Tuesday 24 October 2023

I Don't Care Attitude

The “I Don’t Care Attitude” shows that a person is exhibiting a lack of empathy. A very serious and dangerous warning sign for that person. It reveals a hardened heart, a heart that can no longer give or receive, that is completely shut off. But this also means it is shut off and unresponsive to God. An extremely dangerous place to be in, as no longer will you be able to learn, grow and develop as a person. Nor will you be able to hear Godly instructions and directions for your life, some of which could save you from making even deadly decisions, that have long lasting consequences, not only for you, but for your family as well. Godly wisdom and direction can save us from many harmful incidences in our lives. God’s blessings only flow when we follow His footsteps and choose to go in His path (Deut. 30:15-20; Prov. 14:12). It also means we will not be able to hear God’s warnings, when trouble or enemy’s attacks loom ahead, and could save us from disaster (Ps. 91:3).

But the most dangerous aspect of a hardened heart, threatens the very existence of our soul. We can choose to wilfully disobey, every time we do this our heart becomes a little bit harder. This is what the Bible calls a seared conscience (I Tim. 4:2). A conscience is another way God can speak to us, to warn us of danger when we do something wrong. Our guilty conscience will then, through guilt, hopefully persuade us to put the wrong thing right. You see, the “wrong thing” or sin will open a door into our lives for the enemy to attack us, through danger, calamity, trouble, sickness, poverty, despair etc. But if we choose to continue to ignore our conscience, it will eventually no longer speak to us or warn us. It has become seared and completely hardened. Unfortunately, if you persist in doing this, you will reach a point of no return, a line once crossed, you cannot go back. That is why there are those that can commit ruthless, unspeakable acts of violence and have absolutely no remorse or regret whatsoever. They have crossed that line and there is NO hope for them. Their soul is lost forever!

Don’t be like that, be quick to repent and ask for God’s forgiveness…

When I was growing up, my mother had a humorous ode, which she would force us to repeat every time we said those insidious words, “I Don’t Care.” Consequently I learnt very quickly to bite my tongue every time I wanted to spill them out, except in my thoughts of course haha…

I don’t care was made to care

I don’t care was hung…

I don’t care was put in a pot

and cooked until he was done…

So now every time I hear those words come out of my mouth, or even in my thoughts, I stop to take a check of myself. Where have I gone wrong, what bad attitude have I adopted, what critical thought have I had? Then I humbly ask God to forgive me and help me to change and soften my hardened heart. In fact, even to give me ways to act in the opposite spirit, to show me what acts of kindness I can do, and what consideration I can show to others! S.J.

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