Friday 22 July 2011

See I Make All Things New


Rev 21:4-5 “….for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away…..see! I make all things new”

Isah 43:18-19 “Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth…. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”

Matt 9:17 “Neither is new wine put in old wineskins…..but new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved”

Josh 5:9 “This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you”
“the word reproach means blame, disgrace or shame….I am convinced that about 85% of our problems stem from the way we feel about ourselves…shame had poisoned my inner being…God wants to give us grace, and Satan wants to give us disgrace, another word for reproach…God’s action of rolling away our reproach means that we receive the forgive ness He is offering for all our past sins. Refusal to accept God’s forgiveness (by not forgiving yourself) will definitely keep you wandering in the wilderness. Your mind must be renewed…He earned your blessings by carrying your reproach to the cross. You can never deserve or be worthy of it, you can only humbly accept and appreciate it, and be in awe of how good He is and how much He loves you. Let God roll that reproach off you, and experience the freedom from shame that Jesus wants to give you” Joyce Meyer “Everyday Life Bible” taken from Josh 5:9

“We can release God’s plan for our lives by no longer thinking about the things of old, believing that God has a good plan for our future. Since what we think about eventually comes out of our mouths, we will never get our mouths straightened out unless we do something about our thoughts. I believe that if we stop mentally living in the past, we can begin to think in agreement with God. Then once we do that, we can begin to speak in agreement with Him. By so doing we can actually prophesy our own future.” Joyce Meyer “Everyday Life Bible” taken from Isah 43:18,19.

How do we prepare for the “New Things” God has for us? In all the above verses it says the old has to be done away with first. The past and the old way of doing things must be laid aside! All old mindsets, mistakes, failures, methods, experiences even old victories can cause us to become complacent, blinding us to the dangers of future battles! There are also some old relationships from the past, soul ties, co-dependents, naysayers, control freaks that need to be severed (pruned) to make way for new growth!

Do not dwell and meditate on the past, turn your focus onto the future and the new things God has for you Heb 12:2. Dwelling on the past becomes a weight that drags us down and hinders us and actually binds you to the past. We need to strip, removing everything that hinders us from the race set before us! Look at vs 2 “Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus…He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross…” notice His focus wasn’t on the cross and horrors He would have to face, but His focus was on the prize – the finish line! What things or people are causing you to be distracted and to lose your focus of what God has called you to do? Maybe it’s over committing yourself, allowing others to control you, becoming too entangled in someone else’s problems instead of keeping our eyes on our own goals?

The key to all of this is having a pliable and soft heart, one that is willing to change Deut 10:16 “so circumcise the foreskin of your [minds and] hearts; be no longer stubborn and hardened” also Ezek 36:26-27, Isah 1:19, 1 Sam 15:23. If we resist change and stubbornly continue to cling to the old, comfortable way of doing things we will never experience God’s new and better things! God is a ‘Big God’ and always has bigger, better, far more exciting things in stall for us, far beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations 1 Cor 2:9, Eph 3:20 but we have to do our part by jumping into the Father’s arms…Deut 33:27, total abandonment and trust and just like the four lepers said “shall we stay here and die?” so to stay stagnant, not moving forward or growing is death!!

Ok I always ask myself the “HOW” question?
1. I believe the first step is what I’ve already mentioned – lay aside stubbornness, rebellion and unwillingness to change but rather be obedient and willing to submit to His Lordship, no matter how crazy or difficult it may seem! Soften your heart and become pliable, teachable and humble! Lay down your own way, your own plans and your own selfish desires Jn 12:24-25, Gal 2:20, Luke 14:33. Easier said than done I know!! Probably our hardest and greatest, life long struggle is this very thing for the flesh does NOT want to be crucified!!!!

2. We’ve learnt that all decisions and then actions first start in your thought life! Change your thinking and renew your mind Rom 12:2, it’s when we renew our mind and thinking that God reveals His will for our lives! Are you struggling to find an answer or God’s direction for your life? Maybe the problem is in your thinking?? Are you listening to and allowing negative and critical bombardment of thoughts – the “I can’t do it”, “It’s too late”, “I’ll never succeed”, “I’ll never make it”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m too old”, “it’s too hard”, “I’ve blown it” thoughts??? In fact it was exactly this kind of thinking that defeated the Israelites except for Joshua and Caleb who did not see themselves as grasshoppers! It was only when they had the “I CAN DO” attitude and shook off reproach and shame that God led them into their promised land! Ok there are a myriad of scriptures that you can use to counter attack negative thoughts, find the ones relating to the specific area you are having problems in and target that area by confessing them every day – over and over and over!! Make it your daily routine and habit. It’s this repetitive action that actually changes the old negative groves and ruts that were originally engraved into your brain cells!! Key scriptures are 2 Cor 10:5, Phil 4:13, Rom 8:31, 2 Cor 5:17 remember you are a “new creation, the old has passed away” you no longer need to wallow in the mire and the mud of the past and old stinking thinking, old mindsets and strongholds!!

