Tuesday 22 February 2022


Wow, what an amazing date isn't it, and very interesting numbers? Let's look at the number two to see what it means! It is the number for union and a couple or two parties. It also stands for an agreement or contract (two parties in agreement).

Some years back I discovered that the number 22 represents the prophetic! The Holy Spirit in partnership with man (his soul and spirit). Dan. 2:22 "He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him!"

Another example... the number 23 represents a divine marriage! The two being the couple and the three is the Trinity. A couple in unity with the Trinity = a divine marriage!

(see Jonathan Cahn on Daystar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX1zSyc2gXU and Perry Stone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja1kRunn8p4 )
Other examples-:
One – unity, nature of God
Two – witness, agreement, covenant, union and of a couple (two becoming one in agreement)
Three is the biblical number for divinity and the Trinity (God-head), gold – heavenly gold or “true riches,” time – past, present, future (Rev. 21:6)
Four is the biblical number for earth and continents – kingdoms, nations, empires, dominion, also earth’s four elements, seasons, compass points, four living creatures…
Five is the biblical number for grace, favour, power and anointing…
Six represents man and mankind (he was created on the sixth day, Gen. 1:26; Rev. 13:18)
Seven is the Father’s number and means perfection, completion, God’s perfect will, rest. The 7th day, 7th year and 7th millennium is the Sabbath, day and year and millennium of rest! The 7th month is Tishri, the holiest month on the Jewish calendar, and has the third first fruit Feast, celebrating the Father!
Eight is Jesus’ number and means new beginnings, new birth, resurrection, it also means sh’moneh “to make fat” super abundant fertility, an abundant harvest! Also an octave is the eighth note, 8th day is first day of week, beginning of 8th week is Pentecost, 8th month is Cheshvan
The Father (7) plus Jesus (8) = 15 the Holy Spirit (1 = unity, 5 = power and anointing), month is Sivan
Nine the number of “birth” (Isa. 66:9) see 18 (9+9)
Ten the number of the law (ten commandments), trails and testing, establishment
Eleven represents transition, confusion, chaos (the hallway of transition between one closed door and another), the wilderness period
Twelve is the biblical number for government, order, structure, authority, apostolic…12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 gates, 12 months (season or cycle)
Thirteen – disorder and the opposite is unexpected blessings
Fourteen – contract or covenant, Passover on 14 Nisan, God made a covenant that they would not be destroyed, unlike the Egyptians, if they applied the blood of a lamb on their doorposts! Human hand = authority on earth, feet = dominion on earth (see 24)
Fifteen – The Holy Spirit, Pentecost – the wheat harvest. O is the 15th letter of the alphabet – omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, oil and Omega (Rev. 22:13)
Sixteen – innocence, pure love (John 3:16 – God’s love for mankind)
Seventeen – immaturity, unripe, not ready for use or birth
Eighteen – maturity, ripe and ready for use and for birth (9+9), pregnancy period, due season
Nineteen – faith, rebirth and new beginnings, position of authority and sonship, able to command blessings and give birth, to multiply and increase what’s in your hand (Matt. 16:19; Luke 10:19)
Twenty – redemption “He redeems us from the law” (10+10) and the number for manifestation
Twenty-two – the prophetic, vision (Dan. 2:22; Exod. 25:22)
Twenty-three – divine union, the biblical number for marriage
Twenty-four – dominion on earth (12+12) (feet see Deut. 11:24)
Thirty – maturity (see 18)
Forty – the number of a generation, test of dominion (40 days and 40 years in wilderness)
Fifty – the Jubilee (50th day is Pentecost, 50th year is Jubilee)
Seventy – restoration
Eighty – end of a generation (40+40), a human lifespan (Ps. 90:10)

There are endless, unlimited possibilities of the use of numbers (as mathematicians and their algorithms would tell you) and their meanings! Here used in their simplest and purest form so that anyone can understand them.

