Friday 26 March 2021

The COVID-19 Vaccines

There has been much controversy about the Coronavirus vaccines that have been brought out at the beginning of the year! Some say it will alter your DNA, others say it’s been made to cause mass sterilization of certain ethnic groups, others that nano particles have been inserted in it as a part of the end-time “mark of the beast” which have radio frequencies. I, for one, am very weary of it simply because it has not had enough time to be thoroughly tested and who knows what long-term side effects it will have?

I do not believe however, that this is the “mark of the beast” that the Bible is referring to as Rev. 13:16 says it will be implanted in a specific area of the body, on the right hand or the forehead. Some suggest in the skin in-between the thumb and forefinger? Yes, it will be microscopic or very small and can be inserted through an injection. But once inserted it cannot be removed! It will possibly have some form of mind control as well – you will not want to remove it! This scenario of vaccinations could very well be a forerunner or simulation exercise to see how to, in the future, actually implement the “real” “mark of the beast” or RFID chip? It will be a chip that has all your information on it, acting as your I.D. or passport but also includes all your personal information such as educational records, employment details, medical history, financial records and your hobbies and interest etc. It cannot be forced on you – you have to receive it willingly (just like Jesus cannot force you to become a Christian). So too Satan cannot force you to become his (this mark of the beast will identify you and mark you as his)! But he can use devious ways to deceive and coerce you into receiving it. Such as using financial and economic pressure! The Bible says that those who refuse the chip will not be able to buy or sell which includes everything even paying your utility bills. You will not have access to any employment or medical facilities or even be allowed to travel.

I just heard today that our government said we do not have to take the vaccine but if you don’t then without the vaccine certificate you will not be able to go to certain places etc. You can see that this is a way of putting pressure on you to conform to their ways! But for those who put their trust in God, He will provide a way for you where there seems to be no way and He will provide miraculous answers to difficult situations.

Again I don’t believe this vaccine has the “mark of the beast” included in it. It is only mentioned in Rev. 13 and is therefore implemented in the Tribulation period and possibly the second half of the Tribulation? It is also introduced by the “False Prophet,” the leader of the one-world religion. He will be the one who will try to enforce it even by using religious coercion. But having said all of that, it is definitely being prepared and perfected as we speak, and waiting in the wings! Soon and very soon it will be ready to be implemented! S.J.

(See Dr MK Strydom's article)