3. Combat the giant “Fear”. Faith cannot operate where fear is! This strongman and giant is something we all have to face and overcome in life! Remember what David said to Goliath “…for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands” 1 Sam 17:47. Of course this is a huge subject but I think the key to overcoming fear is knowing deep in your heart that God is with you and on your side and holds you in His hands, and will never leave or forsake you, and is fighting for you, Rom 8:31-39, Jn 10:29, Heb 13:5, Josh 1:9, Deut 31:6, Isa 41:10,13, 2 Chron 20:15,17, Prov 12:21, Ps 91,121. When we stay in His presence, in His will, in His love and under His umbrella of protection no real harm can come to us! When we step “out of love” into fear, allowing fear to control us then we are in serious danger!!

4. Allow yourself time to adjust to the “new thing”, the changes! Yes it’s going to feel uncomfortable, awkward, unpleasant and difficult at first! Stretching is never comfortable, but once you have grown into that new position it will become easier and more enjoyable to you!!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Power of Associations

Yes we all have strengths in certain areas but unfortunately also weaknesses! Funny yesterdays message at church was very interesting – he was saying how God has made us all unique and all with different “shapes” S = spiritual gifts, H = heart or passion, A = abilities, talents & skills, P = personality & different temperaments, E = experience – vocational, educational & painful experiences. “Your success in life is based on your response to the shape God has given you” that is with all your unique mix you are able to fit perfectly into certain areas and arenas in life! It’s when you’re not operating the way God designed you (i.e. not living your passion or trying to be like someone else) that’s where you can miss your destiny!

So one of my strengths is encouragement and something else I’ve only just recently been told and discovered is that I have the “Joshua” anointing! Joshua was Moses’ captain of the army and when Moses died Joshua took over. But his main purpose and destiny was to take the Israelites across the Jordan, out of the wilderness into the Promised Land, Canaan, to receive their inheritance! We all sometimes go through wilderness experiences and difficulties but God’s purpose in that is to develop and strengthen our characters so that we are able to handle the blessing He gives us and not squander it or lose it!! So my gifting is to help people to receive their inheritance, or to help them realize the dream or vision God has given them! (“Birthing Your Dream”)

Oh ok now I can see the thread that God is making here because the subject I wanted to speak on is “The Power of Associations” as it is impossible (I cannot overemphasize this) to receive your inheritance or dream if you have the wrong associations!!! It is also impossible to grow with the wrong associations!!

Wow this is quite a vast subject but will try to be brief and hopefully share on what’s important as it’s a subject I’m passionate about and feel very strongly about! Ok where do I start?? There are certain blessings that come by association with certain people or organizations. This doesn’t happen with casual associations but with deep, connected and committed associations! In other words to put it simply what they have rubs off on you! “Who you hang around with is what you’ll become!” Then there are certain principals that can invoke their blessing into your life i.e. commitment, accountability, humility, submissiveness, recognition, service & sowing (giving) to them will cause even more of their anointing to rub off onto you! 2 Kings 2:9. Ok these are good, Godly associations and if you want to grow spiritually you hang around with those who are on a higher level than you (be humble and submissive to resident anointing) so that by association you can learn and grow from their experiences and hopefully grow into that level! And also hopefully some of their anointing (the power of the Holy Spirit) and blessings will rub off onto you! This is where mentors play a huge role in our lives!

Now this exact same principal applies to bad associations!! “Who you hang out with is what you’ll become” Ps 1:1 “Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God..” Proverbs is full of this advice but here is just one Prov 2:11-15 “you will be given the sense to stay away from evil men who want you to be their partners in crime – men who turn from God’s ways to walk down dark and evil paths and exult in doing wrong for they thoroughly enjoy their sins. Everything they do is crooked and wrong” 2 Cor 6:14,17 “Don’t enter into partnership with those who do not love the Lord…. how can light have fellowship with darkness…that is why the Lord has said, “leave them; separate yourselves from them; don’t touch what is unclean” (all quotes taken from the Living Bible).

