Thursday 1 July 2010

Thanks Joyce

Dear Joyce and Dave 5 June 2010

First of all Happy, Happy Birthday for yesterday!! I hope you have such a wonderful, refreshing, exciting time full of many delightful surprises over your birthday and during your stay in Zimbabwe!!

Just want to say thank you so much for coming to Zimbabwe and in particular to Bulawayo, where I come from (a city that usually gets left out, so it was such a joy to have you!). We have all been in such excitement and anticipation for your visit here, waiting to see with expectation what the Lord is going to do through you!! And also thank you for your amazing generosity in giving us two of your bestsellers, THANK YOU!! I know they will be such a blessing to so many people!!

What you said about Zimbabwe is so spot on, that we will do “new things”, new wine in new wine skins! Also God raising up many woman! This was also prophesied by Cindy Jacobs “The river is going to flow through Zimbabwe and I see a powerful torrent of water, a mighty rushing torrent, many fish…. An army of woman with the Deborah anointing will march across the land. They will be like a net all over Zimbabwe with prayer. With a powerful anointing the woman first and men following.”.

About 3 times when we have been praying for this conference I have seen a picture of at least 2 huge fishing nets full to capacity of fish, just like when Peter cast his nets into the deep! I truly believe that the Lord has used you as a catalyst to bring a breakthrough and a shift in the spirit realm in Zimbabwe that will result in a huge, unprecedented harvest of souls, reaching and sweeping far across this land, like a domino effect even well after you have gone! I also saw, during praise and worship at the meeting on Thursday, a large deep spans of water which appeared to have the wind of the Spirit hovering over it! There have been many prophesies over the years that God will shine His light and glory upon this land and that it will shine right across the continent of Africa, affecting many nations, bringing healing and restoration. A key scripture for Zimbabwe has been Isah 60:1-4 .. “His glory shall be seen on you and nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising…” I really believe now is that time!! Wow so exciting!!!

Also what you said that maybe God will even send evangelist from here to America and other nations! God will be raising up many ambassadors from this land to send to the nations! Because of the extreme difficulties and hardships we have faced over the years, it has prepared us in advance to help other nations that will go through difficulties and hardships, like we have never seen before, as the darkness will cover the earth but we as believers will be a bright and shining light into that darkness!

Just one last thing about Zimbabwe, a prophecy on 20th Oct 08 “Keep your eyes on Me, your hope and trust in Me. There will also be a mighty revival across the land! There will be a sweet smelling sacrifice of praise rising up to Me. Joy will explode and captivate hearts!

Nations will be changed because of this! Mighty kings will come here to see the glory of the Lord. Joy, unspeakable joy will release this land!”

“From the rising of the sun to its going down, My name is to be praised.” Psm 113:3

Once again, THANK YOU so much Joyce for your faithfulness and obedience and sacrifice in coming to Zimbabwe, I know your rewards will be great!! I hope you will be the first of many more that will come!

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