Thursday, 28 August 2008

Are You Ready


You know we have all heard about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Much has been said about it and for years many people have tried to predict His return, many false teachers and prophets and cults have emerged claiming they are Christ! Do you remember the chaos caused just before the new millennium? Many predicted a computer collapse that would cause world wide catastrophe! Have you noticed that even in the film industry there are many movies now days about “the end of the world” and the extinction of man kind. Man (even unbelievers in Christ) can sense something is about to happen! And it is true – something is about to happen! Jesus Himself said it will happen (God is not a man that He should lie Num 23:19, in fact it is impossible for Him to lie). He described it in detail (read Matt 24). He said that it will be just like in the days of Noah before the flood. People did not believe Noah when he tried to warn them – they mocked him and laughed at him saying he was crazy, they carried on as normal, eating, drinking and being merry! People wouldn’t believe what was going to happen until the flood actually arrived – but by then it was too late they had literally “missed the boat”. Jesus said (Matt 24:37-39, Luke 17:26) “so shall my coming be”. He also illustrated this in a parable about the ten bridesmaids Matt 25. Five of them filled their lamps with oil and were ready to meet the bridegroom when He arrived – the other five were not, their lamps had run out of oil. Vs 10-12 “the bridegroom (Jesus) came and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked …. The other five stood outside, calling, begging to be let in but he called back ‘Go away! It is too late!’ So stay awake and be prepared, for you do not know the date or moment of my return”. Luke 13:23-30.

You might be like one of those people in the days of Noah, mocking and laughing saying this is rubbish – it will never happen! But can I ask you what if it does?? I know this is inconceivable but what if you are wrong? What if the Bible (The Word of God – God’s map and life’s instruction manual for man kind) is actually true? Many prophecies that have been given throughout the six thousand years of man’s history have already come true. Every single prophesy (109) about Jesus came true to the last letter![1] Is it worth taking the risk that you could be wrong and so many different people from all different walks of life, throughout history, be right?

Or you might be like one of the bridesmaids, knowing it is true, that the bridegroom is coming but you put it off saying “he’s not coming now – it’s a long way off – someday I’ll get ready but I’ll postpone it until then, I have too much that I want to do first”. Well the five bridesmaids were caught unawares, by surprise and unexpected!! Almost every time Jesus spoke of His return He said it would be a surprise and unexpected like a thief in the night when no one is anticipating it Matt 24:48-51. So if you delay or postpone your decision it could be too late – Jesus said “Now is the accepted time of salvation” not tomorrow for tomorrow never comes does it? And besides not one of us has a guarantee of tomorrow. Don’t harden your heart (if you continue to harden your heart, you will come to a point of no return). Turn to Jesus right now today, don’t be foolish and put it off. Remember the end of this age (which means the end of time) is almost at hand, then we will step into eternity (eternity is without end – forever and ever). We are eternal beings and will live either in heaven or in hell for all eternity. Do you want to risk spending eternity in hell? Some people very foolishly joke about hell saying they are going to have a “gas” and live it up, having a perpetual party! I assure you after 3 seconds there you will beg to be released but there will never be any relief from torment! Luke 16:19-31.[2]

There are many signs that Jesus gave to show us when the end of the age is near. One was a change in the weather – that is definitely happening now! They have been talking about global warming for years now and no one has ever taken any notice but now we are seeing its effects, there are definite climatic changes taking place. This I believe will cause famines and food shortages which are being talked about all the time on our news! He also said there will be an increase in earthquakes and pestilence (infectious diseases that will affect man, animals and crops). An increase in lawlessness and sin and rebellious children that will hate their parents! Many wars and rumours of wars. Increase in inflation where a loaf of bread will be a days wage Rev 6:6.

