when I was working on a new timeline called "Beginning of Sorrows." First I will make the statement and then try to explain it. As your dream suggests, the Christians that are being monitored and restricted, are still here. In other words the Rapture hasn’t happened yet. It is only recently that I have discovered that the N.W.O. will begin during the period of the "Beginning of Sorrows," and the late birth pangs. I have for a long time thought that it would start in the Tribulation period. But NOT so, because of the first revealing of the antichrist, who first appears on the white horse, the first of the six seals in Rev. 6:2.

I believe the church will see this, as in my opinion, the six seals will be before the Rapture and not at the start of the Tribulation! It is at this time that the antichrist takes control over three of the ten regions of the next world empire, the eighth (which I call the N.W.O. some others say Global Reset). This also proves that the N.W.O. (which is initiated or orchestrated by the E.U. - the revived or restored Roman Empire, and which explains why they are ahead of the USA in this system), will be set up shortly after the chaos of the sixth seal, in its aftermath. It is also interesting to note that the E.U. doesn’t initially choose the antichrist as one of its ten rulers. He will force his way in through war and conquest and takes control of three of the regions, right near its inception. The man that does this is the antichrist (see Even More on the Antichrist).

Once again I would like to reiterate that these times are very close at hand, and that it is very important to have a right relationship with the Lord, right now while there is still time and opportunity! S.J.


Perry Stone's “I had a Troubling Dream” dated 16 July 2024