Wednesday 27 April 2011

Possessing The Land

Ps 61:2 “From the end of the earth will I cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed and fainting; lead me to the rock that is higher than I”.

As one of the declarations for this year is “Possessing the Land” and seem as this is a passion of mine, can I share some thoughts with you as I learn some exciting new things on this journey?

There are times in our lives when we are so overwhelmed by tasks or certain situations, problems or circumstances that we face, that we can be overcome with fear and doubt! This usually happens when we lose our focus, our spectrum has been widened and we are seeing too much at once! Get your focus back! First of all focus on God, turn your eyes upon Him, remind yourself that nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him! This is what Joshua and Caleb did – out of the 12 men that went to spy out the land of Canaan, they were the only 2 that believed that God was greater than the giants they saw Num 14:9. “when we become entangled with the giant-sized problems we lose sight and focus of what God has called us to do” J.M. And it was murmuring and complaining, self pity and excuses that defeated the Israelites, in fact God dealt very severely with them Num 14:27-37, that generation died in the wilderness and never entered into their promised land, their inheritance!! “Beware of complaining, instead worship God and keep worshipping Him until your breakthrough comes…Enjoy where you are – on the way to where you are going! Do not fear the giants; slay them with your faith. God is greater than any giant-sized problem you face” J.M.

Secondly turn your focus back on your dream, the vision God has given you. Do not look to the left or to the right Prov 4:27 “but only see your vision and begin to walk in it! Let it be so apart of you that you become it” T.D. Jakes. Never allow fear or doubt to creep in – set your mind and keep it set Col 3:2. As fear tolerated, will kill your dream and you will never enter into your Canaan but instead die in a miserable wilderness! “We think that an excuse relieves us of our responsibility to do what God has said. But God says “then do it afraid! As you go, I will help you conquer your fear.” J.M.

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