Tuesday 9 April 2024

A Madam President?

Last year I wrote a detailed description of the antichrist, and his attributes, that we will recognise him by certain criteria. Yes, throughout the centuries, many dictators and rulers have had the characteristics or spirit of the antichrist. But the one that rises up in Rev. 13:1-2, out of the sea of humanity in the last days (and the beast in Dan. 7:3-8), will have the body or religion of the Middle East, the feet or backing of Russia, and the mouth or authority of a king of USA (who has reigned before Rev. 17:11 TLB).

He is not only known in scripture as the antichrist… Apostle John describes an antichrist spirit, which has ruled since his time, in the Epistles of John (this is not the same as a specific man who will rule the whole world, in the last three and a half years). Apostle Paul calls him the man of sin (rebellion or lawlessness in II Thess. 2:3) or son of perdition. Daniel calls him the Wilful King (Dan. 11:36), the Little Horn (Dan. 7:8), and having a fierce countenance (Dan. 8:23), and a prince (Dan. 9:26). Isaiah calls him the Assyrian (Isa. 10:5-13, 24-26). Zechariah calls him the Idle or Worthless Shepherd (Zech. 11:17), as he will desert the flock, Israel – when he breaks the peace treaty. In Revelation he is known as the BEAST… In fact Pastor Jimmy Evans says he has 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13 in the New Testament.

Just recently, something VERY interesting came to light, with a video of Perry Stone, called Madam President, dated 3 October 2023. He is saying this is NOT a prophetic word, but inside information that he has been given. Should President Biden choose to step down, or if something should happen to him, instead of the Vice President stepping in, it is possible that they may ask, former First Lady, Michelle Obama to take office?

Wow what a controversy, who would ever have dreamt of this turn of events? And we still don’t know how this will play out?

So now I am just thinking to myself, this would have to happen BEFORE the next elections in November 2024? That is within a few months!!! Like I said, we have absolutely no idea how this will play out and will have to just wait and see! S.J.


More on the Antichrist:

Clip of Madam President?:

Perry Stone's Madam President???: