Let me give an excerpt from Asteroid Impact 3rd Edition from P180, under the subtitle the Destruction of Babylon (USA)…
“But another main reason is that they (USA) will betray Israel and try to divide their land, in an attempt to bring stability in the region (Joel 3:2; Hab. 3:13; Zeph. 3:19; Zech. 2:8; Jer. 51:24, 35, 49, 52; Gen. 12:3). Which God will not allow as He made a solemn and eternal covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15:18; Ps. 105:8-11). This will greatly kindle God’s anger against them (USA). It will be the tipping point, when the “cup of wrath” is full.
In Revelation 19:2 it says this judgment is from God and that it is just and upright. That is an incredible statement if you think about it, considering His magnanimous nature and how longsuffering, patient, slow to anger, merciful, kind, compassionate, loving and forgiving He is (Ps. 145:8). Which means their wickedness must go far deeper and far beyond what we are able to conceive, imagine or understand?”
Well, all we can do now is to wait, watch and see what happens next. But it is unquestionable that we are witnessing end-time prophecies being fulfilled right before our eyes. As Christians, and “watchers,” we have already seen the preview, and can know what to expect next! Once these events begin to happen, it will be like a ripple effect or like a domino effect, one after the other, almost simultaneously (P159).
To find out more, please don’t delay in getting your enthralling copy of Asteroid Impact the 3rd Edition. S.J.
Perry Stone's Did They Just Betray Israel?