Probable the most important sign is the move towards a one world government[3], a one world religion[4] and a one world currency and eventually the “mark of the beast” Rev 13:16 (a microscopic computer chip that will be inserted into the right hand or forehead containing all your information which will be able to be tracked and traced anywhere in the world). This is actually in use at the moment in animals and old people who have Alzheimer’s disease and is about to be implemented in Europe and USA by 2017. No one will be able to buy or sell without it but God warns that the wrath of God will be poured out on those who receive it, in undiluted form! Rev 14:9-11. This will happen during what the Bible calls the “Great Tribulation”, a seven year period that will begin after the rapture (this is when all the children of God are taken into heaven for the marriage feast 1 Thess 4:15-18). The Great Tribulation is described as the worst period of time in all of man kind’s history and if it’s not shortened all man kind will be destroyed (Matt 24:22). This seven year period is described in detail in the book of Revelations and its horrors are overwhelming – it describes how men will beg for death but death will not come!! Rev 9:6. Believe me you would not wish your worst enemy to go through the indescribable anguish of this time!!

But there is hope – you don’t have to go through this Great Tribulation! Jesus said He is the door, the way of escape John 10:9. In fact He claimed He is the Only Way! John 14:6. You might say what right does He have to claim that? What about other religions? Eastern religions offer many ways to God! Let me ask you first of all did any of these religious leaders die, to make atonement for my sins (to take my place of punishment)? You might argue – well I haven’t sinned – I’m a good person!! Oh really??? You might be good by man’s standards but how do you fair against God’s standards Isah 64:6, Rom3:23, after all He is the one that will judge us not man? Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen or cursed in the name of the Lord? Have you ever hurt anyone? Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Have you ever hated anyone or had unforgiveness towards them? Have you ever been proud? Isn’t it true that you have probably answered yes to all these questions? Well God is a Holy and righteous God and will not tolerate any form of sin Rev 21:8, 27 and will not allow sin to be in His presence! Then you might ask well what hope do I have then if I’m to be measured and weighed according to God’s standards? There is hope and His name is Jesus, the name above all names (above all other religious leaders) to which every knee shall bow (whether you believe Him or not) Phil 2:9-11. Will you bow to Him as your Lord or as your Judge? You see Jesus is the only one that ever lived a sinless life and was therefore qualified to die as a sacrifice for all man kind’s sin – to take my place of judgment so I can go free!! God punished Himself instead of me!! God laid down His own son’s life to shed His blood as atonement for my sin Jn 3:16, Heb 9:12. I could write a whole book just on this marvellous truth alone! Once you have grasped what Jesus actually did for us on the cross you will never be the same again! What Jesus did on the cross is available to anyone – the whosoever – to anyone, even if you think your past is so dark and evil that God could never forgive you, that is a lie, there is no sin the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse, but like everything else in life you have to accept a gift and receive it for yourself don’t you? If you are too proud and do not claim it, it will not be yours and you yourself will have to pay the penalty or debt owed for your sins (which is eternity of torment in hell). Just like if you were serving a sentence but had been given clemency or a pardon, if you are foolish enough to refuse it, you will then be required to pay your debt to society and complete your sentence.

Secondly you might ask well how do you know with such certainty that Jesus is the Son of God and not just a prophet like all the others such as Mohammad and Buddha etc? Ok answer this; did any of these prophets raise themselves from the dead? (which by the way is solid proof that you are God). Well what proof do you have that He actually did raise himself from the dead on the third day? Over 500 people were witnesses and saw Him alive after He was crucified! The 11 disciples who were the closest to Him were His witnesses and each one died a torturous death because they proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection! Would you die a death like that if you weren’t absolutely positive that it was true? In fact Jesus is alive today! He still performs miracles today! Many people testify to the incredible miracles of healing, physical and emotional, freedom from drugs and alcohol, financial miracles and uncommon favour, healing of broken relationships and marriages and many more – too many to mention here! Jesus said that the miracles that He performed was proof that He was God Jn 5:36.

