Sunday, 29 December 2024

A Now Word

Thank you Kirk for being such a shining light in these dark times! I have loved your inspirational movies and listened to “Way of the Master” often.

Jesus was so right when He predicted that there would be great deception and false teachers, in our day, and that they would lead many astray! There seems to be a “prophet” on every corner, doesn’t there? So many people have so many ideas of how the end-times will unfold. Some amazing ones too, like an alien invasion will bring in the N.W.O. wow! But really it’s quite simple, all you have to do is follow the scriptures, as it tells us exactly how it will unfold, “with a precision that is staggering.” Yes we need the help of the Holy Spirit to interpret it for us, and He is quite willing to do that, as Dan. 12:4 tells us greater knowledge and understanding of His purposes will be given to us, as it is for our day. It is our generation that will have greater revelation of these times and our eyes will be wide open to literally see and understand (John. 8:12).

I have often been blown away at how accurate the Bible is! The most well-known example of this is “the mark of the beast” recorded in Rev. 13:16, almost two thousand years ago! It is only our generation that can fully understand this and even see it in action. Previous generations would have been dumbfounded as to what we can now see as reality. Some countries are already using a prototype of this RFID biometric microchip, which is inserted under the skin between the thumb and forefinger, and is used for all financial transactions, using your car and computer, for all your records etc. It has already been suggested that we need this chip for our medical records, should we become unconscious. And that it will soon be required to have this for a global I.D. and a global digital currency. But as Christians we cannot take any part, in any way, in this “beast system,” and therefore will be persecuted and cut off from society.

We also know from scripture that it is the “Six Seals and the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” that will first reveal and expose who the antichrist is. He is first seen in scripture, on the white horse (Rev. 6:2) and he goes forth conquering and taking territory. But what territory? I believe it will be the three regions that Dan. 7:8, 20, 24 talks about – after the ten kings are already in place. I also believe, contrary to what most teach, that the six seals happen before the Rapture and before the Tribulation period. So the church will be able to 1/ accurately identify and reveal who the antichrist is, and 2/ will also be here to witness the rise of the ten kings before the Rapture happens!

So, if this is correct and the church will still be here for the “Six Seals and the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” what are the six seals then? Well the sixth seal is stars falling to the earth (Rev. 6:13). It is very probable that this is referring to an asteroid with many smaller meteorites or “broken off pieces” accompanying it (see Hab. 3:11). The scripture also gives us even more mind-blowing insight. It tells us in vs. 14 that “the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished and (then) every mountain and island was dislodged from its place.” This verse has always intrigued me and have often wondered what it meant. NASA are developing nuclear missiles to strike an incoming dangerous asteroid, to try to either divert or diminish it before it collides with earth. But they will not succeed in either, diverting the asteroid or avoiding impact. And it sounds like this method will cause great earthquakes on earth too, even before the asteroid hits earth – “every mountain and island was dislodged from its place”?

I hope you have found this interesting, but it is only a small portion of what I write about in my book Asteroid Impact 6th and last Edition! I am presently working on its sequel, The Aftermath, about how we will survive these final days. Yes persecution will be rife for Christians and Jews, but the underground church will have great power and will be even greater than in the book of Acts. And I love Pastor Robert Morgan’s message in this episode, it truly is a “now word” for us during these times!

Even so Lord Jesus come!


P.S. If you have not received the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour, now is the time to do it, as time is quickly running out. Get safe in the Ark of Salvation!

Comment on “Kirk Cameron on TBN” YouTube channel

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Final Edition

I would like to announce that the final 6th Edition of Asteroid Impact is now available! Wow what an incredible journey this has been for me, but also a very burdensome one too! I have often prayed and said, Lord PLEASE let me be wrong about all of this! As there are some extremely difficult times ahead, according to Revelation chapter six and the six seals, which I believe will happen before the Tribulation period starts, and that the church will go through this.

The seed of conception for Asteroid Impact first started in 2009, when I was led to do a study about the “Destruction of Babylon” (U.S.A.). At that time it was only a dim and vague picture and understanding of it all, which grew and grew over the years to become the final sixth edition. The first edition was then “birthed” on 22 May 2021, which is three and a half years to the last one.

In 2010 I had a vision, during a praise and worship service. I saw myself holding a new-born baby in my arms, I asked the Lord what his name was, He told me Joshua (Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Saviour, Deliverer). Then I saw him a little older at about the age of three years old. I went to see two different people for an interpretation of this vision. My senior Pastor told me the baby represented evangelism. He was right, as even “the name Joshua means 'the Lord saves.' Joshua became the new leader of Israel who would lead them into the Promised Land. He would, in fact, save an entire nation.”

It was only a few days after I had uploaded the final edition, that I realised that Joshua is my book Asteroid Impact! How incredible is that! Many, many times I have stood back in awe of how this has all unfolded. And knew without a doubt, that I actually had very little to do with it, other than to carry this baby! If you knew and understood my background, you would be amazed too! God loves to choose simple people (most of the disciples were simple fishermen) so that only He can get the credit. But also, mainly just to confound and astonish the “wise” (I Cor. 1:27). For then truly it can only be God who has done it, and not our own mere human, carnal efforts.

So I am honoured to be able to present to you my final edition of Asteroid Impact. It has some invaluable insight, especially for Zimbabwe, for this particular season and time. I believe, first of all, that God has His hands on Zimbabwe, we are a “type” of Israel, therefore He will preserve and keep us, just as He preserves and keeps Israel (Isa. 27:3; Ps. 121:4). Secondly, God will use Zimbabwe as a “type” of Petra. “Petra (Isa. 33:16; Rev. 12:6, 14); an ancient city carved out of the rocks with cave like dwellings, located in Jordan. It will be the place where God hides and protects the Jewish people from the antichrist during the last three and a half years.” P158.

We will be a place of refuge and safety for many people, from all walks of life, and across the world. It will be one part of the Great Wealth Transfer for Zimbabwe, as these people will bring with them their wealth, their expertise, skills and vast knowledge and experience. We will also become the “breadbasket” of the world, that Cindy Jacobs prophesied about twenty-six years ago! As this area, from Matabeleland right up to the Congo, will be used for agriculture, to feed the nations. This will also bring GREAT wealth to Zimbabwe!

We are the end-time generation Jesus spoke about (Matt. 24:34). We are the last generation of the church age; we are the last ones holding the baton, we are the ones to finish the race. Therefore we are NOT to pass on our baton to anyone else, but to finish the race. Yes these times will be very difficult and will test us beyond what we think we can handle. But God will give GRACE and PEACE and STRENGTH to His people. He will give us patient endurance (Rev. 3:10) to be able to accomplish the great things He has in stall for His children. Adorning His bride before He takes her home!

I truly pray that you will take the time to absorb the contents of Asteroid Impact, even though hard, it will be crucial to understand how to navigate through these times! I pray for God’s supernatural peace to surround you, there is nothing to fear if you are in Christ and are safe in the ark of salvation.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His face toward you and give you peace. Num. 6:24-26. S.J.