For example, numbers in your dreams or visions can also be significant and knowing their meanings can help you with the interpretation. Even in the date of your dream! I have quite often had a dream being fulfilled after a 12-month cycle, on the anniversary of the dream, emphasizing that it was a prophetic dream! Also when your dream falls on the 22nd of a month it can (not always) indicate it’s a prophetic dream.

Another example is the number of your birthdate – mine is the 5th which is the number for grace, even my name means “a graceful lily”. Perhaps you are born on the 23rd? It could be that you will have a ministry related to marriage. Do you get the idea?

Yet another example! At church, one Sunday, the youth’s choir had a special event, and they were all dressed in outfits with brightly colored T Shirts, each with a different number on the back. The one young woman had an exceptional voice, she stood out from the whole group! After the meeting they were all gathered outside talking and chatting as young people do! But I could now see the number that was on that young woman’s T Shirt. It was the number 44. I came very close to approaching her to tell her something prophetic, simply based on the number on her T Shirt!!! Wow, can you believe that? In the Hebrew language, there is no word for our word coincidence. I never did find the courage, what a pity! But what I was going to say to her is, “Your singing and beautiful voice is going to take you around the whole world!” The number four represents the earth, kingdoms, nations and two fours, the whole earth and all nations! It is interesting to note, that former President Obama was the 44th American President!

One last point, which is just speculation, but interesting all the same. The end-time generation, the one Jesus was talking about in Matt. 24:34, is referring to everyone born from 1948 to date! Pastor Larry Huch believes this “end-time generation” began at the birth of Israel in 1948. If this is true, and a generation (according to Ps. 90:10) lasts for 80 years, that could mean this generation will be 80 in 2028? I believe the end of the Tribulation period will be in September 2033, with the return of Jesus soon after? (see https://youtu.be/MvZ8AOBp-fU)

Now, this does not mean we must look for numbers behind every bushel, we need to be in balance, as with everything else. But when they do appear, knowing their meanings can give a deeper insight, understanding, discernment and interpretation to what’s going on around you? Anyway, I hope you have found this interesting?


Passover - 14th day of Nisan

Estimated time of reading: 6 minutes

It is interesting to note, in Psalm 91, that the word “pestilence” is used twice (vs 3, 6). Then in verse ten it uses the word “plague” (second one in Hab. 3:5, much more deadly than pestilence). In the amplified version, it divides verse ten into three parts… "no 1/ evil (accidents) shall befall you, nor any 2/ plague or 3/ calamity (deep trouble or misfortune) come near your tent.” All three could happen with an asteroid impact – accidents, plague and calamity!

Now remember, in the Exodus, the Israelites were protected from all the ten plagues of Egypt (except the first three Exod. 8:22). In the area of Goshen, where they lived (which was a “type” of Noah’s ark), they were completely safe and none of the plagues affected them. Only the Egyptians (which is a “type” of the “world”) were affected! So it will be for us (God’s children), in this judgment that is coming!

Having said that, the last plague would have come upon them, had they not obeyed the instructions they were given, to apply the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorposts. On the fourteenth day of Nisan (Exod.12:6) each family killed a lamb and applied the blood on the doorposts of their house. God had told them, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt” (Exod. 12:13). So too, it will be for us, if we have the blood of our Passover lamb, Jesus, protecting us!

Remember Egypt is a “type” of the world and the worldly system, with all its gods and idolatry. So, could it also be in the Passover season (this year Pesach or Passover starts on 16 April 2022), when God brings judgment on the world again? It is interesting to note, that the ninth plague was three days of darkness (Exod. 10:21-23). This time it will be the three days of darkness that will bring on the “black plague” (a type of the tenth plague), causing millions to die over a very short space of time!

The Israelites asked the Egyptians for all their gold and riches after the ninth plague but took it from them after the tenth plague (Exod. 11:2; 12:36). The Egyptians were very eager to do whatever they asked, for fear of any further retribution! After the destruction and chaos of the judgment that is coming, the “Great Wealth Transfer” from the unrighteous to the righteous will occur! Its purpose is to fund the preaching of the gospel and for the end-time harvest. God will put “billions” into the hands of those He can trust!