Maybe the Lord is speaking to you right now and you can feel a stirring in your heart and you ask me well how do I become a part of God’s family, how do I receive this marvelous gift of salvation that I too can be free? Acts 2:21 says “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” All you have to do is ask Him to come into your heart. Rev 3:20 says “I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If anyone hears me calling him (the stirring in you heart) and opens the door, I will come in and enjoy fellowship with him and he with me”. Jesus will never force anyone, you have to invite Him. Maybe you have taken it for granted that you will go to heaven (because you were baptized as a baby) and have never actually invited Jesus to come into your heart? Why don’t you ask Him right now and pray this simple prayer:-

“Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. I believe you are the Son of God and that you died for me on the cross to pay for my sins and that you rose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to forgive me for all my sins. I ask you to cleanse me and make me whole and help me to turn away from things in my life that I know are wrong. From this day forward help me to follow you and serve you for the rest of my life – no turning back! Thank you Lord Jesus, by faith I now receive your gift of salvation and believe that what you have said, that it is now done! I am now a part of your family (don’t allow the devil to tell you otherwise!) AMEN”.

1. Now start to pray and read your Bible everyday and spend time with God to get to know Him. Start in the Gospel of John and use an easy translation, the King James version is difficult to understand. This is your spiritual food which you will need to grow. Matt 4:4, Jn 6:26, 1 Pet 2:2.
2 Join a Bible believing church – we need to be with other Christians so that we can encourage and uplift each other and help each other to grow! Heb 10:25.
3. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord. First go and tell someone close to you what you have done and then later tell others. Rom 10:9-10, Matt 10:32-33. This is important; if you keep it secret you will quickly fall back into your old way of life.
4. Repent, change your attitude toward sin, turn from any sin and make restitution if need be. Jn 8:4-11, James 4:8-10, Acts 3:19.
5. Choose to follow God’s leading and direction for your life. Obedience is greater than sacrifice and opens doors to many blessings 1 Sam 15:22, Deu 28. Love the Lord with all your heart and keep His commandments Matt 22:37-40.

Don’t become discouraged or give up because you fall into sin again. We will never be perfect until we see Jesus face to face. 1 Cor 15:52, 13:12. As soon as the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin confess it to God straight away. Tell Him of all your known sins, be honest with Him, then acknowledge that God has forgiven you through Christ’s death on the cross – the blood of Jesus has cleansed all of our sins, past, present and future!! Accept His forgiveness and don’t allow Satan to accuse or condemn you Rev 12:10, 1 Jn 1:9, Psm 32. A word of warning, don’t take sin lightly, thinking well God will just forgive me! There are terrible consequences to sin. 2 Sam 12:13-14, Heb 10:26-31.

Remember never give up 2 Cor 4:16-18, there are many promises to those who overcome and endure to the end Rev 21:7. The Lord has promised never to leave you or forsake you, He is with you always to help you through difficult times! Heb 13:5, Matt 28:20, Isah 49:15.

“Look, today I have set before you life and death, depending on whether you obey or disobey … blessing or curse. Oh that you would choose life; … Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey Him and to cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days” Deut 30:15-20.

[1] Check these references, prophesies about Jesus (only a few):- Micah 5:2, Matt 2:5, Isah 9:6, Zechariah 9:9, 11:12, 12:10, 14:4, Isah 42:1-9, 50:6, 52:14-15, 53, Psalm 22:6-18,16:10, 72:8, 110. Zechariah was from between 520-475 BC and there was no crucifixion in his day. Isaiah was from between 700-690 BC and Psalm 1000-300 BC.
[2] When I was a teenager my parents were friends with a younger couple, Walter & Shirley. One evening Shirley and I were in the kitchen making coffee and I had the opportunity to share the gospel with her, asking her to accept Jesus into her heart but she never did anything about it. Not long after that she went into hospital to have a minor cosmetic operation. Unfortunately a couple of weeks later she developed septicaemia, the infection could not be controlled and she died, she was only 32! While doing my homework one afternoon I had a vision of Shirley’s face which was in anguish, she was begging & pleading for me to help her but all I could say to her was ‘it’s too late – I can’t help you!’ That picture of her face will haunt me for the rest of my life & that’s why I plead with you – do not postpone your decision to accept Jesus into your heart - do it today while there is still time!

