Friday 3 February 2023


When someone has been wronged or mistreated unfairly, it causes a “ripple affect”. The person being mistreated will suffer, AND so will the perpetrator (in time, see Gen. 8:22 seed – time – harvest)! Because the laws of sowing and reaping apply to every person, whether good or evil, young or old! So, not only does the wrongdoer reap what he has sown (it will come back to him; in time) but there is also a type of “fine,” or judgment that he will have to pay for his sin. Especially if that person refuses to repent or admit his wrongdoing or refuses to make compensation to the one he has wronged!

The judgment will come in many different forms, it could be trouble, calamity, sickness, harm, loss, and even anxiety and depression etc. The gravity of judgment will also depend on the severity of the sin! For example, murder – how would you requite for that loss? In Biblical times, that repayment was made with your own life! Slander, in God’s eyes, is also a type of murder (character assassination) and will also have some very serious consequences and judgments, which if not recompensated for, could have generational repercussions! Adultery is also a type of murder! It is the “death” of a relationship and of the family unit, it too will most definitely have generational consequences, so too will abortion! Where theft is concerned, recompense is forced out of the thief’s hands, as you cannot “keep” what is stolen. It will either be lost or stolen again! The list could go on…

So, I want to make a statement here, that inspired this whole exposition; “Compensation can appease the judgment you are facing, along with repentance!” Even our own laws allow for those wronged to be compensated! Often, once a person is bombarded by all these judgments, they realise there is something wrong, and will try to recompensate the person they have wronged! But my question is, is it TOO LITTLE – TOO LATE?

This same statement was made in “Overturning Roe vs Wade” and is referring to the judgments that will come upon America, as a nation, because of over 63 million abortions! Yes, they have overturned “Roe vs Wade,” making it illegal for abortions now, BUT is it TOO LITTLE – TOO LATE? It is a start in the right direction, and only time will tell.

So, is this statement true, “Compensation can appease the judgment you are facing, along with repentance!”? Yes, I believe so, look at Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, who had cheated many people! He restored to those people, four times as much of what he had stolen (Luke 19:8). Restoration of the wrong we have done to others, may not only be in the form of finances, but it could also be in many different ways. And if we are serious about restitution and making things right, the Lord will guide and direct us as to what we must do! AND PLEASE DO NOT MAKE IT, TOO LITTLE – TOO LATE!!!

A sidenote here: if you are the one who has been wronged, in most cases, you will not be compensated by the one who has wronged you! But rest assured, if you put your trust in the faithful and true God, and keep a right attitude (do not harbour bitterness, resentment or revenge), He will restore to you double what was lost, in many surprising and astonishing ways (Ps. 37:6; Isa. 54:17, 61:7-8; Rom. 12:19). S.J.