Earlier in the month of January, after listening to a few videos of the Jewish year 5782 (our 2022), The Year of Habitation, I came to a foreboding conclusion, that perhaps 2022 could be the year this will happen (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvntZRfqBQE and Perry Stone Manna-Fest episode 1109)?

In Pastor Perry Stone’s video, he used a “Bible code” of the first five books (the Torah) Gen. Exod. Lev. Num. Deut.(a total of 5852 verses). He gave three examples of a year and the corresponding verse, falling in Deuteronomy. He unfortunately did not give the verse corresponding to the year 5782, as it was just a preview. But working backwards, deducting 70 verses off a total of 5852 verses (5852-5782 = 70) I came to the verse DEUT. 32:23-24.

“23And I will heap evils upon them; I will spend My arrows upon them. 24They shall be wasted with hunger and devoured with burning heat (this is referring to a high fever and the plague) and poisonous pestilence; and the teeth of beasts (wild beasts of prey see Rev. 6:8) will I send against them, with the poison of crawling things of the dust (serpents).”

This was shocking to me, as I had come across this same verse (vs 23) when doing a study on Hab.3 and (see youtube). In the JFB commentary it says that the Lord’s arrows can be “war, famine and pestilence.” But when reading Hab. 3:11 (many times) I could see that the “arrows,” because they sped fast with a blazing, flashing light, could refer to astral bodies such as meteors, comets and asteroids!

Because of my analytical thinking, I have been trying to find a timeline for this since 2015! And when I discovered that the coronavirus could be the first precursor to the following judgments (see Hab.3:5), I realized it was soon, first thinking possibly November 2021 (see month of Cheshvan and youtube).

We are also in a Shemitah year (7/9/21 to 25/9/22 see https://youtu.be/y5iHe6fHSPk and https://youtu.be/MvZ8AOBp-fU ) which is also very significant and usually the “Shaking, Fall and Collapse” comes at its end, on Elul 29 or in its wake.

Another great sign, I believe is I Thess. 5:3 “ When people are saying, All is well and secure, and, There is peace and safety, then in a moment unforeseen destruction (ruin and death) will come upon them as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child (the same analogy that Jesus used in Matt. 24:8); and they shall by no means escape, for there will be no escape.”

When we hear these words being said on the news media that, “All is well, we are secure and safe now from any more threats” (or to that effect) we can know for certain we are at the door and the birth (of the Tribulation Period) is about to begin!!! S.J.

All emphasis in Italic is the author’s own. Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified Bible.

3rd Feb 2023

Yes, I still believe this judgment could fall in the Passover (Pesach) season? In 2023 it starts on 5th April.

For several reasons:

1/ We are still in the "wake" of the last Shemitah ending 25 Sept 2022.

2/ Jesus said, that in the last days, before He returns, it will be as in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26; Matt. 24:37 see Month of Cheshvan). He was predicting another time of great flooding (but not as extensive as the great flood). Pastor Perry Stone was explaining that for ten generations, from Adam, they had been warned of the great flood, and their final warning and sign was Methuselah's death (his name meant "when he dies it will come") and he died at the age of 969 years (Gen. 5:27). They were then given seven days to mourn his death, before the flood started. So my curious mind asked this question, "Who, is our present day "type" of Methuselah?" Well this is just a thought, but a VERY prominent figure has just recently died; Queen Elizabeth II, who served for 70 years, and died on 8 Sept 2022. Then my second question was, "What is the time-frame of 7 days?" Could seven days equal seven months? Seven months from Queen Elizabeth's death would be 8 April 2023. Which also just happens to fall in the Passover season! Here is another quizzical proposition! Methuselah was 969 years when he died. Queen Elizabeth was 96 years old when she died and in the 9th month (96-9). This is just a thought and idea, but interesting isn’t it?

3/ Could it also be in the same time frame or season of Noah’s flood? Noah's flood started on 17th of the second month (Gen.7:11). Because there are two Hebrew calendars, the most likely month would be the sacred calendar, which is Iyar (not Cheshvan) and Iyar 17 2023, falls on our 8 May 23, one month after Passover.