[3] Dan 2:31-45 describes the last world empire, the feet that are mixed with iron and clay, feigned unity. The leader of this empire, which is now known as the European Union, will be the antichrist, who will rule with terror in the last seven years of earth’s history. He will be revealed at the signing of a seven year peace treaty with Israel Dan 9:27. At present the EU is run by France’s President, taking his turn, but they are now at this very moment discussing about bringing in a permanent leader that will rule the EU. This one world government is known today as “The New World Order”, mentioned often in our news media. This years Olympics slogan is “One World – One Dream”.
[4] A one world religion that will embrace every single religion known to man including western and eastern religions as well as Satanism, witchcraft and the occults etc, claiming that there are many ways to God. Rev 17:5 calls this the whore or prostitute of idol worshippers! There is only One true God and only One way to Him through Jesus Christ and the cross of Calvary!

Monday, 14 July 2008

Zimbabwe Rejoicing


Zimbabwe why aren’t you rejoicing? Why aren’t your daughters singing and dancing in the streets, raising banners high singing praises to Me? Can you not see your redemption is here, can you not see that your freedom has been paid for and settled in full – it’s yours! The battle for your soul has been won – have I not done what I said I would do? Num 23:19.

You are My prized possession – you are the jewel in My crown Zech 9:16. When the nations come to worship Me you will be the first to be there Zech 14:16. You have been the last for so long but now you will be first Matt 19:30. I will not let your enemies overtake you – do you think they are more powerful than Me?? Isah 49:24-25. Can you name one man – just one – in all of history who thought he was greater than Me, ever overpower Me? Is there anyone who has ever defeated Me? How foolish you are to think your enemies are greater than Me, they are puny in My sight!![1]

None of your suffering has gone unnoticed, it has been measured in a weighing glass to be poured out in wrath against your enemies – no mercy will be shown them, for My children have suffered and even died by their hands, no mercy was given to them when they cried out for help – a blind, hardened heart was turned towards them – when they died their wicked hearts laughed! Woe to them for their punishment is very near Hab 2:6-17. It would’ve been better for them if they had never been born! You think I have not seen your suffering – you think I have not heard your cries of anguish? Does a father stand by and do nothing when his children are in pain? How much more will I, your Father rescue you and draw you close to Me and heal your wounds!

Change is about to happen, healing is about to happen, get ready for it, for you are about to be amazed at My Goodness. You are about to be “blown away” by the miracle that I will do for you!! Stop being discouraged, put away your despair, put on new garments of praise for a NEW DAY is about to begin! Get your barns ready, open them wide for they are about to be overflowing with abundance! Get ready for kings and rulers will come to see your glory and light that is shining from you Isah 60:1-5. Get ready for you will be the head and no longer the tail! You will lend to the nations and no longer borrow! Your children (your wealth) will flock back to you. You will no longer be the reproach of the nations but a shining jewel to be admired and envied! Many will seek your wisdom and counsel. You my child will lead many to Me by your example!!

So you see why I say REJOICE!!! Psm 98 & 100, sing for gladness, begin to shout and thank Me for all that I have done! Sorrow is no longer your portion, gladness and unspeakable joy is yours now! Shout about My amazing love for you – tell everyone you know for the God of Israel is also the God of Zimbabwe and just as Jacob’s name was changed so you will be given a new name for you are no longer a nation of ruins but you will be a rebuilder of nations – your children will rebuild cities and restore nations!!!
Isah 58:12, Amos 9:14.

Zimbabwe My precious child, always remember you are Mine and no-one can snatch you out of My hand, I will protect you and keep you because I LOVE YOU !

