Thursday 15 December 2016

Word Seeds

Just lately I've been despondent & discouraged by hard, harsh & sometimes even cruel actions & comments by so called friends & have even thought well maybe I should just keep quiet & not say anything (as there is another important issue I wanted to share about the Jubilee)!!! But isn't it amazing how your own words will come back to you like a boomerang (for good or bad) like the saying, "You will eat your own words". Prov. 18:21 puts it so perfectly "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life)." Yesterday we were being taught on sowing & reaping... one of my favorite subjects which I have written a lot about over the years! It's a life principal that I've tried very hard to follow (still getting there haha) and Matt. 7:12 is the key to it ALL "Do for others what you want them to do for you..." TLB. Jesus wasn't trying to get us to be kind to each other haha oh no, He is teaching on the law of sowing & reaping here and it's a warning... God is not mocked what you do to others WILL come back to you (Gal.6:7)! Ok I got a little side tracked there... I wanted to add something from yesterday to my notes and came across this amazing statement that I had written years ago about words being seeds, while on the subject of the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:18-23) and the four different types of soil, representing the human heart and it's condition... "It is not our responsibility to see where the seed falls but only to be the continual sower of the Word, constantly sowing and scattering the seed and speaking the Word of God". Those were the "boomerang" words that I needed to hear today!!! You will note that 3 out of the 4 types of soil represent "hard hearts" only one type was "good, fertile soil". Again we are still to sow the Word seed even if only a very few will receive it! I once had an amazing picture... I was planting 3-4 seeds in the ground I then watered them and watched them grow into huge trees, bearing much fruit. When I looked again to my surprise behind these trees was another row of trees, then another, then another and another until I saw a huge orchard. Even if only 3-4 seeds fall in good fertile soil, those 3-4 will also sow seed and produce fruit themselves (in their circle of people)... then those too will plant more seed and so it continues to grow into a huge orchard. Yes there will always be the envious haters, backbiters & even slanderers out there who will do their best at trying to stop you! But just remember haters are always "benched" God will never use them, they will get to sit and watch while you play in the game of life & win all the goals and rewards!!! So be encouraged never give up always speak the words God puts in your mouth (Isa 59:21) as words have creative power for the positive or the negative (we can bless or we can curse), this is what differentiates us from all other creation. They are extremely powerful but also wield great responsibility (Matt. 12:36-37, James 1:26).