You have seen this principal work in Jay’s life – bad associations and friends caused him to walk down the wrong paths, causing havoc and destruction in his life Deut 30:15-20 and you made a very wise and prudent decision to move him to another location in the attempt to break those ties and connections!!! When we are young we all make this same mistake by sometimes choosing the wrong friends, but we grow and move forward and learn from our mistakes and hopefully learn to make better choices of friends in the future, those that will not bring destruction and chaos into our lives!! I must say here and please forgive me if I’m offensive (as hopefully he has changed?) but I’m very shocked that you still have Matt as a friend!!!! Even though I was young and naive and inexperienced then, I still knew that he had a very strong and bad influence on you!! But like I say I hope he has changed and is now bringing a positive (& not evil) influence into your life??????

Another example I want to share is a friend of mine Sally. She had a very close friend Anne. They were always together but Anne unfortunately is an ardent gossiper, slanderer and loves to cause division among people!! And even though Sally would not entertain her gossiping she still could not help it rubbing off on her! She has since moved away from this friend, ( not long after this Anne even started slander that Sally was having an affair with someone they all knew – some friend hey???) making better friendships and wow since she has done this I can’t believe the growth I have seen in her!!! People have even said to her there is something different about you – you look different – wow amazing what God can do when we position ourselves in the right place and that sometimes means moving away from wrong associations. Yes that can be hard at times as we want to be popular and liked but in the long run it is far better to be popular with and have God’s favour in your life than man’s!! And yes sometimes following Jesus is not always easy and it means taking up your cross (Matt 16:24-25, 19:29) and being unpopular with man but from my experience it is WELL worth it! As in the end of it all we all stand and give an account of our lives to God – NOT MAN!!!!! And it is God who holds the eternal rewards in His hands – not man!!

There is something else I want to add here; sometimes God will forcibly remove you from associations, either by relocation or even death!! And sometimes He even removes good, wholesome relationships from you. This is what the bible calls pruning John 15:1-8. He prunes us or lops off things from us so that we can produce more fruit in our lives! So that we can become more productive – this by the way is a very painful process but will definitely produce very good results in us, making us far stronger!! Last year God removed 2 very close, godly friends from me within a month of each other!! I couldn’t understand it and it was very painful but it made way for even better and stronger relationships!! Also another reason God sometimes removes people from us is that they have become an idol, someone we have placed over and above God! They have become more important to us, than God Himself!!

Well take care my friend and may God’s light continue to shine on you! I know He has much install for you and as you learn to walk in His ways He will bring to pass those dreams and visions He has placed on your heart!! Of course the first step in that journey is one where you make a commitment to follow Him and invite Him to come into your heart! Have you ever done that my friend?? I really hope and pray that you will!!! Cos without that first step you will never really know of God’s plans and purposes for your life!!

Possessing The Land

Ps 61:2 “From the end of the earth will I cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed and fainting; lead me to the rock that is higher than I”.

As one of the declarations for this year is “Possessing the Land” and seem as this is a passion of mine, can I share some thoughts with you as I learn some exciting new things on this journey?

There are times in our lives when we are so overwhelmed by tasks or certain situations, problems or circumstances that we face, that we can be overcome with fear and doubt! This usually happens when we lose our focus, our spectrum has been widened and we are seeing too much at once! Get your focus back! First of all focus on God, turn your eyes upon Him, remind yourself that nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him! This is what Joshua and Caleb did – out of the 12 men that went to spy out the land of Canaan, they were the only 2 that believed that God was greater than the giants they saw Num 14:9. “when we become entangled with the giant-sized problems we lose sight and focus of what God has called us to do” J.M. And it was murmuring and complaining, self pity and excuses that defeated the Israelites, in fact God dealt very severely with them Num 14:27-37, that generation died in the wilderness and never entered into their promised land, their inheritance!! “Beware of complaining, instead worship God and keep worshipping Him until your breakthrough comes…Enjoy where you are – on the way to where you are going! Do not fear the giants; slay them with your faith. God is greater than any giant-sized problem you face” J.M.

Secondly turn your focus back on your dream, the vision God has given you. Do not look to the left or to the right Prov 4:27 “but only see your vision and begin to walk in it! Let it be so apart of you that you become it” T.D. Jakes. Never allow fear or doubt to creep in – set your mind and keep it set Col 3:2. As fear tolerated, will kill your dream and you will never enter into your Canaan but instead die in a miserable wilderness! “We think that an excuse relieves us of our responsibility to do what God has said. But God says “then do it afraid! As you go, I will help you conquer your fear.” J.M.