[1] Throughout history “incredible destruction” has always been given to those who have boasted of “their own incredible power”. Read the story of Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest King of that age, in Daniel 4:19-33 (key verse 29-31). Another example is Hitler. The builders of the Titanic boasted (to their utter doom) that the Titanic was the greatest ship ever built and that not even God could sink it! Such pride cost the lives of 1500 people! God will not share His glory with no mere man!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Zimbabwe in Despair


I have seen some amazing promises in the Word of God lately that pertain to us in this situation we are facing now! They have encouraged me and built my faith up (most of us are so despondent and have lost hope!) I hope they will encourage you too!

1. Isaiah 54:13-14 (Living Bible) “And all your citizens shall be taught by me, and their prosperity shall be great. You will live under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away; you will live in peace..” Amplified [you shall be far from even the thought of oppression or destruction…].

2. Isaiah 49:25-26 (Amplified Bible) “For thus says the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them. And I will make those who oppress you consume themselves [in mutually destructive wars], (I believe this means fighting amongst themselves, see 1 Sam 14:20) thus eating their own flesh; and they will be drunk with their own blood, as with sweet wine; and all flesh will know [with a knowledge grounded in personal experience] that I, the Lord am your Saviour and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

3. Deut 33:27,29 (Amplified Bible) “The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He drove the enemy before you and trust them out, saying, Destroy! 29 ….Your enemies shall come fawning and cringing, and submit feigned obedience to you, and you shall march on their high places.” Living Bible “Your enemies shall bow low before you, and you shall trample on their backs!”

4. Ezek 34:27,29 Amp “And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit and the earth shall yield its increase; and [My people] shall be secure in their land, and they shall be confident and know (understand and realize) that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have delivered them out of the hand of those who made slaves of them.” Living Bible “When I have broken off their chains of slavery and delivered them from those who profiteered at their expense, they shall know I am the Lord” (end of bondage and break the slave yoke off their necks, see Isah 10:27) 29 “….and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land nor bear the reproach of the nations any longer.” 36:6 “…you have suffered the shame and reproach of the nations”

5. Prov 3:26 Living Bible “you need not be afraid of disaster or the plots of wicked men, for the Lord is with you; he protects you.”

6. Rom 16:20 “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.”

I truly believe if the Church would call this nation to a fast and if people would humble themselves, seek Gods face and pray and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chron 7:14 and Joel 2:12) then God will hear us and heal our land and deliver us. Do you honestly believe a one minute prayer at 1pm is going to impress God??????? Would it you???? No if we really are serious and desperate enough to want change we need to fast – if not for ourselves but for our children’s sake and their future. Many times God saved the people of Israel from destruction when they as a nation fasted and prayed (Esther 4:16). “Could we be missing our greatest breakthroughs because we fail to fast? The Son of God fasted because He knew there were supernatural things that could only be released that way. How much more should fasting be common practice in our lives?” Pastor Jentezen Franklin.

Secondly we need to praise God in our situation, even when it looks hopeless! Praise is a powerful weapon against the enemy! If we stay in an attitude of complaining (which by the way is a sin!!) we will end up like the children of Israel stranded in the wilderness for 40 years because of their murmuring and complaining, in fact that whole generation did not go into the promised land. Isn’t it time to break free from this wilderness we are living in??? Isn’t it time to start thanking and praising God for He is an awesome God, all powerful, a mighty warrior and is coming back for His people soon, will He find us complaining and looking and concentration on the situation or praising and looking up to Him for our salvation?

Thirdly we need to start sowing in our famine or wilderness (Gen 26). Sow in times of famine, into the area of need and you will reap 100 fold (1 Kings 17:13). Giving is also a powerful tool in God’s hands. If we close our hand to God will He open His toward us??? Giving into anointed areas (soil) will break the yoke of bondage over us and we will begin to reap a harvest far beyond our dreams. God gave His very best, His only Son that He might reap a harvest of a family. Will we give our best, as a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God? If our giving doesn’t move us it certainly won’t move God! SJC

ISAH 1:19